Step Two On Manifesting — From an Interview of Harrison Klein

Here’s step two from Harrison Klein’s interview on “manifesting”
a new result in your life.

The first step was related to being…or “identity”:

Create a new version of you…

…by creating a new “I am…” statement (fill in the blank
with something that matches what you’re now wanting to “be” in
order to create a new result)

The next step is to start speaking.

Start talking about what you’re now choosing to create or

That increases the “vibration” of it—literally since your
voice creates vibration…

And also because your attention continues to be focused by
what you’re talking about, and like clay, you can continue to
shape and develop it.

Want a concrete example of this?

Recently, my oldest daughter Gigi heard that a friend may be
giving away her dog “Jo-Jo”, and Gigi’s decided that we’re a
perfect fit for this dog!

So all day whenever I’d bump into her, she’d smile and say
how excited she is to get “Jo-Jo”…

…even though neither of her parents have said “yes”!

In fact, by afternoon when I gave her a hug, she smiled and said,
“Dad, you’re just going to love Jo-Jo.”

Now that’s “speaking” into existence.

No striving.

No whining.

Just affirming in present tense and talking about it as if it’s
already a “done deal” and enjoying the feeling of it.

So once you’ve decided what you want to “manifest”—in your
health, your finances, your family, or some other area of your
life—begin talking about it.

Begin the step of “speaking” and increasing that vibration.

And see what happens.

Dr. Ben

P.S.  There’s one more step…so stay tuned. 

And Gigi doesn’t have her dog…yet…but I won’t be surprised
if sometime soon she does…

In fact, she just walked in and is reading over my shoulder,
and noticed my saying “yet”…:)  She then went on to affirm,
“I know I’m getting one before I’m 12” (she’s 11 now!)

How about sharing an example of your own shift in “being” or
“speaking” that created a new result in your own life?

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

One thought on “Step Two On Manifesting — From an Interview of Harrison Klein”

  1. Awesome! I am rewriting my Perfect Day to include these things. This is simply faith in action. Once you ask for something, if you continue to be thankful and imagine the whatever is already done–faith happens! Thanks so much for sharing and opening up our thinking.

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