Connecting the dots…

I mentioned yesterday that I’m “connecting the dots” in new
ways using Adrian’s “Law to Success” program.

Late last night I listened to and simultaneously read another
module, and immediately anchored a 3-word phrase that I wrote
on my planner to implant in my brain and apply throughout

What I’m finding is that Adrian’s succint and focused modules
each give me at least one idea or new way of connecting what
I already know that I can immediately apply in a more focused
and purposeful way…without getting lost in a “forest” of
information that I don’t end up using…

His first module on “Energy” gave even me 🙂 a whole new way
of looking at and categorizing foods that was both simple
and powerful.

And I understand there’s still some spots left…

So if you haven’t already, be sure to grab your own
copy of Adrian’s Law To Success Program here.

I look forward to hearing your own results!

Dr. Ben

Increase your brain power.

A friend just sent this to me (thanks, Pat!)…

The following are twelve foods essential for brain health
recommended by Dr. Daniel Amen on his PBS special “Change Your
Brain, Change Your Life
Avocados, blueberries, broccoli, green tea, oatmeal, oranges,
red peppers, spinach, tuna, turkey, walnuts, and salmon
Happy eating!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Here’s a quote on focus that really impacted me and
others I partner with this week from internet business coach
Rich Schefren:

“Focus , more than discipline, willpower, and even intelligence,
will determine how successful you’ll be. Period.”

Great reminder for all areas of our life!

Dr. Ben

Celebrate the Good

Just a quick but powerful thought for you as we near the end
of a year, a special time of celebration and remembrance, and
the beginning of a new year:

Celebrate the good.

Many will be celebrating tonight and tomorrow a very special
night and morning in history, and it’s often the stories we
tell that shape our own lives.

What story are you telling for 2008?

How about taking some time today and over the next several days
to “celebrate the good”?

Celebrate how you’ve been met this past year…

Look for, remember, and celebrate the good…

You may be surprised to find the floodgates of well-being opening
to you, and a shift in the story you tell as you enter 2009.

Have a blessed Christmas and wonderful Holiday and New Year!

Dr.  Ben

Mind Movies Creation Kit–Digital Version Ends at Midnight Tonight

Just a quick heads up that Ryan and Natalie over at Mind Movies are offering their entire Mind Movies Creation Kit as a digital download at a 75% discount until midnight tonight–this makes this great tool accessible to virtually everyone!

You can see my own example and obtain 6 pre-made mind movies free here, and then hop on over to Mind Movies Creation Kit–Digital Version to get your own kit at this great value–you could have your own movie made by Monday!


Dr. Ben

What Are You Giving Your Attention To?

Here’s a quick and powerful idea that can change virtually
anything in your life starting today.

It begins with asking,

What are you giving your attention to?

Rather than feeling the victim of your health condition or
circumstances, start choosing — on purpose — to give your
attention to:

what makes you feel good

what’s life-affirming

what’s door-opening

and here’s a big one–

**what’s focused on possibility rather than on problems**

What you give your attention to has a profound effect on how
you feel.

And how you feel has a profound effect on what you’re able to
“see”, what steps you choose to take, the very effectiveness
of those steps, and even on your very cells.

So start choosing deliberately today where you’re putting
your attention.

Choose to put it on what you love…

what you’re wanting more of…

what makes you feel good…

And see how that shifts your experience!

Now here’s a special video I just discovered in the last
48 hours that immediately directs your perspective in a
certain subject and shifts how you feel in minutes–you
can check it out here (Hint:  listen with headphones–
the music is great!):


Dr. Ben

P.S.  Reminder–If you’re wanting personal coaching on how
to shift your energy, attention, and results in an area
of your health or your life, and you’re ready to make a
personal commitment and investment toward that end, call
me for a private phone interview at 1-888-909-6601.

I have 2 personal “wellness & life-transformation” coaching
spots opening up right now.  Due to major growth in my
primary business, I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be taking
on personal mentoring clients in the future.  So if
you’re ready to make a personal investment and commitment
to discovering how to transform your health or life
experience, call me at 1-888-909-6601.

I look forward to hearing from you!