I mentioned yesterday that I’m “connecting the dots” in new
ways using Adrian’s “Law to Success” program.
Late last night I listened to and simultaneously read another
module, and immediately anchored a 3-word phrase that I wrote
on my planner to implant in my brain and apply throughout
What I’m finding is that Adrian’s succint and focused modules
each give me at least one idea or new way of connecting what
I already know that I can immediately apply in a more focused
and purposeful way…without getting lost in a “forest” of
information that I don’t end up using…
His first module on “Energy” gave even me 🙂 a whole new way
of looking at and categorizing foods that was both simple
and powerful.
And I understand there’s still some spots left…
So if you haven’t already, be sure to grab your own
copy of Adrian’s Law To Success Program here.
I look forward to hearing your own results!
Dr. Ben