Are “The Facts” About Your Health True?…and the Power of Changing Your Patterns

Recently while listening to a great mentor to me and to many in life and business, Artemis Limpert, I picked up a key phrase—the difference between “the facts” and “the truth”.

“Aren’t they the same?” you may be asking.

Well, the “facts” describe your circumstances, or your condition.

You may be ill, have a certain diagnosis, or be facing some obstacle such as no money in your bank account and wondering how to buy groceries next week.

But what’s the “truth”?

Is there something that goes beyond your current condition and circumstances?

Are you “connected” to something that goes beyond what you can see?

Whether you take a spiritual/faith approach to this question, or a “scientific”/quantum physics approach, it’s becoming increasingly clear that much of what we see and experience is influenced by what we don’t see–such as our thoughts, attention, and emotions.

I was recently reminded of how much we tend to look at circumstances and conditions…

which are actually a “result” of certain patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting…

and treat them as “defining”

as if that’s who we are and that’s our condition and we have no power to change it.

So what does this mean to you today?

Are you facing a certain condition or diagnosis in your body?

Is there a “result” or circumstance in your life you’re wanting to change?

Instead of seeing your condition or diagnosis as “defining” and taking it on as a part of your identity…

simply see it instead as a “signpost” along the path you’re currently traveling.

Now that you see the direction you’re heading, or the path you’re on, you have the option to change it, because your diagnosis is simply a temporary description of where you are right now.

It’s not an essential part of you, although up ’til now you may have been acting as if it were.

Whether it’s your weight, your blood sugar or cholesterol, or something like asthma or cancer, here’s a thought for you (you can fill in the blank with your diagnosis or condition):

“I’ve developed a pattern of _____ in my body, and now that I’m aware of it, I can change that pattern.”

How does that feel?

This is actually very key, and very possible, even if you don’t have all the answers right now.

Change your patterns, and you change your experience and your results.

How do you change your patterns?

By daily practice.

Daily practice of something new…

a new thought

a new action

a new way of looking at something

asking a different question

putting your attention on a new perspective

Daily practice.

Is there a new thought or step that’s “pinged” you this week—perhaps on this blog or something you read or heard recently?

Are you taking some action on it daily?

Perhaps beginning your day with an empowering question…

Or writing down a thought you want to anchor on a 3×5 card and reading it aloud when you begin and end your day, and throughout your day.

Or listening to or reading something daily that supports the new patterns and results you want to create—a great time is just before you go to sleep, when your subconscious is more “open” to anchoring whatever you put in front of it.
(Therefore choose wisely—TV or the “news” may not be the best choice!)

When I find a great resource, I listen to it over and over again to anchor ideas, stimulate new ones, and establish new patterns in my own thinking.

Your Journey To Wellness lays a powerful foundation for transforming your thinking and your patterns in your health.


Remember the difference between “the truth”…

which is bigger than what you see now…

and “the facts”…

which are temporary.

To your bountiful well-being,

Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

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