What Are You Not Seeing?

I have a confession to make.

I’m a guy…

Which means when I’m looking for something in the fridge,
sometimes I glance around a few seconds, then tell my wife,
“I don’t see it.”

Then with some exasperation she tells me “it’s right there…”
and with a little direction, suddenly I “see” it…


Because a part of me doesn’t want to keep looking if I don’t
believe I’ll find…

And my belief limits my ability to “see”…

Have you ever misplaced something – your keys, or a piece of
paper—and looked frantically for it…perhaps over and over again
in the same place…and then all of a sudden, you realize it was
right there all along, you just didn’t “see” it?

These are just a couple of everyday examples of how our beliefs,
and our brain, actually control what we see.

So now let’s talk about your health, or your finances, or your
relationships—–what is it you’re not seeing?

When you believe your only choices are a drug or surgery, or else
something disastrous will happen…

When you believe you can’t do something because of an apparent
obstacle that you “see” in front of you.

When you believe someone is rude or impatient or doesn’t like you—–
have you noticed you keep “seeing” more and more evidence that
confirms those beliefs, even if in actuality there are times when
that person doesn’t act that way?

Reminds me again of one of my favorite “stories” from the Bible—–
the Chilrden of Israel in the wilderness. 

One moment, it looks like there’s no food or water.

The next moment there’s water flowing from a rock, or manna on the

What is it your own brain isn’t letting you see, because of your
beliefs about your health, your situation, or another person?

Are you willing to ask some different questions, and open the door
to “seeing” more than you see right now?

Guess next time I’m at the fridge, I’ll ask myself “If it were here,
where would it be?” (a way of getting around my disbelief)
and see if I “see” things differently then!

To your prosperous well-being and health,

Dr. Ben

P.S.  How about letting us know some of your own examples of
shifts in “seeing” in the comments below?

Photos of Ginny

Today is “Ginny’s” 2 week birthday…Rachelle was just starting labor about this time 2 weeks ago, and Ginny was born at 9:07pm EST here at home.

We’ve named her Ianthe Virginia, and for those of you interested, you can view a slideshow of her with family and friends here.

At 12 pounds, she surprised us all (Rachelle had about 10-15 minutes of intermittent “pushing”), and we are again amazed at the wonder, mystery, and miracle of birth, and forever grateful to all our mentors and friends at Homefirst Health Services and the wonderful gift of natural pregancy and birth at home that they passed on to us.


Dr. Ben

It’s a Girl!

Born at 9:07pm EST at home with her brothers and sisters and
close friends of Rachelle’s to greet her…12 pounds even!!!!

Rachelle’s sitting in the chair nursing and eating scrambled

She’s nicknamed “Ginny” for now…Rachelle wants to look at
her face again in the morning before choosing the final name…

A blessed and happy dad,

Dr. Ben

Pregnancy, Mind Movies, and Changing Your Life…

Yesterday I ran out with Rachelle for a quick bowl of
Vietnamese Noodle Soup, and as I looked across the table at
her, I noticed (and commented…:) ) on how young and beautiful
she looked.

She was glowing.

We reflected on how this has been her best pregnancy yet—–she
looks younger and feels better than ever before…even though
it’s #6…

and the baby (“Ginny”) is moving and kicking with vigor every day.

I mention this because we had moments of wondering where we
were heading early in the pregnancy…and yesterday over soup,
Rachelle mentioned that “a lot of people quit when it’s the hardest”
(e.g., after 2-3 kids…:) ) and don’t realize it actually gets

Now regardless of how you feel about pregnancy and birth and number
of kids, this insight can be applied virtually to any journey we’re
on, and so I thought I’d mention it here.

I also know that many of you love to hear any news about Rachelle
and our pregnancy…and so I thought I’d take a moment to post
this quick note here.

In the meantime, here’s a couple resources that I thought you’d
enjoy…and greatly benefit from.

The first is the free ebook download The Science Of Getting Rich
from Rebecca Fine’s excellent site. 

If you’re not familiar with it, definitely give yourself this gift,
especially if there’s an area in your life—–your finances in
particular—–where you’d like to create different results with
more ease.

The second came through an email from Rebecca just this week.

It’s a set of free “mind movies” for an area in your life where
you’re wanting to create different results.

You can get your own set here:

Mind Movies

The front page has a simple “home-made” video of the creator of
these movies, and a well-known internet marketer, talking
about the Law Of Attraction, how these movies came about, and how
the author used his own version to create radically different
results in his own life in just 90 days.

You can watch this intro video, or skip straight to the “mind movies.”


Dr. Ben

P.S.  *Trivia Note* The singer on the “money” mind movie actually
went to my high school and grew up around the block from me,
though we moved in different “circles” and I knew
her brother but didn’t really know her…

Mike Brescia and “Tranquil Sleep Now”–Your Best Night’s Sleep Ever

Just a quick note as Mike Brescia of ThinkRightNow.com is about to launch his “Tranquil Sleep Now” program with many bonuses in the morning.

I’ve had the chance to sample the program, and love how it provides a total drug-less solution to restoring healthy sleep.  The nights I’ve used it so far, I’ve consistently noticed, even the first time, that I was able to awaken earlier with more energy than before.

You can read all about it, as well as other’s experiences, right here.

Enjoy, and let me and others in our online community know your own experiences with this or any other solutions that you’ve found particularly helpful in the comments below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Many readers of this blog have enjoyed their own free 7-day “Road Map To Health e-course With Dr. Ben”.