3 Tips to Renew Your Energy Flow

Ever wish you had a bit more healthy energy without feeling “wired” or crashing afterwards?

I know this has been an ongoing quest for me!

Like so many things in nature, our energy is not a constant thing, but something that ebbs and flows.

So being intentional about how we work with and restore this flow is key.

Here are 3 simple ways to do that:

1) Reduce the number of decisions you’re making, especially early in the day.

Rachelle and I have noticed that having to decide and respond to multiple activity requests from our kids, emails, texts, and our own tasks for the day can drain our energy.

Even deciding what to wear or what to eat or what task to focus on first consumes energy.

After a weekend away where Rachelle expressed some of her own frustration with all the decisions coming our way, she came back from a 90 minute walk refreshed and happy, and told me that being intentional about her routine today is already making a difference for her.

How about you?

Do you have a routine that energizes you, minimizes the initial decisions you need to make, and allows you to build some momentum early in your day, before you start addressing new or unexpected tasks and decisions for the day?

2) Get outside — as part of her “new” routine, Rachelle told me this week she’s getting outside first and saving certain tasks (like cleaning the kitchen) for later so she can enjoy this week’s beautiful fall weather before it gets dark.

On a similar note, after taking our youngest son to the dentist to get an impression for the new tooth that’s replacing the one he lost at soccer recently (fun way to start a Monday!), we took a few minutes ourselves to throw a football at the park.

How can you be intentional about getting outside this week?

What’s a good time of day for you?

3) Allow time to recharge – this is a big one, so I may go further on this this week. For now, just give yourself permission to recharge – whether it’s turning off your phone and screens to get a good night’s sleep, taking a 10 minute walk mid-day, or even taking a power nap. Rather than always “pushing through”, sometimes it’s best to actually allow yourself to recharge.

Ok there you have it – 3 tips for supporting your energy flow and renewing your energy daily.

Which is your favorite or the one you want to work on this week? Or the biggest question you have about renewing your own energy?

Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

P.S. Want to get more tips & ideas to maximize your health and create a life you love? Hop on over to: Journey with Dr. Ben

A Key to Navigating Uncertain Times

Phew!  How many of you feel that life is rushing at us faster and faster?

So many changes, decisions, and unexpected challenges that impact us, both individually and as whole communities.

Some of you may have seen a reel I posted on FB & Instagram this week about two keys we can cultivate as we navigate these uncertain times of rapid change in the world together.

Rachelle and I were discussing these this week — and I’d venture to say these are more key than what’s in our bank account, our job or title, or our physical possessions, as all of these can fluctuate and are ultimately only temporary anyway.  

Plus as we’ve seen, these can change virtually overnight.

Cultivating these two keys can also help us generate what’s needed for ourselves and others in the areas above, or enable us to better pivot and adapt when change is coming.

So what are these two keys?

It’s actually one key — but it has both an “inner” and an “outer” aspect.

It’s *resourcefulness*

First “outer” resourcefulness — this may include developing a new skill leading to new competence and a new sense of self-confidence. 

Perhaps another source of income that’s not dependent on an employer.

It also definitely includes building and valuing the relationships in your life, as it’s people and community that ultimately transcend the merely material world and tap into the realm of ideas, solutions, meaning, mission, and even fulfillment and joy together. 

I would venture to say that, in addition to the “inner” resourcefulness I’ll mention in a moment, people and community are what will help us navigate whatever is on our path in the days to come.

That brings us to “inner” resourcefulness.

No matter how busy you are, it’s worth taking time to be still, to listen within, to pray, meditate, journal, go for a walk — whatever that looks like for you.

Our ability to cultivate an inner resourcefulness — an inner listening rather than just continually reacting to what’s “outside” — especially what’s on our screens or in the news — will help us both to be present to our lives and those around us, as well as to better respond to the people, needs, and situations that we can affect for good.

