Ok. Here’s the 3rd step in the 3 step process on manifesting
I heard from Harrison Klein last week:
Now here’s the key—action is not the cause…not what creates…
Rather, it’s the vehicle by which you receive.
You’ve already set things in motion with a new identity—new “I
am” statements about yourself that can now create new results.
You’ve also magnified the vibration by talking about what you’re
now focusing on and wanting to experience.
And lastly, the “effect” if you will, is that you take some
action—and it’s that action in the physical world that simply
provides the channels for you to receive what you’ve already
set in motion.
Whether it’s better health, new flows of money, more intimacy,
or something else you’re focusing on right now.
Most people just jump to step 3—more action, trying harder…
But if you don’t address the cause—you’re identity and vision
of yourself—and what you’re saying to yourself and others all
day long—you’re not changing things at the level of cause, and
you won’t see much return for your action.
Take the first 2 steps to address the cause and set something
new in motion, and then your action can be almost “effortless”…
…a natural outflowing…
And simply becomes the means by which you receive new energy,
better health, more money, etc.
Experiment with these 3 steps this week
Creating a new version, or vision, of you with new “I am”
Increasing the vibration by talking about what you’re now
choosing to experience or create
And then taking the action that follows to provide the means
in the physical world for what you’ve already set in motion
to come to you.
Let me know your own experiences, comments, or questions
in the comments below.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Dr. Ben
P.S. The interview with Harrison Klein was one of the excellent
ongoing resources that are part of Ryan Higgins’ Mind Movie program.
If you haven’t obtained the free mind movies he’s made, or checked
out how to make your own, you can do so here.