Helps you manifest with ease…

Today is the day you can get your Mind Movies
Creation Kit right here at 10 a.m. Pacific:

Mind Movies Creation Kit

This is the one “tool” that’s
had the single biggest impact on me since I started using it
last fall, and there’s a number of bonuses as well as a f.ree
upgrade to version 2.0 for the first people that get the kit

Also, it looks like they’re re-releasing it in digital format,
which is a much better price than I paid for it last fall! 🙂


Dr. Ben

Feeling Good–Now or Later?

I have lived much of my life rather compulsively—feeling that
if I just got such and such done, then I could relax and feel

How about you?  Are you waiting until your house is clean,
your taxes are done, your weight is just right, or you’ve
finally made it financially—are you waiting until then to
feel good?

Most of us tend to do this by default—it’s how we’ve been

But what I’ve discovered is that choosing to feel good now
not only is more enjoyable, but also opens the door for all
these other things, at least the ones that are truly important,
to get done in their own good time as well.

How can you feel good before everything’s the way you want it?
Ah…that’s an art and a discipline we all are learning. 

First of all, recognize that it’s a choice—what you choose to
say to yourself, how you choose to view a situation, what
attitude you choose to have, and what influences you surround
yourself with.  A great first step is simply choosing to be
grateful—give thanks for everything good in your life right
now, and even step out and give thanks for the good that’s
coming as if it’s already yours.

To a blessed and wonderful week!

Dr. Ben

An emotional key to manifesting any change you desire.

In working with my business team, I’ve noticed a pattern that
tends to get “overlooked” in practice, but is extremely key
to the success or failure of “manifesting” a desired change
in any aspect of your life.

Whether it’s a result in your business, a change in your health,
or some other area of your life where you’re wanting to create
something that’s not yet in your physical experience…

I’ve noticed a consistent pattern that’s key to actually seeing
fulfillment of what you’re wanting to manifest—-and there’s lot’s
of historical precedent for this pattern as well. 🙂

The key seems to be that there’s a “necessary” amount of time,
which may vary for the person or situation, that’s required to
keep our attention on the change or result we’re wanting to see
(rather than the lack of it), and it’s this attention, and the
emotional consistency that follows from it, that’s the key
difference between someone who “tries” for awhile and then
gives up, vs. the person who actually sees and experiences the
fulfillment of their “dream”.

Here’s two examples that will better clarify what I mean—-one from
an “ancient” text, and the other a simple analogy.

The “ancient” text is the biblical story of the Children of Israel
wandering in the desert for 40 years when they could have entered
the promised land almost right away.

What led to the delay?

Well, one key factor seems to be the recurrent tendency to “give up”
on the promise they’d been given…and to “murmur and complain”.

Keep that in mind as we consider the following analogy.

Imagine that the result you’re wanting to manifest—-whether it’s
in your health, your finances or business, or some other area of
your life—-is like a crop, say of corn.

And let’s say your crop has a set time—-say 90 days—-to grow fully
and bear fruit.

Well, what if every 45 days, or every 85 days, you “throw in the towel” emotionally,
and walk away from your “crop” because nothing seems to be “happening” yet–at
least not what you want?

Can you see how you could painfully prolong receiving the very fruit
you’ve been sowing toward, much like the Children of Israel delayed
their entrance into the promised land?

So how about making a deal with yourself.

How about taking a moment to reflect on something that you’re really
looking forward to experiencing—-maybe it’s more energy, a better physique
for the summer, growth in your business, or an increasing amount of surplus
at the end of each month—-and taking off the internal “time limit” when you
tend to judge whether something’s “working” or not…and instead, hold to
the promise…the “dream” that draws you…and keep your attention and
your emotions steadily in line with that dream regardless of how things
“look” at the moment…

You may soon look around and find the very thing you’re wanting to experience
is “suddenly” here.

Dr. Ben

P.S.  I’d love to hear your own stories of holding fast to a vision or dream
despite how things looked at the moment, and you can share them in the
comments below.

Two ways to learn the Science of Getting Rich

Here’s a quick heads up on two ways to get this powerful
resource…and one of them is free

Many of you know of “The Secret” DVD that became popular
in the last couple of years and showed many how powerfully
our own thoughts and feelings affect our life experience.

Well, last night Bob Proctor, one of the speakers on “The
Secret”, released a digital download version of his in depth
Science of Getting Rich course.

This is a very comprehensive and powerful course, and the
digital version makes it accessible to virtually everyone.

You can access it directly here:

Bob Proctor’s Science Of Getting Rich Course

If for some reason you’re not ready to invest in the full
course, which “unpackages” years of experience and application
of Wallace Wattles’ original work, you can still at least
get Mr. Wattles’ book as a free download through Rebecca
Fine’s site

Give yourself one of these gifts…and consider sharing with
a friend as well.


Dr. Ben

For your weekend listening…

Just learned about this interview between Bob Proctor & John
Assaraf (2 of the spkrs on The Secret DVD), where John talks
about the personal strategies behind his success, and the key
role Bob played.

I’ve had the privilege of meeting John Assaraf a few years
ago, and am looking forward to listening to this interview
myself this weekend!

You can access it here.


Dr. Ben