What’s your biggest question?

Today I’ve got one question for you:

If there were one thing you wanted to ask about your health or healing, or about transforming a particular area of your life, what would it be?

Leave your question in the comments below.

I’m looking for better ways to address what you really want to know through the “Dr. Ben” resources, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

14 thoughts on “What’s your biggest question?”

  1. working thru Psorasis ….causes and perhaps ..
    ….ways to reduce stress triggers

  2. Dr. Ben,

    I have had the gstric bypass surgery six years ago. Are the vitamins we have going to work for me? If so, what vitamins do I need?


  3. What is or are the best ways of treating a chest cold or even tuberculosis?

  4. my husband and I both have high blood pressure and have stopped our medication – what could we be taking through Pharmanex that could help?

    also…at night my throat seems to get a lot of phlem and when I get tired it really shows in my voice – any solutions for that?


  5. Have you heard of Lsrry Altshuler who has mentioned low energy laser treatments for RA?

  6. I would like some tips on being a cheerful and energetic care giver even when I am now feeling up to par. The energy I need just does not seem to be there when I need it.

  7. We have many ages living in our household, my husband and I in our late/mid forties then teenagers and early elementary ages. We have concerns in all the different ages. One is with allergies. We all seem to have inherited tendencies to allergies, airborne (pollen, mold, dust…) and food, but have not found the best way to identify and mitigate these. Mostly the effects involve sinus problems but also gastrointestinal and asthma. Our 7 year old was faced with serious asthma attacks and even hospitalization this fall. We know that there is medication to treat the symptoms of these problems but would appreciate more direction in building the immune system and lessening the sensitivities, thus not needing the rescue medication.

  8. Some would suggest that diet is the number one intervention that you can undertake for any problem. Traditional chinese medicine considers that food can be used as effectively as drugs in bringing about a healthy homeostatic state. If you wanted to totally intervene at the highest level for any disease process would you start with diet and what foundation would you use?

  9. Thank you all for your great questions!

    I just posted a PDF for you to download on the blog yesterday, and I’m working on a video that I’ll post shortly…

  10. Thank you for your interesting and helphful information. Thanks to all the great products from Pharmanex I’am a healthy, happy, full of engery 65 year young person.

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