Welcome to Day #4!
Today we’re changing the rules…another key step to transforming your health and your life, and one you won’t normally find in a “health” newsletter.
The following is excerpted from Maximize Your Health In Just Minutes a Day with Dr. Ben, something you’ll continue to receive if you initially opted in for this 7 day series there:
This morning I was discussing with a couple team members the difference between Newtonian physics, which follows a set of “rules” that seem to hold true for most physical situations, and the more recently described theory of relativity and quantum physics, which describe phenomena in newly discovered situations where Newtonian rules don’t seem to hold “true”.
Many of us have grown up with a set of “rules” about earning and deserving–and to an extent, these rules have seemed to hold true and to “work”.
If you work hard, you can earn money, approval, even love…
and conversely, if you don’t work hard, do a good job, do something right, “earn” it…then you don’t deserve money, approval, love, happiness.
But is there another way to live that would bring more fulfillment and joy than the “earn” principle?
I’m recognizing my own tendency to try to “earn” and to resist receiving what I feel I haven’t “earned”.
This morning while sitting on the porch with my wife before everyone else awoke, I realized that many of the great stories from the Bible involved people receiving a promise that went way beyond anything they could see or earn–whether it was a way across the sea, water in the wilderness, or an heir to a childless couple later in life.
In fact, the last 24 hours, the phrase “And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness” keeps coming back to me.
Abraham’s “approval”, and his becoming the father to a whole nation, was based solely on his believing God–and that when his outward condition gave no evidence that this would be so.
“Earning” works to a certain extent–but it’s hard work and often leaves us still striving and resisting.
What if we could learn to trust and surrender, to believe and receive, to allow our good to come to us based on grace, based on being, based on faith, rather than on our works or our “earning”.
A level of surrender is certainly required–surrender of our pride, our feeling of control, our habits of thinking and talking to ourselves.
But what joy to really be free to receive!
Whatever your spiritual persuasion, many are now recognizing a Source whom I personally call God that is all around us and is for us.
An affirmation adapted from Florence Shinn that’s assisted me recently is “God is my unfailing supply, and large sums of money now come to me quickly, under grace, in perfect ways.” You could fill in whatever supply you are seeking–abundant life, vibrant health, and so on.
“God is my unfailing supply, and vibrant health now flows to me daily, under grace, in perfect ways…”
Believe and receive. Allow your good to come to you.
Okay, that’s lesson 4.
Today we “Changed the Rules” and discussed another key factor to healing, receiving, and abundance.
Have your own experience with earning vs. receiving? I’d love to hear from you below!
Dr. Ben
P.S. Ever feel lousy and just don’t know how to change it, even though you want to?
Find out how in tomorrow’s lesson! Not subscribed? You can do so here: Maximize your health in just minutes a day with Dr. Ben
copyright 2008-2024 Ben Lo, MD