A Different Perspective On Action

Running on Beach
Ok.  Here’s the 3rd step in the 3 step process on manifesting
I heard from Harrison Klein last week:


Now here’s the key—action is not the cause…not what creates…

Rather, it’s the vehicle by which you receive.

You’ve already set things in motion with a new identity—new “I
am” statements about yourself that can now create new results.

You’ve also magnified the vibration by talking about what you’re
now focusing on and wanting to experience.

And lastly, the “effect” if you will, is that you take some
action—and it’s that action in the physical world that simply
provides the channels for you to receive what you’ve already
set in motion.

Whether it’s better health, new flows of money, more intimacy,
or something else you’re focusing on right now.

Most people just jump to step 3—more action, trying harder…

But if you don’t address the cause—you’re identity and vision
of yourself—and what you’re saying to yourself and others all
day long—you’re not changing things at the level of cause, and
you won’t see much return for your action.

Take the first 2 steps to address the cause and set something
new in motion, and then your action can be almost “effortless”…

…a natural outflowing…

And simply becomes the means by which you receive new energy,
better health, more money, etc.

Experiment with these 3 steps this week

Creating a new version, or vision, of you with new “I am”

Increasing the vibration by talking about what you’re now
choosing to experience or create

And then taking the action that follows to provide the means
in the physical world for what you’ve already set in motion
to come to you.

Let me know your own experiences, comments, or questions
in the comments below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  The interview with Harrison Klein was one of the excellent
ongoing resources that are part of Ryan Higgins’ Mind Movie program.

If you haven’t obtained the free mind movies he’s made, or checked
out how to make your own, you can do so here.

Step Two On Manifesting — From an Interview of Harrison Klein

Here’s step two from Harrison Klein’s interview on “manifesting”
a new result in your life.

The first step was related to being…or “identity”:

Create a new version of you…

…by creating a new “I am…” statement (fill in the blank
with something that matches what you’re now wanting to “be” in
order to create a new result)

The next step is to start speaking.

Start talking about what you’re now choosing to create or

That increases the “vibration” of it—literally since your
voice creates vibration…

And also because your attention continues to be focused by
what you’re talking about, and like clay, you can continue to
shape and develop it.

Want a concrete example of this?

Recently, my oldest daughter Gigi heard that a friend may be
giving away her dog “Jo-Jo”, and Gigi’s decided that we’re a
perfect fit for this dog!

So all day whenever I’d bump into her, she’d smile and say
how excited she is to get “Jo-Jo”…

…even though neither of her parents have said “yes”!

In fact, by afternoon when I gave her a hug, she smiled and said,
“Dad, you’re just going to love Jo-Jo.”

Now that’s “speaking” into existence.

No striving.

No whining.

Just affirming in present tense and talking about it as if it’s
already a “done deal” and enjoying the feeling of it.

So once you’ve decided what you want to “manifest”—in your
health, your finances, your family, or some other area of your
life—begin talking about it.

Begin the step of “speaking” and increasing that vibration.

And see what happens.

Dr. Ben

P.S.  There’s one more step…so stay tuned. 

And Gigi doesn’t have her dog…yet…but I won’t be surprised
if sometime soon she does…

In fact, she just walked in and is reading over my shoulder,
and noticed my saying “yet”…:)  She then went on to affirm,
“I know I’m getting one before I’m 12” (she’s 11 now!)

How about sharing an example of your own shift in “being” or
“speaking” that created a new result in your own life?

This hit me like a ton of bricks…

Just heard an interview of  Harrison Klein (one of the bonus
resources from using Ryan Higgins’ Mind Movie program)…and wanted to share
a very powerful, transformative idea he gave:

To change something in your life, don’t start with the effect–

e.g., working harder.

Instead start with the cause.

First create a new version of you…a new identity, and a new
“I am” statement about yourself…(you fill in the “blank” after
“I am…”)  and then act from that place…

A brief but profound idea you can “chew on” and start applying
right away…

More to follow…

To your prosperous well-being and health,

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Be sure to get your own 7-day Road Map To Health and additional insights at www.doctorbenlo.com

Ryan Higgins’ Mind Movies–Shift How You Feel In Minutes and Accelerate Your Results In Any Area Of Your Life

This is it…

Here you go…the best tool I’ve found so far for magnifying
and accelerating your visualizations…and in fact, taking
them “outside” of you and reflecting them back to you, so even
someone who’s not good at “visualizing” can have great success
focusing on what they’re wanting rather than continuing to
get stuck in the way things are right now.

Learn all about this wonderful tool–called “Mind Movies” from
Ryan Higgins, by clicking here
.  (and see 4-7-09 update below).

The product is excellent–walks you through the
process of creating your own mind movie step-by-step, and you can
also download and access several mind movies for free right
away (on health, money, relationships, and more–6 areas in total)

I used one of the “generic” ones above for about a month and felt
the power of it…then when I created my own below, the feelings
I experienced jumped through the roof.  (You won’t have the
same experience because many of the pictures below are personal
to me…but you’ll get the idea).

Once again, check out Ryan’s Mind Movies and free downloads here,
then enjoy my own mind movie below…my favorite part is the final
portion where the music shifts, beginning with “I have amazing

Ryan even has a really cool tool where my mind movie can be
playing full-screen in the background while I’m doing other
work on the computer!

Imagine what could happen between now and Christmas if you make
your own mind movie this weekend!


Dr. Ben

P.S. Click on the rectangle at lower right above to view full screen…enjoy, then
go make your own mind movie here.

**Update 4-7-09:  Use the link above to get your own pre-made mind-movies,
then visit the digital download version of the kit here.  For the time being,
the entire kit is available at a 75% discount as a digital download–works great
if you don’t have dial-up and don’t mind not having the actual DVDs.  Enjoy!

Creates A Surge Of Powerful Emotions In Just 3 Minutes

This was just shared with me yesterday.

In just 3 minutes, you’ll experience a surge of positive emotions…
which we now know “tunes” you in immediately to a different perspective
on life while at the same time releasing powerful endorphines and
neurotransmitters that can immediately shift your cells, your health,
and how you feel.


Oh, and stay tuned next for the best tool I’ve found so far for accelerating
your visualizations and turning them into results. 

P.S.  Click the box at lower right to view in Full-Screen mode!