For Expecting Parents & Nursing Moms…

From time to time I get questions about pregnancy and birth, and the different options, choices, and decisions that arise.

Despite all the “science” and technology that now surround us, many parents intuitively sense that there may be answers for them that are more simple and yet more profoundly impactful than what technology alone can measure or medical science can tell them.

My wife and I have experienced this firsthand ourselves with our first 5 children, all of whom were born at home (after the first birth, Rachelle said just knowing she could get up and use the bathroom whenever she wanted was a big “plus”, not to mention being in her own bed and comfy chair and being waited on hand and foot right after the birth…), and I’ve also counseled many couples and worked with 100’s of deliveries both at home and in the hospital.

And now as Rachelle and I are expecting #6, and all the kids can eagerly feel her “kicking”, we again enter the mystery of what happens in the womb and at birth.

Last night Rachelle told me she’s been talking to “Ginny”, and wrote out some affirmations for the two of them for the birth, realizing that that will be a special time of their first “partnering” together as mother and child—in the powerful act of birth.

Given these experiences, and knowing there are many out there who would love to bounce ideas and questions off us from both a “professional” and personal perspective, we thought we’d find out how many are actually readers of this blog and the Dr. Ben email letter, and whether we could serve them in some way.

So…if you’re an expecting parent, or a nursing mom—that also is a wonderful journey that can generate much question and mystery—and you’d like to talk directly, simply say so in the comments below, and even leave a question or topic that you would love addressed.

If there’s enough interest, Rachelle and I may host an open teleconference call in the next week or two to connect with you all and address your questions.

Much love and blessings to you all!

Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

5 thoughts on “For Expecting Parents & Nursing Moms…”

  1. Congratulations, guys! We are expecting our 4th due in mid-October.

  2. I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to you and your growing family 🙂 As a grandmother, this blog won’t be for me but I read everything you send and this would have been a perfect blog for my daughter a year ago when she was expecting. She had a c-section two years ago and it was a traumatic experience – it wasn’t planned and she had had a perfect pregnancy and planned on nursing. Nothing went as planned and she ended up back in the hospital with severe depression that required medical attention for over a year. Baby number 2 arrived 22 months later and this time she had a vaginal birth but hemoraged shortly afterwards and had to have transfusions and once again failed at nursing. So, you can see, I would have welcomed a blog like this with a Dr. like you to have consulted her during these pregnancies and deliveries! You are doing an awesome thing for a lot of people out there. Again, Congratulations to you and your family – I am so happy for you.

  3. Dr Ben delivered my first daughter at home, over 4 years ago. What a blessing and joy to have Dr Ben there for us. I am now in my 6th month of pregnancy #2 and we plan on delivering at home once again, God willing. Thank you Dr Ben for a wonderful first delivery and for all your words of encouragement!

  4. Great to hear from each of you, and Congratulations to Bonnie, Richard, and May as well!

    Birth…and new life…is a wonderful, challenging, and rewarding experience that I’m privileged to share with you all!

  5. Congratulations! There’s nothing more happier than to see you own child and raise it with your wisdom. CS Step 2

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