A Guide to Living…From An Unexpected Source…

A friend from the business team I’m a part of just shared this video from Oprah with me.

It’s only 10 minutes, but it could change your life and how you choose to live today.

Using the questions and steps from the prior post “Changing Our Patterns“, ask yourself what steps you’ll take and what you will change as a result of watching this video, and leave your comments below.

Don’t miss the final line and picture…ask yourself, what message are you choosing to leave as a legacy today?


Dr. Ben

If the above video doesn’t play, you can view it here.

Natural Health and Healing: Changing Our Patterns

I just spent a few minutes browsing online at Amazon on natural
health and healing books and reading some of the customer reviews.

There’s a wealth of great information, research, and opinions 🙂
and varying life experiences out there…and it can easily become
overwhelming (unless you just love the “browsing” itself).

One of the things I’ve noticed in myself, and in both my business
and wellness coaching clients, is that the (at times compulsive)
desire to read and research for the latest information can easily
outpace actual application…

…actual change in our own health and
our own lives.

So today I want to make a suggestion.

It begins with asking yourself a question.

Before you go to bed tonight, ask yourself, of all the things you
read, learned, and experienced today–whether in health, business,
relationships, or anything else—what’s one thing you can act on in
the next 24 hours?

Let’s go one step further–imagine for a moment, and picture if you
can, exactly what you’ll say or do.

Will you take a few slow, deep breaths and think of 3 things to
appreciate when you first awaken in the morning?

Will you look for more natural “color” in the foods you choose to eat–
and pick an extra vegetable or fruit for a snack “on purpose”?

Will you set aside 20 minutes for a walk, or to read to your kids,
or to look in the eyes of your spouse?

Ask yourself this question.

Be intentional.

Take a step.

It’s these daily, intentional steps that change our patterns…

…and our results.

Let me know your own comments, questions, and feedback in the
comments below.

What step have you taken recently to change a pattern?

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

Quick tip to increase your focus and energy

Here’s a quick tip to increase your focus and energy, and get more done in less time:

**Use planned breaks**

Have you ever noticed when you’ve got somewhere to go, you can get your work done—-whether it’s housework, studies, office work, or business tasks—-a lot faster?

And when you’ve got “all day” or “all night” to do something, the same task can “drag on” and take forever?

So experiment with this over the next few days. Set a time limit for any task, or break your task up into segments, and plan refreshing breaks—-something you look forward to—-as a goal along the way.

Let me know how this increases your focus and energy, and enables you to get more done in less time in the comments below!

Dr. Ben

Healthy Weight Loss

Okay, I know this is a big issue for many, and there’s tons of information, ideas, and products promising all kinds of results.

So here I’ll share a few key thoughts with you, and then refer you to two powerful programs that have made a big difference for people I’ve known or coached.

First, let’s start with a couple assumptions. I’m going to assume that:

1) You’re reading this because you want to lose weight.

2) You want to do so in a healthy way.

3) You want to feel good and even “enjoy” the process if possible

4) You want the results to last

Does that sound like what you’re looking for?

Okay, well right off the bat, let’s shift your focus.

From now on, don’t focus on “losing weight.”

Focus rather on the way you want to feel.

Do you want to feel energetic, enthusiastic about your life, and great about how you look?

All right, terrific!

Let’s start there.

Develop a mental picture, and a feeling, of how you want to look and feel.

Start to imagine that, live in that, and celebrate already how good it feels.

Next, find something you can use as an emotional “anchor” to immediately “tune into” whenever you’re feeling “blah” and wanting to eat just because you don’t feel good about anything else at the moment.

Find something to get excited about.

Maybe it’s a book you’re reading, a business you’re starting, a new hobby, music you love, or a new relatiionship.

The key here is to choose something that you can consciously use to “feel better” instantly, and that’s not dependent on someone else’s behavior.

So if what’s exciting you is a relationship or friendship, choose something that makes you feel good–writing a note, giving a compliment, making a friendly reocmmendation–and that’s not dependent on the other person’s repsonse, but rather where the good feeling you get on your end is complete in itself.

Okay, we got side-tracked on the relationship tangent for a moment…

Now, some have called this practice “flip-switching”–learning to shift your focus and thereby “flip a switch” to feel better instantaneously.

And this works best when you already have something picked out ahead of time that makes you feel good…so whenver the “blah’s” come on, you can immediately think of that and “tune in” to better feelings again.

Okay, now for a couple physical steps:

1) Practice savoring your food, and how good you feel and the energy you gain as you focus on “quality” and savoring rather than mere quantity. For more on this, and a couple pracitcal examples, listen to the 10 minute audio here.

2) Along these same lines, practice eating less at any one time–stop a little before you’re full. And you can make this easier by knowing you can eat again in a little while if you really want to…

This practice will give your body a chance to register what you’ve just eaten–often you’ll feel fuller in a few minutes even without eating anything more, and especially once your attention gets shifted to something you’re interested in—and eating smaller amounts more frequently rather than large amounts all at once can be a great trigger to rev up your body’s metabolism or rate of calorie burning and energy production.

A great tip from the FatLoss4Idiots guide (which I recommend below) is this: the next time you’re at a restaurant, take home half your meal or at least your dessert, and eat it a couple hours later. That way you spread your calories out and again trigger your metabolism to burn rather than store…

Now, before I recommend a couple great tools, you want to be sure to anchor “the one key barrier you must release to heal” from lesson two of the 7 day free e-course Your Road Map to Health With Dr. Ben . If you don’t, you can get caught up in the frenzy of chasing after one weight loss fad after another without ever achieving the internal peace and external results you’re seeking.

