“Steering” Through Your Day

Ever feel your day is a bit “bumpy”? What if you could “steer through life” with more and more ease and joy?

It takes deliberate practice – but it can be fun, especially when we do it together.

This week I was talking to my team about how sometimes our life is kind of like those little cars at Disneyland.

Remember those?

Growing up in Southern California, we had these little cars at Disneyland where there’s a rail underneath in the middle. You could kind of feel like you were driving, but if you steered too much one way or the other, you’d bump that little track and it would bump you back to center.

Now how about in our lives?

How many times do we get bumped?

We go off to the side by something we see or something we think. Often it’s judgment or comparison to someone else or judgment of ourselves.

Or it’s overwhelmment. We’re looking at too many things at once and we start to veer off and bump, and it can be a very bumpy ride through our day and through life!

But what if we intentionally recognize, “Oh, I’m just bumping the sides. Let me steer towards center…steer towards center…steer towards center…and the more I steer towards center to what I want and where I’m wanting to go, the smoother my day becomes.”

Next time you start to feel your day getting a little bumpy, remember the picture of these little cars at Disneyland and steer back towards your center — particularly how you want to feel and where you want to go.

Have fun steering through your day!

P.S. Ready for an insider’s secret? I’m sharing my best health-transforming mind-body strategies (the ones that have helped me and many others over the years) beginning with a special 7 Day Journey via email.

These aren’t your typical “drink more water” tips (though they are just as simple) – we’re talking game-changing insights that’ll help you feel your best more and more of the time, and empower you to create a life you love.

Want in? → Begin Your Journey Now

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

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