So today I’ll sign off with these two things to cultivate — our inner and outer resourcefulness — and the inner and outer connections this leads to.

After all, we’re all in this together.

With appreciation for you,


P.S. Want to get more tips & ideas to maximize your health and create a life you love? Hop on over to: Journey with Dr. Ben

Two tips to keep your energy flowing

Greetings from a rainy Friday afternoon in Louisville!

After some fun back-and-forth with my wife Rachelle throughout the morning as we read, listened to things online, and shared ideas, here are two quick tips for getting your energy flowing this weekend:

Move & Appreciate

One physical, one internal, and both get our energy flowing and can change our whole experience!

First, simply be intentional about moving your body — whether it’s walking vigorously and joyfully back and forth indoors like I did this morning (after walking in the rain earlier), playing with your kids, bouncing on the balls of your feet while swinging your arms, dancing, or going for a run — move your body, even just a few minutes at a time.

Next, appreciate.

Every moment that you think of it — and perhaps especially when you’re tempted to react, resist, or feel badly about something — pivot to find something to appreciate.

I’ve found even when I’m sipping our new saffron + magnesium blend at night (coming to the U.S.  on October 10th!) or taking my special blend of supplements, pausing a moment to appreciate, perhaps with my hand over my heart, recalibrates and re-aligns my whole system.

And both steps — moving & appreciating — keep our energy flowing. 

So here’s to practicing these two things over the weekend:

*Move & Appreciate*


P.S. Hop over here to get these posts via email plus an initial 7 days to maximize your health in just minutes a day

Two simple keys to stamina & feeling your best

These two thing have made a huge difference in my ability to play soccer with younger guys and recover well afterwards at age 58+ — and I’m not the one collapsing at the end of the game!

Enjoy the story & info below, and reach out if you’d like to know more about simple yet powerful solutions like these that can make a big difference in how you feel.


P.S. One thing I forgot to mention in the video — the story of how the young player and I ended last night demonstrates how we can now essentially “regenerate” our cellular energy and not hit the usual “wall” that even young athletes can hit who don’t have this key to “unlocking” healthy gene expression!

A simpler way to clear toxic buildup in your cells

Rachelle and I are sitting here at a great little coffeehouse in Charleston (the Harbinger Cafe) the day after our anniversary — 31 years! — and having fun sharing ideas from what we’re reading and exploring.  From P.G. Wodehouse to Narnia to reading about the Blue Zones with Dr. Mark Hyman (Forever Young) and now Professor Rose Anne Kenny (Age Proof), we’ve enjoyed laughing and sharing together things we love and ideas that spark, inspire, and challenge us.

Among these ideas during our drive down was the arena of “detoxing” — and how challenging it can be to complete the fasting, special diets, or key programs for detoxing that many are pursuing today.

One of the things I love about the partnerships we have access to are the international team of scientists and decades of research into aging, healthy gene expression, and specific extracts and blends from nature that can support our health in ways the “mainstream” media is just starting to catch up with.

You may have seen my prior blog post about our mitochondria, and today I want to highlight a particular blend of three ingredients that does something very unique — and in a much easier and potentially more effective way than many of the challenging “detox regimens” out there.

What is this blend and what does it do?  

With a specific combo of grape seed extract, red orange fruit extract, and broccoli seed extract, this blend helps restore our cells’ ability to remove the toxins and byproducts that have accumulated in them during the day.

Here’s an excerpt right from the product information page (PIP) on the website I’ve linked below:

With aging, our bodies can become less effective at
purification, and our cells begin to accumulate damage,
cellular waste, and toxic byproducts
. So, although we
normally are primarily concerned with eliminating external
environmental contaminants, it’s also important to target the
buildup and damage from our internal metabolism (breathing,
converting food to energy, and so on) that happens over
time and that can accelerate the aging process. Until now,
products haven’t focused on this internal source of aging—
they have focused on some symptoms of the problem
rather than a key source. Unlike a colon cleanse, which is
limited to the GI tract and only targets some systems, we
are providing a cellular cleanse
, which focuses on the internal
source by targeting gene expression patterns associated with
cellular purification.  (emphasis mine)

Now this doesn’t mean that other healthy choices aren’t important, too, but how cool that this kind of cellular purification can be restored — and all overnight while you’re sleeping to boot!

