Better sleep begins during the day

For better sleep many of you know about getting natural light and moving during the day, then taking a break from screens and bright lights before bed to help your natural circadian rhythm.

But did you know your eating — or not eating — during the day can profoundly affect your sleep, too?

Particularly on busy days — do you ever find yourself going and going — and pushing off eating or taking a break — because you have so much to do?

Perhaps you get a quick “boost” from caffeine, sugar, or something processed because it’s quick, easy, and available even though you know it may not be the most healthy for you.

How does this affect your sleep?

One simple way to think about it is that when you go too long without eating — and especially when you’re also busy and stressed — your body releases adrenaline to help mobilize some of the sugar stores in your liver and muscles so your brain and muscles can keep functioning.

The same can happen when you have a sudden sugar rush — and then a crash when your blood sugar drops.

What happens when you get to the end of your day and you’ve had all this adrenaline running through your system?

It’s hard to shut off, and your mind keeps going, or if you do sleep, your sleep is restless.

Can you relate?

So here’s a tip — equip yourself with some healthy protein and snacks throughout the day.

Perhaps a hardboiled egg, some celery or carrot sticks and hummus or raw cheese (at least get “real” cheese and not something that’s totally processed)

How about an apple and some raw almonds or walnuts, or some natural peanut butter (without sugar and other additives).

Even though some of the things I mentioned have natural sugar, the fiber in them or the added protein and natural fat from some of the examples I gave helps give you more even blood sugar levels and energy throughout the day, so you’re less likely to end up with adrenaline rushes that leave you high strung at the end of your day.

Now to keep this simple — pick one of the examples I gave and make it part of your day today, or give yourself permission to take that break for lunch and eat something a little healthier and not in a rush.

Notice how nourishing and taking care of yourself during the day helps you get better sleep at night.

Have a question or your own favorite tip – or a healthy snack that keeps you nourished during the day? Love to hear from you below!

P.S. Want to get more tips & ideas to maximize your health and create a life you love? Hop on over to: Journey with Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

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