Creating Results — Is your “left” brain jumping to conclusions?

(March 2016 update:  the use of “left” brain and “right” brain in the discussion below is more conceptual than strictly anatomical, though for this discussion, they’re the best terms I have for describing what many people experience.)

imageNow just before we get started…this post is a little longer…but if you really grasp what’s here, it could totally change your results…and your life.

This post is particularly for those of you looking to create a level of results beyond what you’re experiencing now –- such as more income, better health, a new relationship, or something else that isn’t actually “visible” right now. In fact, I include an example from each of these areas  below.

So let’s begin.

Just like Gay Hendricks’ “Upper Limit Problem” in the last post,
this is a phenomenon that we can all get caught up in if we’re not
aware of it…

…but once we’re aware, this “spell” loses it’s power.

What spell is that?

It’s the spell of believing the conclusions that our “left” brain
constantly wants to make for us.

And here’s why it’s a trap –- because our “left” brain –- even though it’s very powerful when used appropriately — has a very limited databank from which to draw it’s conclusions.  Namely,
it tends to base it’s conclusions only on past experience…and what it can “see” right now.

So by definition, if you want to create a result in your life that
goes beyond anything you’ve ever created or experienced so far,
your “left” brain’s predictions and conclusions are not going to be
very useful or valid.

And here’s the catch –- that’s not going to stop your “left” brain
from drawing conclusions and feeding them to you very conclusively!

Now what does this all mean and why can this be so deadly?

Let’s say you’re building your own network marketing team and your goal this year…or the next 90 days…or even this month and this week…is beyond what you’ve ever created so far.

At first you may start out with enthusiasm, because you’ve got a
fresh goal and are taking fresh action.

But sooner or later your left brain starts jumping from “execute” mode — following the plan you’ve given it –- to “conclude” mode –- where it’s jumping to conclusions based on the limited data it has to go on so far –- your past or current experience.

Now just like the “upper limit problem” –- if you’re not aware, you can easily give in to these conclusions –- that you’re not going to make it because the first 5 people said “no”…and that “one” you were really hoping would sign up, didn’t…and even though you’ve got a whole week ahead of you and a big connection may be just around the corner, if you “listen” to your “left” brain’s premature conclusions, what will you do?

You’ll likely change your attitude, belief, and expectations…and do you think that affects your actions and interactions with people…and ultimately could affect whether you take action at all?

Ever hear of “self-fulfilling prophecy”?

Letting your “left” brain rule you rather than serve you is one way this can happen – and it can happen in any area of your life.

This is powerful in health especially when your “left” brain and the doctor’s “predictions” – i.e., diagnosis and prognosis – line up to give you what seems to be a very narrow bandwidth of possibilities for you to experience and explore.  And as your “left” brain looks around at the apparent “evidence” of other authorities and other people’s experiences who were also “ruled” by the premature conclusions of their “left” brain, it can cause you to shut down and not explore possibilities of wellness and healing that may at the moment seem out of reach.

How about in relationships?

Ever since childhood, I dreamed of having a wonderful partner in life. I remember after my first year of medical school, just before heading home for the summer, wondering whether or not I already knew the person I was going to marry.  Then my “left” brain started calculating.

If I didn’t know the person and had yet to meet them, how many years would it take to get to know them and then get married?

I started getting discouraged.

Ever feel that way about something important to you that you don’t yet “see” in your life?

Well, eventually I pushed my “left” brain aside and realized I just had to keep stepping forward –- I went home for the summer, and ended up meeting Rachelle, the woman who’s now become my wife of 17 years and partner on one amazing adventure after another, including bringing 6 wonderful kids into the world.
(March 2016 update: now almost 23 years & 7 kids!)

Was there a journey to be walked and some ups and downs along the way?


Has it been worth it?


And it just keeps getting better and better!

But if I had listened overmuch to my “left” brain’s attempt at analysis based on “present observations”, and to it’s “conclusions”, I could have made myself miserable unnecessarily — or worse, altered my course and the very actions that led to what I was looking for but couldn’t yet “see”.

How about other areas of your life?

The same patterns occur.

No matter what you’re doing, sooner or later your “left” brain likes to “take stock,” measure, and draw conclusions.

Now there’s nothing wrong with taking stock and measuring — it’s the drawing of conclusions based on these limited measurements that gets you.

So in short –- what are you to do?

First –- use your “left” brain for what it’s good at –- executing a plan.  One that you choose and give to your “left” brain to carry out.

Second –- be aware that your “left” brain is automatically going to try to draw conclusions and make predictions based on any data it has –- namely your past experiences and what you can see and measure at this moment.


Third –- don’t buy in to the conclusions your “left” brain makes.  You can thank it for “commenting” and then hold fast to your vision, your inner knowing, what you’re choosing to create that’s beyond what’s already there –- all of which come from places other than your analyzing and concluding “left” brain.

(Hint –- a big part involves your “right” brain and what it connects you to…but that’s a whole other discussion perhaps for another time.)

Now here’s a suggestion –- ponder this “left” brain tendency to “jump to conclusions” based on what you can “see”, and observe your own tendencies this week.

Then mark a time on your calendar to come back to this post in about 7 days, and leave your own insights and experiences in the comments below.

You’re already starting on a new path –- a new level of consciousness and awareness –- that could totally change your life.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben


Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

2 thoughts on “Creating Results — Is your “left” brain jumping to conclusions?”

  1. Ben, I really needed to hear this exact message tonite. Even tho you’ve shared this message in a number of ways before, and even tho I saw your post earlier in the day, my busy-ness kept me from investigating further. Only now, as I’m winding down from the day, did your post call to me to attend to your words. I’m pleased and happy that this is going to be one of the last things I feed myself tonight.

    Thank you.

  2. Nice post. I often think that my analytical side limits me from being creative. The left side of my brain makes me money, but keeps me from thinking creatively. salary for a physician assistant

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