Never stop exploring, and thoughts on gratitude…

This morning my wife Rachelle shared with me an intriguing vignette: 

 Our 17 month old son is always looking for something to touch or get into–in many ways he’s the most “on the go” of all our 5 children. 

So this morning, Rachelle asked our daughter Emmie, “Emmie, what do you think Benen’s trying to teach me?”  And Emmie answered, “Never stop exploring.”

What a perspective!

No wonder our kids often seem to have so much energy and enthusiasm for life…and what a perspective to be reminded of–never stop exploring!

Recently I’ve also been reminded in several arenas of the power of appreciation and gratitude.

Rebecca Fine in a recent interview pointed out that Wallace Wattles has a whole chapter on gratitude in The Science of Getting Rich, and I just read that Oprah has said the most impactful thing she’s done was to keep a gratitude journal.

Sometimes we want to hear about something more dramatic, a technique that’s more complex or more “secret”.

Nevertheless, the simple practice of finding things to be grateful for–especially at the beginning and end of your day to “tune in” to a spirit of appreciation–can have a powerful effect on your mood, your hormones, your cells, and your experience!

So how about making this really practical?

How about grabbing a spiral-bound notebook (you can get one for less than a buck at most stores), and writing 5 things you’re grateful for at the beginning or end of your day…or both…

How about doing this for the next 7 days…

How about for the next 21 days…

You may just find yourself developing a life-long enriching habit–that will add both quality and quantity to your life!

To your prosperous well-being!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Get your own free weekly wellness insights and tips  at

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

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