In fact, most peole will never need anything beyond what’s contained on this page, and the resources pointed to here, if they really take to heart and apply what they learn here, and especially if they build this on a complete foundational wellness program.

Remember, this is all about changing your patterns with daily practice to create a new…and lasting…result.

So now for the tools, or “programs”.

The first is purely “informational”, but I call it a “tool”, because it really equips you with practical steps, and even a complete 11 day meal plan if you wish, to begin shifting your metabolism and releasing unwanted weight. (And the meal plan is customizable from a list of foods with a special online “calculator” that’s fun and easy to use—the “calculator” does the work for you.)

The program is called FatLoss4Idiots. It’s very reasonably priced—just a one time purchase, and is something you can learn and use right away to make a difference in your weight and how you feel this week. (You have an option to get a more “complete” package at the time of purchase, and that’s what I’d recommend—the extra tips and guidelines you get for a few extra bucks are well worth it and are easy to learn and apply.)

My only caveat is to avoid the artificial sweeteners and diet sodas mentioned in this program (these aren’t essential to the program, and are better avoided for other health reasons). You can read a further review of the program here.

Note: You’ll also learn something just from visiting the site.

I’ve gotten great feedback from people I’ve coached who’ve used this program, because they feel “in control” in a way they’ve never felt before, and the program is so simple and doable, you can get results right away.

If you’d like to read Natalie’s detailed comments and experience of the program, you can review her comments here.

The second program I recommend is a bit more “involved” and requires an ongoing monthly investment—but because of the money you save on food, and the extra “snacks” you’re no longer craving and therefore no longer spending money on, the feedback I’m getting is that most people come out about even dollar-wise with this program, too.

This second program is called “My Victory”, and before I send you to the site, here’s some info you’ll want to know.

First, My Victory comes from a very reputable nutritional company that I’ve marketed to pateints and coaching clients for years because of their excellent research and high quality control. The My Victory program itself uses all natural ingredients that balance your cravings and support a healthy metabolism and energy without any “controversial” factors.

The key ingredients are divided between the supplements and the shakes, so you get the most complete effect using both, but I know people who’ve gotten great results with just one or the other, too.

A unique factor about the My Victory program is that it also uses very fancy technology, normally only available in a specialized lab, to enable you to measure your personal calorie burn each day—just by wearing an armband and then hooking it up to a computer once a day.

So every day, you can actually see whether or not you’ve burned more calories than you’ve eaten or consumed, and you can celebrate a “victory” every day as you walk down a “weight-releasing” trend.

And the feedback I’m getting from My Victory users is that they’re losing weight without feeling cravings or feeling like they’re depriving themselves, and their energy level is great.

Lastly, My Victory has just partnered with a novel “podfitness” program where you can choose from a variety of trainers and download workouts–with your own music–to your i-pod to developo your own personalized fitness program each day.

To learn more aboutt My Victory you can visit www.myvictoryplan.com . When you’re ready to register, just go here and follow the directions. Oh, you’ll likely be asked for a sponsor code. If someone has already referred you to this program, you can get a sponsor code from them. Otherwise, you can use US9479090.

So there you have it.

Remember to focus on how you want to feel.

Learn to live in the vision and good feeling of what you’re creating every day.

Learn the lesson of “the one key barrier you must release to heal” from lesson two of Your Road Map to Health With Dr. Ben.

Savor your food and divide your eating into smaller portions throughout the day.

Find an emotional “anchor” you can focus on to feel good in any moment.

And then if you’re ready for a specific “program” to further equip you on your weight-releasing and physique-enhancing journey, consider the excellent and fun to use FatLoss4Idiots program with it’s inexpensive one-time fee, or the My Victory program with it’s comprehensive support system. (Click on the “Get started” tab at upper right, and get a sponsor code from the person who referred you here, or use US9479090 if you don’t have one.)

With either program, you’ll be well on your way to looking good and feeling great!

And as always, I look forward to hearing about your own experiences, questions, and feedback in the comments below.

Your friend and partner in health,

Dr. Ben

Natural Healing by Being Influenced “For Good”

A couple weeks ago I sent my  Road Map To Health readers a
link to a song “For Good” on YouTube that moved me, and it elicited
quite a response from some of them, too.

Shortly after that, while speaking to about 800 people at a
“business” conference, I ended my talk by saying how much I
had been changed “for good” by the people there that had come
into my life, and then I asked everyone to close their eyes…

…and I played a clip of my 8 year old daughter
Emmie singing that same song…

And in seconds, many that were there got in touch with something
deep inside themselves and were even moved to tears…

Now why I am sharing this here?

I’m realizing that whether it’s with our health, our business or
work, or our relationships, it’s our ability to get in touch with
something meaningful beyond the “noise” of our daily burdens
and tasks that feeds our spirit, inspires us, and moves us to
embrace a life of meaning, purpose, wholeness, and joy.

And it’s our ability to influence ourselves, by opening our hearts
and allowing ourselves to be moved, that can bring great
healing to ourselves and others.

And with that said, I wanted too give you a chance to hear the
same clip here…just click on the “play” button,
turn up your speakers, and close your eyes:


(my daughter Emmie & wife Rachelle singing an excerpt from “For Good”.
You may even hear my 18 month-old Benen pipe in at one point…)


Dr. Ben

P.S. If you missed the link on YouTube, here it is as well: