How to Keep Healthy and Avoid the Flu

With the recent flurry of news on Swine Flu and questions I’ve
been asked directly, I decided to reprint an article I wrote
previously with a few minor edits so it’s fully relevant and
useful to you right now.

So here you go — 4 keys to stay healthy and avoid the flu:

1)  Release what’s not healthy

2)  Take in what is healthy

3)  Develop a healthy attitude and

4)  Make use of specific immune boosters.

What do I mean by releasing what’s not healthy?

How about sugar, dyes, artificial ingredients and preservatives,
deep fried foods, and the like.  Foods that raise your blood sugar,
are artificial, or are hard to digest, can tax your body’s resources
and leave them less able to protect you from the increased germs
you may be exposed to in close quarters at school, work, or when

What about gossip, fear, and worry?

As we understand more and more the connection between mind and body,
between how we feel and how our immune system functions, we see more
and more the importance of our thoughts and attitude on our health.

Become aware of what you’re listening to or watching on TV, and what
you’re talking about and thinking about, especially before bed when
your subconscious mind takes over for the night.  Let go of those
things that do not add life or health to you and your family.

Next, take in what is healthy.

Begin with plenty of color from fresh, preferably organic, fruits and vegetables.
Eat as much fresh, organic food as possible, and drink plenty of purified water.
Fresh air is also important—open a window or take a walk outside when possible.
If you have allergies or are confined indoors, consider an indoor air purifier. 

How about things that make you feel good?

Surround yourself with beauty, nature, sunlight, music, and what brings you joy.

Remember, it is not only what you eat and drink that is important to your well-being.

Which brings us to your mood, or attitude, and its effect on your health.
We all have experienced being hungry or tired and finding ourselves a little grumpy
or easily irritated—-in other words, our physical condition has affected our thinking
and emotions.

The reverse is also true—-what we think about and how we feel can profoundly affect
our immune system and our health.

So learn to be thankful.  “In everything give thanks.” Find something to be thankful for
throughout the day, especially at the beginning and end of your day.

If you’re feeling irritable or depressed, intentionally choose to give thanks for
something good in your life.  For some of you who are experiencing difficulties right now,
this may be challenging, but well worth the practice.

Lastly, make use of specific immune boosters, especially when feeling run down.

One of the simplest is to drink warm broth or herbal tea, or even warm water
with fresh lemon and raw honey, throughout the day—-ideally a cup or bowl an hour
if you’re feeling run down.  If you’re at work all day, fill a large thermos or two
with broth or tea and sip throughout the day.  Adding chopped garlic to broth will
give further immune benefits; and if you’re bold, chew a few cloves directly or add
them to freshly made vegetable juice.

In addition, support yourself with a good multivitamin and omega three fatty acids
from fish oil or cod liver oil (cod liver oil in the winter is especially good because
it includes vitamins A and D).  Herbs like echinacea and goldenseal can be used for
a week or two when needed.  Probiotics to restore normal gut flora are important with
repeated illness or antibiotic use, and colostrum and mushroom extracts such as reishi
can also enhance the immune system.

In summary, release what’s unhealthy, take in what’s healthy and makes you feel good,
in everything give thanks, and use immune-boosters when needed.  With these strategies
in place, you’ll be well on your way to a healthy, thriving season.

Dr. Ben

Be sure to get your own 7 day e-course “Your Road Map to Health in Just Minutes A Day” (it’s free),
and if you’re ready to begin a complete and efficient “Journey to Wellness” right away, visit
Your Journey To Wellness With Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

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