No “heavy lifting” required!

Being able to tap into nature’s bounty at such a high level — the “fruit” of teams of scientists and decades of research — has been a key part of my daily regimen and what has helped me to thrive all the way now into my late 50’s.

Want to benefit from this, too?

You can access this blend, called R2 Night right here:

R2 Night Cellular Purification Blend

Better yet, get the full R2 (Day & Night)  to get the daytime mitochondrial support, too.  

Ok — that’s a lot of info! Any questions, feel free to reach out to me.

Now back to my time with Rachelle — we head to a fun cottage at Folly Beach this afternoon continuing our anniversary week!

Blessings on your own health, and remember to do something you love today!

Yours in well-being,


P.S. Get more tips to Thrive with Dr. Ben by email here.

What station are you “tuned” into?

What if there are “realities” and things you want to experience that you cannot see, you cannot tap into, because of the “station” you’re tuned into?

I was just reflecting on this as I drove one of our sons to drop a car at the local Meineke this morning, then shared it in our morning coffee chat with a fellow dad, and finally created a little video about it.

Now I thought you might enjoy reflecting on this, too!

In short, we’re all “tuned into” certain beliefs and patterns of thinking and self-talk — often unconsciously — that create a kind of filter that only allow us to “see” things that reinforce our beliefs or match our pattern.

Hence, in a sense, what we believe — what we’re constantly thinking, talking about, and saying to ourselves — becomes our “reality”, and nothing else “exists” for us.

I had a mini experience of this recently when Rachelle drove off unknowingly with my sunglasses and I wanted to take a bike ride.  As my eyes were still feeling sensitive to the pollen in the air, I was bummed at first, wondering what to do.

Then I just “accepted” the situation and decided I was going to bike anyway and enjoy the ride.

As soon as I relaxed, an idea came to me — why not use one of the clear “glasses” that we have for protecting our eyes when using power tools?

Now just a moment before, those glasses didn’t “exist” for me — they didn’t exist in my reality, and I couldn’t “access” them.

But as soon as I relaxed my own reaction to the situation, all of a sudden I was able to “tune into” another channel, and get another idea — and in a sense, “manifest” something out of thin air!

Now you may be saying those glasses were already there — but for me they weren’t, until that moment that I became aware of them.

How about for you?

What might be “already there” around you that you can’t yet “see”, because of certain beliefs, reactions, or self-talk — and what if you were to relax a moment — release your current thinking, beliefs, or patterns — and make room for something new, for a new idea, a new possibility, even a new way of being?

What might you discover?

Have fun pausing and playing with this idea.

Yours in wellbeing,


P.S. Ready to get more tips to thrive by email? Join me here.

Are you choosing your programming?

Ever feel like you’re continually getting pulled in multiple directions? Like there’s always something vying for your attention?

In a sense, we’re all being programmed, or influenced, all the time.

The question is – are we choosing our programming?

Are we choosing what we’re giving our attention to, what we’re listening to, and what we’re thinking and talking about, or is someone or something else determining that for us?

What if we all took moments in our day to “step away”, to turn off outside media, voices, the news – and even step away from emails, messages, and others’ requests – and “tuned in” to silence…

…to space

…to stillness

And perhaps to our “inner voice”, nudges, inspiration, and inner knowing?

Ever get a great idea while walking?

Or in the shower?

We live in a busy world, and there are so many things calling for our attention.

Perhaps two conscious steps we can take are to choose what we’re listening to – something that stretches us, challenges us, or lifts our mood and makes us feel good.

