More on “Can You Rebuild Cartilage?” and How Much and What Forms of Calcium to Take…

Okay, by now you’ve read the PDF and watched the video (see past 2 days’ entries), and understand that your own beliefs and attitude play a key role in magnifying or blocking anything you do.

Now let’s talk about a couple specifics in answer to the questions on “rebuilding cartilage”, and how much and what form(s) of calcium to take. 

(For a complete guide on specific steps combined with timeless guiding principles to address all areas of your health, I recommend the Journey To Wellness & Foundational Health Program I’ve prepared for you.)

Ok. Let’s start with a couple specifics on cartilage.

I have found a particular combination of quality glucosamine, an herb called Boswellia, the spice tumeric, and a combo of antioxidants and minerals to be very effective in people with joint pain, stiffness, back pain, and even a “frozen” shoulder.

You may be able to find these in combination from wherever you normally get your supplements, or if you can’t find them, or the form you’re using doesn’t seem to be working for you, you can contact me directly by phone or email about the specific brand I use. ( [email protected]   1-888-909-6601)

I’ve found that with a quality formulation, even people who’ve been on glucosamine or joint supplements for years are getting relief they’ve never felt before.

Next, a quality multivitamin with “chelated” minerals (making them more absorbable) is helpful—and potentially better yet are “nano” molecules which are something I personally use now.

Here’s something else—If you’ve read my letters on Omega 3’s previously you know their benefit to virtually every system of the body…

Well, Omega 3’s are particularly beneficial for joints, and you definitely want to include them in your diet.  Omega 3’s can be very anti-inflammatory.  If you’re not getting results with what you’re taking now, you may want to double or triple the amount you’re taking, or switch forms.

(Generally, the fish oil-derived form is more readily and consistenly used in the body than vegetable forms, and Omega 3’s from krill seem to be the most readily used by the body).

Again, if you want to know how to get the specific form I use and recommend (called “Marine Omega”), you can contact me directly.

Finally, regarding calcium—as I mentioned in yesterday’s video, food sources seem to provide best results, even if the overall “numbers” are less than what someone is getting in supplements…(most research suggests 1200-1500 mg/day of calcium for adults, but as I mentioned in yesterday’s video, this kind of “exactness” may really be misleading since there are so many factors that actually determine what actually gets into your bones, and whether your bones are “brittle” or supple…)

and secondly, getting calcium along with a full “spectrum” of bone minerals and nutrients (just like from food) is best.

Some less commonly thought of food sources of calcium are:  sesame seeds, almonds, broccoli, and dark green leafy vegetables such as collard greens and spinach.

I mention these sources in particular because there’s actually some controversy about dairy’s benefits to your overall health (unless you can get “raw” unprocessed dairy from grass-fed cows);  and also, “too much” animal protein—with its higher amounts of phosphorous and tendency to make the blood more acidic–may actually “leach” calcium from your bones to buffer the acidity.


This comes back to eating as nutritionally as you can, (starting with step #1 in the Special Report from: )

giving thanks and being appreciative of everything you do eat or drink…

and then if you choose to supplement,  I’d recommend chelated forms of minerals (more absorbable) or the “nano” form I currently use myself.

Okay…there you have it…some specifics for you in answer to your questions.

Let me know your own followup questions, comments, and feedback below!

Yours in health,

Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

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