Day # 2 The One Key Barrier You Must Release To Heal

Welcome to Day #2!

Today we address the one key barrier you must release to heal.

Identifying and releasing this barrier is so key that you’ll
want to take a few quiet moments with this, and then be sure to
“anchor” what you learn by leaving your comments, questions, or
impressions below:


Just before sitting down to write this, I was feeling fatigued
and a bit of “brain fog”, and though I felt pressured to keep
working, I decided to step outside for a moment for a quick bike

Biking in the warm sunshine and then through the
forest and past farm fields, breathing in the fresh
after-rain air, feeling the breeze and getting my body
moving was refreshing and restorative, and renewed my
concentration and focus, as well as my joy.

Yet I almost kept working feeling that I didn’t have the twenty
minutes to spare for this bike ride.

How many of you push yourselves because there’s

**never enough time and always more to do?**

In my coaching of clients and my own personal experience
recently, the issue of “never enough” has repeatedly come up,
and before we go further into specific physical advice, I felt
this was a big enough and general enough issue to address today.

In treating the whole person as I’ve worked with clients, I begin
where a person is most ready to start–addressing either physical,
emotional, or spiritual health and expanding from there.

There are many resources that address the physical in terms
of nutrition, supplements, herbs, detoxifying, exercise
techniques, and so on, many of which I will share with you
in this email series, but here’s a key:

Unless you let go of the feeling of never doing enough, and
ultimately not being enough, at a core level you will always
have a barrier to full healing and peace.

In my own family I saw my mother struggle with this for many
years.  As a nurse, she strove to keep up with both the
latest medical news as well as nutritional and alternative
information.  When she suddenly found herself fighting an
aggressive cancer untreatable by conventional medicine, she
did extensive research to find the best, and what she hoped
was the “right”, alternative treatment, which she pursued
diligently in terms of physical regimens and action, yet she
never found a way to integrate all that she did into a
healthy framework that nurtured her soul as well as her
body–it was never “enough”–yet because of the real pressure
and threat of her cancer, she also never felt she could
relax and address the less tangible, “softer”, internal
issues–much as I almost felt too pressured to take the
twenty minute bike ride today that refreshed my body and

How has “never enough” affected you?

How many of you moms feel badly about how you fed your kids
today, or what you ate yourself today?

How many of you moms and dads feel badly about the time you
didn’t spend with your kids today?

How many of you feel you didn’t do enough in your schoolwork,
your job, your household tasks, or you business today?

How do you think those feelings affect you as you go
to sleep and affect your energy and motivation the next day?

Now, what’s the antidote?

The glass is always half full or half empty.

Begin to take note of the half full part, and build
on that.

Learn to “get from the day” as speaker Jim Rohn
said, rather than just through the day.

End your day giving thanks and accepting yourself as you are
now so that you’re free to learn, grow, and develop the next
day without coming from a place of striving and “never enough.”

Here is a wonderful affirmation from author Louise Hay,
which you can use by putting your own name in place of hers:

Louise, you are wonderful, and I love you.
This is one of the best days of your life.
Everything is working out for your highest good.
Whatever you need to know is revealed to you.
Whatever you need comes to you.
All is well.


How about writing this out on a card or your mirror (with a dry erase marker) and saying this to yourself in the mirror every morning for the next
7 days?

And remember to leave your comments, questions, and experiences

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Tomorrow we’ll talk about another “antidote” to “never enough”. Talk to you then!

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Copyright 2008-2024 Ben Lo, MD

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

0 thoughts on “Day # 2 The One Key Barrier You Must Release To Heal”

  1. I have always had this feeling that I was never enough until recently when I had a dream in which I was led to experience every old moment when I felt less than. In that dream, it was as if I experienced it for the first time-really allowed myself to feel those painful feelings and felt deep compassion for myself. I shed those experiences and feelings. It felt like a healing dream, a lucid dream. I feel lighter now and more embracing of myself. I feel that I deserve now. I am eternally grateful to my soul and higher guides for this dream and intend to be in the state of gratitude whenever I can.

    I am so glad that this is a topic in your series. the feeling of not enough is so debilitating for people. And the simple yet not so easy turn of perception from not enough to gratitude is tremendous.

    Thank you,

  2. You’re welcome, Vida. Glad you’re seeing the connections between your business, your health, and your life. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

    Dr. Ben

  3. I love the quote from Jim Rohn “get from the day” rather than just get through the day.

    That is the way i will be looking at my day.

    Thanks to this series I m re-doing my goals and affirmation.

