I just spent a few minutes browsing online at Amazon on natural
health and healing books and reading some of the customer reviews.
There’s a wealth of great information, research, and opinions 🙂
and varying life experiences out there…and it can easily become
overwhelming (unless you just love the “browsing” itself).
One of the things I’ve noticed in myself, and in both my business
and wellness coaching clients, is that the (at times compulsive)
desire to read and research for the latest information can easily
outpace actual application…
…actual change in our own health and
our own lives.
So today I want to make a suggestion.
It begins with asking yourself a question.
Before you go to bed tonight, ask yourself, of all the things you
read, learned, and experienced today–whether in health, business,
relationships, or anything else—what’s one thing you can act on in
the next 24 hours?
Let’s go one step further–imagine for a moment, and picture if you
can, exactly what you’ll say or do.
Will you take a few slow, deep breaths and think of 3 things to
appreciate when you first awaken in the morning?
Will you look for more natural “color” in the foods you choose to eat–
and pick an extra vegetable or fruit for a snack “on purpose”?
Will you set aside 20 minutes for a walk, or to read to your kids,
or to look in the eyes of your spouse?
Ask yourself this question.
Be intentional.
Take a step.
It’s these daily, intentional steps that change our patterns…
…and our results.
Let me know your own comments, questions, and feedback in the
comments below.
What step have you taken recently to change a pattern?
I look forward to hearing from you!
Dr. Ben
I completely agree. I think sometimes we are compulsive about trying to do everything we read as well. I think your suggestion of doing one thing is terrific and I think we should also try to acknowledge to ourselves all that we actually do rather than focus on all that we should do.
Have a wonderful day.
Yes, a wonderful suggestion, Rebecca, and a great antidote to the feeling of “never enough”!
Dr. Ben