Today we continue with adding fuel and strategy to your goals to create what you want. Feel free to share your own comments, experiences, and questions in the comments below. Enjoy!
Goals — How To Create What You Want — Day One
This week we begin a series on Goals kicking off with my own story and initial strategies to be more effective — and take your own life and business to a whole new level — this year. Enjoy, and I look forward to hearing your own comments, questions, and experiences below!
How To Leverage The Unseen To Create What You Want With More Ease
So as we’re beginning a new year and resetting our goals and
commitments for the year, here’s a thought from Dr. William
Tiller that can greatly increase our leverage and effectiveness
in turning our actions into desired results:
The unseen is always the parent of the seen.
What does this mean?
How many times have you felt the weight of having to do all
the work to create your goals — and felt the big “gap”
between where you are now, and where you want to be?
What if you could leverage a dynamic power source — kind of
like riding a wave — so that your action still mattered, but
now your action was simply cooperating with something greater
that was already set in motion on your behalf?
This is the power of recognizing the connection between our
mental picture, our internal state, and our actions.
One of my key mentors over the years, Jerry Clark, has shared
that our goals and timeframes are for our conscious mind, but
our subconscious mind exists outside of time. The clearer the
picture we impress upon our subconscious mind, the more people,
ideas, resources, even “vehicles” show up in our lives that
can support us in realizing that picture.
Of course, this means we’re also acting and taking steps to
move forward each day, but now rather than our action doing
all the “heavy lifting” from scratch to “make something happen”,
now our action is lighter, easier, and even more fun — because
it’s cooperating with and even “reaping” what’s already been
set in motion in the “unseen.”
Too far out?
How about experimenting with this beginning today — rather than
rushing into action, take some moments to listen, imagine, and
create in the unseen — perhaps with music, out in nature,
with your journal, or simply in quiet contemplation when you
awake, as you fall asleep, or during a break during the day.
This is how my wife Rachelle and I have created the life
we’re living and enjoying today, and we’re still learning
and growing in the process.
Next pay attention to what shows up as you take the steps you
can take to move forward today.
Enjoy, and feel free to share your own experiences in the
comments below!
P.S. Want to work directly with Ben and learn more about the
business vehicle and strategies he and Rachelle have leveraged
to create a life they love so you can do the same?
Visit Work With Ben or email us directly with your contact info
and why you’re seeking change at this time.
We look forward to hearing from you!
How To Achieve Your Goals With More Ease — An Intriguing Perspective
I was just asked to give a presentation on goal-setting at an
upcoming event and thought I’d share a couple initial thoughts
Now I know that this is often a topic on people’s minds as we’re
about to wrap up one year and begin a new one, especially those
of us engaged in personal development, coaching, or an
entrepreneurial enterprise such as a home business.
What comes to mind when you think about this topic?
Today I thought I’d mention two common “pitfalls” and an
intriguing perspective, part of which has come across my path
this very week.
Now if you’re someone who’s already great at setting goals
and achieving them, you may appreciate this as an insight
into what many, if not most, people struggle with. Second
the perspective below may enhance your own experience
and give you a new level of mastery to aim for.
First, the pitfalls.
I find when it comes to setting goals, many people either:
1) Don’t have them
(or their goals are vague)
2) They have goals, but they haven’t built a “bridge” in their
thinking and their actions that will get them from where
they are now to where they want to be.
Hence there’s a gap that makes their goals more “wishful thinking”
and something that can even bring pain because they haven’t
achieved them and don’t really believe they can.
Can you relate?
Now today, rather than give a whole treatise on setting goals, I
wanted to share an intriguing perspective that I’ve
encountered recently — part of it this very week.
Let me preface this section with a question:
How are you using your imagination?
Albert Einstein has said, “Imagination is more
important than knowledge.”
What I’m finding with goal-setting is that imagination is key
as well.
And learning to develop our imagination, and to build a
“bridge” from where we are now to where we want to be,
is a “muscle” that can be developed.
Are you ready to develop yours at another level?
So here’s the intriguing perspective — drawn from a couple
different sources.