  4. I often find myself wishing I had more time to do the things I want to do, there are so many things that excite me and interest me. However there is not enough time to do everything I want to do but I don’t ever feel inadequate around that.
    I have learned from my son this very special lesson. He loves those who truly him, he eats when he is hungry, sleeps when he is tired, plays with things he likes and doesn’t touch things he doesn’t. He laughs when is happy and cries when he is sad. He is profound autistic and more aware of his world than I will probably ever be.
    I learned this from him in an “accidental” way, though accidents don’t happen. I think accidents are situations we don’t understand until they are over.
    So when I look at situations occuring that I don’t understand I try to remember to let it flow with me, like my son does, because there are no accidents. I will see the reasoning later and I can be comfortable with that. I know if I died tomorrow I would regret not spending time with my kids. I wouldn’t regret the extra time I spent at the office. Thats how I decide what is important to me and when its time to relax.

  5. I love your definition of an “accident”, Brittany–thanks for sharing!

    Dr. Ben

  6. I got your name from my friend in the business and as always she is right. You are an inspiration. Thank you so much. Day one got me moving in my business and day 2 was the great quotes. I suffer from fibromyalgia and lately that has been my crutch. I am throwing away my crutches today.

  7. Grounding with and feeding from the the energy force of mother earth is always a part of my day — the art of affirmations is the key to my day each day — the negatives of my mind and the negatives sent my way by this upside down society I place in the energy conversion box and are not bothered by them again. Life is easy when you are in charge — the art of empowerment that brings about change has always been yours —

    Chuck Harrison

  8. This is so beautiful! I am very inspired by the bike ride. It is so true we offten forget the details in life. I love nature. Everything from the sunrise to the beauty of the sunset. I love to ride my bike with a loved one or even take a long walk. Sometimes you need a reminder of how beautiful something so simple can be.


  9. Yes, in this day of “information overload”, it’s easy to “know what to do” without doing it…glad you’re giving yourself the space to enjoy what you love, Beth!

  10. I think I need to get a bike! I have really enjoyed being home with my kids and find them to be a joy. I should have done this earlier. I enjoy the process of taking the time to learn more about myself. The affirmation you gave is awesome. I wrote it down and will use it every day. We often get so busy that we do not take time for ourselves and this is a very important to us spiritually, mentally and physically.

  11. The article was well written and precise. I specfically like this line you wrote:”Unless you let go of the feeling of never doing enough, and
    ultimately not being enough, at a core level you will always have a barrier to full healing and peace”. That is the one thing that keeps ringing in my head and life. Not too long ago I went and got lunch at BK through the drive and I just started wondering what I have done in life and is it good enough just like you mentioned. Is this the Key? Letting go? If it is so then I will go and practice it starting Today. Thank you.

  12. Yes, Zack–self-acceptance is one of the primary keys that opens the door to true healing…and it is indeed a “gift” you must practice and receive yourself…you’re right on track!

  13. Dear Dr. Ben,

    I have been thinking a lot lately about getting away from this place where I was born, what I call “the city of never-enoughness.” Then your Day 2 came and once again you tuned in to me, and I realized the never-enoughness was inside of me, and would travel along with me wherever I went as it always has. Somehow I have to know inside myself I am enough and anybody who thinks otherwise is Wrong!

    Thank you for being there,

  14. Yes, Linda! That is the key shift! And don’t even worry about what others think…just focus on growing that sense of acceptance within yourself…

  15. Accepting and loving ourselves as we are is a daily must. It must be practiced everyday, something we need to be conscientiously aware. Remind ourselves of all the positive we accomplished during the day. You know you’re “doing it right” if you are smiling when you recall the day.
    Thanks for the reminder Dr Ben.

  16. I am a great believer in synchronicity, so it is not a consequence that I discovered this message on the Tuesday after our Unity minister’s lesson from Eckhart Tolle’s New Earth on precisely the same subject. Paths cross for a reason and I am glad mine crossed yours.

  17. You are right on target. My husband is Portuguese and they have a saying that is something like “your eyes are bigger than your stomach,” simply put you want more than you can handle. It is so important for us to stop and smell the roses often, and it’s especially important when we feel overwhelmed. I will admit that it is a struggle for me to do this. Sometimes we all just need a little reminder to breathe, thanks for yours.

    kim’s last blog post..homage to eli

  18. Hi Ben,

    Thank you for the reminder. I took the bike ride with you and felt the peace Lake Michigan brings me, except I stopped off and sat on the beach. It was a wonderful moment on this sunny cold winter’s day. looking forward to being there in person as there is “always enough time” to restore and become better for myself, you just have to find your peace and take it.

    Loving this series,

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