The Art of Living “Imperfectly”

Yesterday Rachelle gave some fun eating ideas and also touched on a key principle—–
the art of “inner acceptance” and thankfulness.

Today I want to take a couple moments and address this further…

No matter where you are in your health today…

or in any area of your life for that matter…

…beginning from a place of inner acceptance and gratitude feels better now,
and also puts you on a path toward empowering steps you can take to continue
to feel better and better…creating a very different result than frustration, striving,
or feeling that you’re never really doing all that you should…

Yes, I know there may be things you want to change…

Yes, I know there’s always something we could do more or do better…

But what if you start today with the practicing of finding joy and gratitude right now…

What if you find a way to be thankful for the food and drink you take in today…thereby
maximizing it’s benefit and minimizing it’s potential “harm” if it’s not “perfect”, and finding
a little more joy with what you have today?

Then you may find yourself happier with yourself and your life, and also find it
easier to then choose a “next step” that may take you a little further into health—
maybe it’s eating a “healthy snack” of a piece of fruit or vegetable, or taking a few
moments in the sunshine—–a “life-affirming” step—that over time adds up to a
healthy and vibrant life…and you feel good along the way.

Practice the art of being “perfectly imperfect”, and finding joy and thanksgiving
each day of your journey to wellness.

Though seemingly simple, this daily practice of acceptance, thankfulness, and
then openness to “what’s next” can have a profound impact on your life.

So practice daily, enjoy the journey, and share your own comments and questions below.

For a complete system of “life-affirming” steps with both specific, practical nutritional
and health guidance, as well as key “inner” principles for approaching your own health
and well-being in just minutes a day, you can visit Your Journey To Wellness With Dr. Ben.

And if you’re ready to take a further step and want the guidance of working together
one-on-one over an extended period of time together, I’m about to open three more
spots for my personal mentoring program.

This program is not for everybody, in that I’m only looking to work directly with a few
people who are ready to really change specific patterns in their thinking and habits to
progressively transform their health and how they feel during the weeks we work together,
and to develop strategies they can use to continue to transform their health…and their life…
long after we’ve finished working directly together.

If you’re ready to take this step and commit to yourself to discover and accelerate healthy
change (yes, a word many people subconsciously fear!), you can call or email me directly
(1-888-909-6601 or [email protected] ) for a personal interview
to see if you qualify and if this would be a match for you. 

Either way—whether indirectly through Your Journey To Wellness, or directly
via one-on-one mentoring, I look forward to working with you and hearing
about the wonderful changes you step into for the rest of 2008!

Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

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