And then second – to take moments in our day to “unplug” even for 60 seconds – to be still, go for a walk, listen, journal, and allow space for something besides what’s coming to us externally.

One place I’ve practiced this is at the kitchen sink, or pausing between activities to just be still a moment – perhaps place my palm over my heart, take a few deep breaths, or say a little prayer or affirmation for the day. This immediately shifts my nervous system and reconnects me to more than just my external circumstances.

How about you? Ready to choose your “programming”, and then even to step away at times from all programming and listen within? Or have you been practicing this already? If so, would love to hear what’s working for you, and what you’ve noticed along the way!

Where does your value come from?

I tend to read multiple books at the same time (especially my non-fiction ones), and one of the books Rachelle and I have really been enjoying lately is Kyle Cease’s The Illusion of Money.

He has a chapter in there called “Raising Your Value” that sparked some thoughts today regarding something that many of us face in life — whether in our career, our relationships, or our work as an entrepreneur — and which can profoundly affect how we feel and how we show up — and ultimately the results we create, too. 

First a question — 

Where does your value come from?

Many of us may have an initial spiritual answer — our faith, our Creator, our family, love — and we also believe each of us has an intrinsic value.

But how many of us often “forget” this value when we’re engaging with the world, and especially when we’re in business or marketing a product or service, or paying our bills?

So here’s a question for us all as we go through our day, interacting with the world, posting on social media, and engaging in conversations:

Where does our value come from?  Are we needing external validation — whether it’s a title, promotion, our bank account, our results, or others’ perception and response to us  — or are we letting our creativity, gifts, joy, and intention flow through us into our work, our posts, our conversations, our day regardless of how people seem to respond?

What if we chose to let what inspires and energizes us flow through us and approached our day and our interactions with a bit of curiosity and even a sense of adventure?

What if we allowed ourselves to create, share, and — as one of my key mentors whom many of you know, Artemis Limpert, says — “beacon out” without being attached to the outcome?

What if we “showed up” in life or our work or business with the thought “I am an amazing person, and I see your brilliance, too.  Let’s see if we can partner and create something magnificent together?”

Those of you who journal, you might enjoy taking a moment to write a couple thoughts that are stirring in you right now. And feel free to share them in the comments below — I’d love to hear what’s stirring in you!

Then expand your awareness as you bring these thoughts to how you show up in your day.

Food for thought as we go forward creating a life we love.


P.S. Get more tips to Thrive with Dr. Ben by email here.

Are your mitochondria healthy?

From exercise to fasting to cold plunging, people are trying all kinds of things to support these little “engines” in our cells, called mitochondria, that make ATP and basically supply the energy for everything our cells do, from brain function to heart and muscle function and even tissue healing.

Everything requires energy, and at the cellular level, energy starts with our mitochondria.

But did you know that as we age, our mitochondria decrease in number and in efficiency? Kind of like a car engine that gets less efficient year after year. And just like that car engine, we want to give our mitochondria a regular “tune up” so they can function at their best – which means we function at our best!

Here’s a little clip about a key way Rachelle and I have found to support our mitochondria, and what that’s meant for us.

Feel free to share with a friend or loved one who could benefit, too, and reach out with questions or leave a comment below! Enjoy!

P.S. Get more tips to Thrive with Dr. Ben by email here.

Foggy thinking, poor sleep, not at your best? Try this!

Recently I created a brand new video for any of you that ever have foggy thinking, poor sleep, or don’t feel at your best.

One big factor could be excess levels of cortisol from chronic stress, which virtually all of us experience these days, and which can have a profound impact on our mood, sleep, metabolism, ability to function, and even our weight, immune function, and menstrual symptoms for women.

In case you’d like to see it (it’s just 6 mins), here’s the video and the solution I’ve found that combines 5 ingredients from nature in a convenient capsule:

Ready to try this natural stress solution yourself? It could make a significant difference for you, and I look forward to hearing your own experience!

P.S. Get more tips to Thrive with Dr. Ben by email here.