These two thing have made a huge difference in my ability to play soccer with younger guys and recover well afterwards at age 57+ — and I’m not the one collapsing at the end of the game!
(BTW I mis-calculated in the video and added a year to my age! I was only 57 and a half when I recorded this)
Enjoy the story & info below, and reach out if you’d like to know more about simple yet powerful solutions like these that can make a big difference in how you feel.
P.S. One thing I forgot to mention in the video — the story of how the young player and I ended last night demonstrates how we can now essentially “regenerate” our cellular energy and not hit the usual “wall” that even young athletes can hit who don’t have this key to “unlocking” healthy gene expression!
Want more tips & ideas to maximize your health and create a life you love? Hop on over to: Journey with Dr. Ben
Rachelle and I are sitting here at a great little coffeehouse in Charleston (the Harbinger Cafe) the day after our anniversary — 31 years! — and having fun sharing ideas from what we’re reading and exploring. From P.G. Wodehouse to Narnia to reading about the Blue Zones with Dr. Mark Hyman (Forever Young) and now Professor Rose Anne Kenny (Age Proof), we’ve enjoyed laughing and sharing together things we love and ideas that spark, inspire, and challenge us.
Among these ideas during our drive down was the arena of “detoxing” — and how challenging it can be to complete the fasting, special diets, or key programs for detoxing that many are pursuing today.
One of the things I love about the partnerships we have access to are the international team of scientists and decades of research into aging, healthy gene expression, and specific extracts and blends from nature that can support our health in ways the “mainstream” media is just starting to catch up with.
You may have seen my prior blog post about our mitochondria, and today I want to highlight a particular blend of three ingredients that does something very unique — and in a much easier and potentially more effective way than many of the challenging “detox regimens” out there.
What is this blend and what does it do?
With a specific combo of grape seed extract, red orange fruit extract, and broccoli seed extract, this blend helps restore our cells’ ability to remove the toxins and byproducts that have accumulated in them during the day.
Here’s an excerpt right from the product information page (PIP) on the website I’ve linked below:
With aging, our bodies can become less effective at purification, and our cells begin to accumulate damage, cellular waste, and toxic byproducts. So, although we normally are primarily concerned with eliminating external environmental contaminants, it’s also important to target the buildup and damage from our internal metabolism (breathing, converting food to energy, and so on) that happens over time and that can accelerate the aging process. Until now, products haven’t focused on this internal source of aging— they have focused on some symptoms of the problem rather than a key source. Unlike a colon cleanse, which is limited to the GI tract and only targets some systems, we are providing a cellular cleanse, which focuses on the internal source by targeting gene expression patterns associated with cellular purification. (emphasis mine)
Now this doesn’t mean that other healthy choices aren’t important, too, but how cool that this kind of cellular purification can be restored — and all overnight while you’re sleeping to boot!
No “heavy lifting” required!
Being able to tap into nature’s bounty at such a high level — the “fruit” of teams of scientists and decades of research — has been a key part of my daily regimen and what has helped me to thrive all the way now into my late 50’s.
Want to benefit from this, too?
You can access this blend, called R2 Night right here:
Taking a quick break between projects to send you a note for
the weekend.
First, a quick energy tip: take a brisk 20 minute walk –- in
the fresh air and sunshine if available –- sometime today.
Second, if you want to feel refreshed right now, stand up, close
your eyes and relax your shoulders, and then take 5 deep breaths…
…in through your nose…
…and out through your mouth.
Then “jiggle” your shoulders, arms, and body for a few moments
(think of jello)…
Lastly, swing your arms backward and forward at your sides (like
a skier) as you slightly bend your knees when your arms go forward,
and then straighten them as your arms swing back.
Feel refreshed?
Remember, you can do this anytime you want without taking
significant time from your day yet adding significantly to your
focus and productivity, as well as maximizing how you feel.
Now for a couple resources for your weekend — if you haven’t seen
them yet, below are two videos (the last 2 blog posts):
the first one is “fun” and will get you smiling and likely moving
(from a train station in Europe)
and the second is more “serious” with some key thoughts on failure
and the use of our imagination — from J.K. Rowling, though I bet
you’ll also get some good chuckles and learn not to take yourself
too seriously in the first few minutes…