Shifts your perspective powerfully in a moment…

I’ve been wanting to share with you a way of looking at things
that has powerfully impacted me (and therefore my family *smile*)
in the last 4-6 weeks, and I finally took a few moments now to
jot this down.

Ever encounter circumstances—in your money, health, or
relationships—where you suddenly feel, “Oh no…what am I
going to do?”

Well, the next time that happens, how about saying to yourself,
“I’m looking forward to seeing how this will unfold.”

What does that do for you?

Well, it immediately shifts your focus from only what you can
“see” right now—which might be a glaring lack of health, a
lack of money, or something troubling that’s just come up in
your circumstances or your relationships…

And this phrase,”Hmm…I’m looking forward to seeing how this
will unfold” immediately shifts your view to an “unseen” trust
and assumption that “all is well” even though you can’t see it
right now…and implies that things WILL unfold beyond what you
can see now…

unfold for good…

maybe even something much better than what you’ve been thinking
about so far…

and simply opening that door with the phrase, “I’m looking forward
to seeing how this will unfold” immediately shifts your emotional
energy state…

and that not only helps you feel better in the moment…

it also keeps you open to possibilities you might have missed had
you stayed in the “shut down” state of “Oh, no!”

Practice this with yourself this week, and let me know your own
experiences below!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  I received the above idea from a wonderful woman, Sue Anne
Macgregor, who does a unique process (by phone or in person) called
holographic repatterning that has greatly blessed me at key
junctures in my business and family life over the past several
years.  You can reach Sue Ann on her business line at 972-898-8833.

Let me  know your own experiences with “powerful shifts in perspective” below.

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

4 thoughts on “Shifts your perspective powerfully in a moment…”

  1. This idea is key in our personal development. I have learned that the mindset is critical in our development both personally and in business. When we challenge ourselves to think like that it is amazing what will happen. Just the other day, I was standing at my job in the little grey cube world, and it hit me that I could either stand and listen to the negativity that is going on all around me and be brought into that same mindset, or I could ask myself, what if there is another road here? What if I am not being led to do the same thing as these other people, but I have been given a gift to take another road and actually see how this will unfold, what I will be led to; and and all of a sudden I started smiling. I found that I was seeing something ahead of me that no one around me could feel, or experience. I had the ability to look ahead over the cubes, past the front door and into the future. Unfolding before me were my dreams. I now have the ability to look ahead, over and around the problems because I know there is another side to them. I now have the experience that the problems show me I am growing and they are becoming the blocks on which I can stand to see past the obstacles. I now know I have choices – to think what if I can’t or what if I can. What is the worst that will happen or what is the best? Now that I know I have the ability to choose, I choose to lean forward and go for it. It keeps a smile on my face just knowing I know good is out there when everyone else is locked in their little grey cubes.

  2. Yes, awareness of choices is powerful. Great questions you’re asking yourself, and vision you’re allowing yourself to see…thanks for sharing, Gemma!

  3. Gemma, that was very well-written! I used the power of choice not to bypass the negativity of others, but the pull of my own negative patterns. During March and April . . . I was vibrating negative energy, procrastinating about doing my taxes . . . because I was afraid of what I might have to owe. During the past year we’d encountered gigantic medical bills when my son donated half his liver to his father, in addition to the fact that I’d started my home business last spring, and was uncertain what the outcome would be.

    I became more and more acutelymagnetized in a negative way and aware of the uncomfortable feeling of, “Oh, no!” each time I would attempt to buckle down and just plow through this yearly”nasty” task. Instead of approaching this task with dread, I chose to write down an alternate phrase . . . (I had to dig deep for it . . ) “I really enjoy watching the interesting way that $ flows from, through, and to our hands in infinite abundance and prosperity.” At first my affirmation did not seem natural, but after a while, I was finding it very interesting as I allowed myself to play with some of the graphing and projecting features of my financial software.

    End of story: We are expecting $Thousands in a refund! Now I make a point to” play” with my financial software rather than drag my feet to the letter opener and the check book. I am looking forward to how my financial picture will unfold for the coming year!

  4. Powerful…thanks for sharing, and congratulations on the shifts you’re making, Peggy!

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