First is Dr. Joe Dispenza’s intriguing work applying the
principles of energy and quantum physics to “rewiring” our
brain and body — essentially creating new patterns — that
affect what we manifest and experience both in our bodies
and in our lives.
Two great reads along these lines are his books Breaking
the Habit of Being Yourself and his most recent You Are the
Fascinating reads.
And one of the intriguing statements found in his meditations
is, “It’s not your job to create it; it’s your job to design it.”
In the intro to You Are the Placebo, he talks about his own
experience with shattered vertebra, and shifting his imagination
from seeing himself in a wheelchair to feeling himself showering,
walking, and enjoying the sunshine again.
It’s intriguing to note that despite being told that he’d
sever his spinal cord if he stood up, within 9 and a half weeks
after his accident, he was able to get up and walk, and within
10 weeks he was seeing patients again.
Another source — a quote I just read online this week — refers
to enjoying something in our imagination to such an extent that
its very manifestation in our experience becomes “the next
logical step.”
A bit different perspective on goal-setting for the New Year.
Using our imagination to make something real to us so that it’s
manifestation becomes the next logical step.
Now let me conclude this brief discussion by mentioning that
action does take place — however it’s much easier to take
effective action — and enjoy the process of taking action —
when our imagination is already paving the way before us and
in essence drawing us into the new results, or new reality,
we’re wanting to create and experience.
So I ask again:
How are you using your imagination?
What if you could tap into this powerful tool at a whole new
level to assist you in creating the business results, personal
goals, and ultimately, a life you love in the year ahead?
I look forward to hearing your own experiences and progress
in the comments below.
Dr. Ben
P.S. If you’re currently in transition or looking to expand
your income or your impact beyond what you’re doing now,
you can join me at Work with Dr. Ben.
Potent Natural Immune Support for Fall & Winter
If you’re like many of us today, you’re always looking for that
natural extra support to stay healthy during cold and flu season.
Well I just heard an impactful update from a business associate and
friend who recently returned from Singapore to find his teenage
daughter had been having daily fevers for two weeks. Medical
evaluation suggested a probable virus as the cause.
Needless to say, his daughter was frustrated at missing school
and seeing no immediate end in sight to her ailment.
Well, just last night I received a wonderful text from my friend
saying that his daughter had finally gone a day without a fever —
and the only thing they’d done differently was to begin two simple
yet powerful natural solutions we had discussed the other night.
Want to know what they were?
The first is a potent mushroom extract that supports healthy liver and immune system function. It’s been shown to improve cell-mediated immunity and the activity of “natural killer cells” in particular, which help eliminate and remove infected or abnormal cells in our body.
Now there are about 62 varieties of this mushroom, called reishi, and some of the most active immune-supporting components are “locked away” in the spores, where they don’t get absorbed well when ingested.
One group of scientists has produced not only an extract from the
highest quality type (red reishi), but also found a way to crack
the spores so the key ingredients locked within can be extracted
and absorbed.
This is the high quality form of reishi extract that I personally
use and recommend, and which my friend’s daughter started taking
just about 48 hours ago.
The second solution was an extract from colostrum. Colostrum is an immune-rich fluid that breastfed newborn babies receive before their mother’s milk comes in.
This particular extract contains just the low-molecular weight proteins (non-antibodies) which provide communication “co-factors”, assisting your immune system’s communication throughout the body —
so its signaling is both more accurate and more effective.
Imagine your immune system as an army with signals going back and
forth telling troops where invaders are, what kind they are, and
what is required to take them out without “collateral damage”.
It’s that kind of communication that this highly purified colostrum
extract enhances — which can both assist with dealing with
“invaders”, as well as potentially correct signals that have
gone “awry” (think allergy and auto-immune conditions).
The nice thing about both this reishi and this colostrum extract
is that they support your body’s own immune system in doing its job
more effectively, without over-stimulating anything or throwing
your system out of balance. Hence, both extracts can be taken
for ongoing health and immune support if desired.
So as you gear up for travel, family events, school, and other
adventures this fall and winter, you may find like us that these
two natural solutions come in handy.
Enjoy, and be in health!
Dr. Ben
P.S. For more great ways to take care of your health, check out this free
7-day e-course Maximize Your Health in Just Minutes a Day. Enjoy!