Two simple keys to stamina & feeling your best

These two thing have made a huge difference in my ability to play soccer with younger guys and recover well afterwards at age 57+ — and I’m not the one collapsing at the end of the game!

(BTW I mis-calculated in the video and added a year to my age! I was only 57 and a half when I recorded this)

Enjoy the story & info below, and reach out if you’d like to know more about simple yet powerful solutions like these that can make a big difference in how you feel.


P.S. One thing I forgot to mention in the video — the story of how the young player and I ended last night demonstrates how we can now essentially “regenerate” our cellular energy and not hit the usual “wall” that even young athletes can hit who don’t have this key to “unlocking” healthy gene expression!

Want more tips & ideas to maximize your health and create a life you love? Hop on over to: Journey with Dr. Ben

“The Aging Myth” – Video Review by Dr. Ben

Just finished reading The Aging Myth by Joseph Chang, PhD, (now available on
Amazon and Barnes & Noble) on the latest in what both science and nature reveal
about how we can influence the health of our cells – and ultimately our quality of life – as we age.

What I love about the book is that woven throughout is Dr. Joe’s love of life and his passion for
people to be able to live it fully.


Dr. Ben

Four steps to refocus, re-energize, & move forward now

imageIn the midst of a busy week – ever had one of those? – I quickly jotted down four steps (as a reminder to myself and others) to refocus, re-energize, & move forward now, and here they are:

1)  Step back for a moment from what you’re doing – stand up, take a few deep breaths, go for a walk – often simply interrupting your pattern, particularly with movement, can bring fresh energy and a renewed perspective and re-alignment of priorities

2)  Focus on what you CAN do.  Often we get so overwhelmed by what we’re not doing that a part of us just shuts down…whereas if we simply take the next step we CAN take – the process of simply moving forward feels good and “unlocks” the feeling of being stuck, thus turning into feel-good, forward-moving momentum.

3)  Give thanks – find something to appreciate.  You’ll immediately feel better and have fresh energy for re-engaging with life.

4)  Re-focus with intentional questions – what do you really want? What are three things you can choose to put in place right now to move toward what you want?  If you’re feeling badly about something that’s not getting done – or perhaps a relationship or area of your life or business that’s not getting attention right now – rather than continuing to feel badly, simply ask yourself, “is this important to me?” and if so, “what’s a step I can take to start sowing in this area this week?
(For more on this, see The Power of 10 Minutes a Day)

Now to really anchor and apply what you just read, how about choosing one of the four and practicing it for a moment right now?

Here’s to a prosperous and wonderful week!

Dr. Ben