Don’t forget the miracle…

This morning as I snuggled with my wife Rachelle and looked
over her shoulder at our beautiful nursing 7-month old with
her long lashes and dark, smiling eyes, Rachelle began telling
me all the things she loves about our life, and then she said
something that stopped me in my tracks, and I knew I had to
share with you…

“Sometimes for 5 minutes I forget the miracle…”

In the midst of life, a new home, 6 kids, and a 2-year-old who
used to drive her crazy, my wife is now starting her day
appreciating all the “miracles” in her life—-including our

and the one grand miracle of life itself…

What a delightful way to start the day…and it certainly had
an impact on me and set the tone for her interactions with those
around her…including our 4-year-old who was the next person
to walk into the room this morning…(she’s now reading in bed
to 4 of our 6 kids who’ve “wandered” in…)

So here’s my word to you for the day:

Don’t forget the miracle…

Dr. Ben

Key Life Strategies–50 hrs in 20 minutes with Tony Robbins on TED

Just discovered this on YouTube.  Though it was posted a couple years ago, the strategies Tony gives are timeless and immediately actionable.

Whenever a master in a given field takes what they normally do in 50 hours and condenses it into a 20 minute talk to fellow “idea-preneurs”, it’s extremely valuable to see what they choose to share and how they share it.

This particular video is packed with content–you may want to take a break after 3-5 minutes and immediately apply an idea.

In fact, I believe the questions you ask yourself in response to this video will have an exponential impact on the value you receive.

And here’s a quick tip and invitation:  whether you watch Tony in short segments, or watch the full 20 minutes in one sitting, before you get up, create an anchor for yourself by writing one idea or strategy that impacted you in the comments below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

Adrian Law’s “Law to Success”…You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!

Here’s a free video featuring Adrian Law from Law to Success
and Ryan Higgins from Mind Movies.

For those of you who are not familiar with Adrian, he
is a Peak Performance Coach, and has appeared on
TV, Radio and National Newspapers.

In this video Adrian divulges 3 Keys to Living Abundantly
which, I might add, you can implement in your life
RIGHT NOW plus he gives away an incredibly powerful
coaching session

He also does this weird and funky card trick (not playing
cards if you think you’ve seen them all before).

This seems to have really struck a chord with many people. 
Card Trick? Show Me

Now I know this probably sounds kind of weird,but you have GOT to see this! I couldn’t believe my eyes, but it’s for real.I don’t want to give away the surprise, but let’sjust say you won’t see things the same wayever again.

Seeing is Believing 

It’s really an incredible example of how onesimple shift in thinking can change everything.  Not just little stuff either, but really IMPORTANT stuff,like your relationships, your health, and even your financialsuccess. So I invite you to answer the one basic questionwaiting for you right here… Watch Closely, It’s Worth It… 

What you’ll find here is the sudden realization ofthe secret to freeing your mind of all the negative inner chatter and turmoil you’re bombarded with every single day. 

Why is that important? 

Because it’s that negative STUFF that messes youup time and time again! 

I think you know what I mean. 

So if you want to quit spinning your wheels andfinally get to where you want in life, do THIS instead… 

Your Wake Up Call Is Here… 

Not only will this open the door to a new way ofapproaching life’s challenges, you’ll discoveryou finally feel truly alive and even powerful. 

And that means you can finally chart your coursein life no matter what is going on around you. 

I think you’ll agree, that is worth its weight in gold,especially these days. This is the perfect time for this,so take a look and start DOING this today.Enjoy! 

Dr. Ben 

P.S. Almost forgot, when you get there, you can grab$1,000 worth of life-changing personal coaching withoutpaying one red cent. So grab it while you can… 

Increase your brain power.

A friend just sent this to me (thanks, Pat!)…

The following are twelve foods essential for brain health
recommended by Dr. Daniel Amen on his PBS special “Change Your
Brain, Change Your Life
Avocados, blueberries, broccoli, green tea, oatmeal, oranges,
red peppers, spinach, tuna, turkey, walnuts, and salmon
Happy eating!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Here’s a quote on focus that really impacted me and
others I partner with this week from internet business coach
Rich Schefren:

“Focus , more than discipline, willpower, and even intelligence,
will determine how successful you’ll be. Period.”

Great reminder for all areas of our life!

Dr. Ben

Be Clear On What You Want.

In this day and age with so much information coming at us, so
much calling for our attention daily, it’s important that we
become really clear about what we want.

As I’m reviewing a new life mastery product about to be
released, I was reminded of how significant taking a few moments
at the end of our day to set our intentions and our course for
the next day before we fall asleep can reap great benefits in
living an intentional life…

…and as we experience life and become clear on what we want,
we can always re-adjust and set new intentions for the next day…

I remember very vividly one Saturday night in the past year when
I got engrossed in a dishwasher repair project and then became
frustrated that I “gave away” an evening with my kids…but rather
than staying in “feeling bad”, I set the intention to be very
present to my family the next day, and we had a wonderful day…

…probably much more wonderful than if my intention had not been
so crystal clear after experiencing what I “didn’t want” the night

So practice this:  getting clear on what you want…

…and take a few moments at the end of each day to set your
intentions for the next day.

Dr. Ben

P.S. A very powerful tool for staying focused on what you want,
and easily generating the feelings that can draw it to you
almost “magically”, is Ryan Higgin’s Mind Movie Creation Kit.
