3 Tips to Renew Your Energy Flow

Ever wish you had a bit more healthy energy without feeling “wired” or crashing afterwards?

I know this has been an ongoing quest for me!

Like so many things in nature, our energy is not a constant thing, but something that ebbs and flows.

So being intentional about how we work with and restore this flow is key.

Here are 3 simple ways to do that:

1) Reduce the number of decisions you’re making, especially early in the day.

Rachelle and I have noticed that having to decide and respond to multiple activity requests from our kids, emails, texts, and our own tasks for the day can drain our energy.

Even deciding what to wear or what to eat or what task to focus on first consumes energy.

After a weekend away where Rachelle expressed some of her own frustration with all the decisions coming our way, she came back from a 90 minute walk refreshed and happy, and told me that being intentional about her routine today is already making a difference for her.

How about you?

Do you have a routine that energizes you, minimizes the initial decisions you need to make, and allows you to build some momentum early in your day, before you start addressing new or unexpected tasks and decisions for the day?

2) Get outside — as part of her “new” routine, Rachelle told me this week she’s getting outside first and saving certain tasks (like cleaning the kitchen) for later so she can enjoy this week’s beautiful fall weather before it gets dark.

On a similar note, after taking our youngest son to the dentist to get an impression for the new tooth that’s replacing the one he lost at soccer recently (fun way to start a Monday!), we took a few minutes ourselves to throw a football at the park.

How can you be intentional about getting outside this week?

What’s a good time of day for you?

3) Allow time to recharge – this is a big one, so I may go further on this this week. For now, just give yourself permission to recharge – whether it’s turning off your phone and screens to get a good night’s sleep, taking a 10 minute walk mid-day, or even taking a power nap. Rather than always “pushing through”, sometimes it’s best to actually allow yourself to recharge.

Ok there you have it – 3 tips for supporting your energy flow and renewing your energy daily.

Which is your favorite or the one you want to work on this week? Or the biggest question you have about renewing your own energy?

Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

P.S. Want to get more tips & ideas to maximize your health and create a life you love? Hop on over to: Journey with Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

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