Natural Healing by Being Influenced “For Good”

A couple weeks ago I sent my  Road Map To Health readers a
link to a song “For Good” on YouTube that moved me, and it elicited
quite a response from some of them, too.

Shortly after that, while speaking to about 800 people at a
“business” conference, I ended my talk by saying how much I
had been changed “for good” by the people there that had come
into my life, and then I asked everyone to close their eyes…

…and I played a clip of my 8 year old daughter
Emmie singing that same song…

And in seconds, many that were there got in touch with something
deep inside themselves and were even moved to tears…

Now why I am sharing this here?

I’m realizing that whether it’s with our health, our business or
work, or our relationships, it’s our ability to get in touch with
something meaningful beyond the “noise” of our daily burdens
and tasks that feeds our spirit, inspires us, and moves us to
embrace a life of meaning, purpose, wholeness, and joy.

And it’s our ability to influence ourselves, by opening our hearts
and allowing ourselves to be moved, that can bring great
healing to ourselves and others.

And with that said, I wanted too give you a chance to hear the
same clip here…just click on the “play” button,
turn up your speakers, and close your eyes:


(my daughter Emmie & wife Rachelle singing an excerpt from “For Good”.
You may even hear my 18 month-old Benen pipe in at one point…)


Dr. Ben

P.S. If you missed the link on YouTube, here it is as well:

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

6 thoughts on “Natural Healing by Being Influenced “For Good””

  1. That was awesome, the one of Rachelle & Emmie that is. Sure do miss you gys!
    – Michelle Walker

    Edit from Dr. Ben: Glad you enjoyed it, Michelle!

  2. Dear Ben,

    Emmie and Rachelle singing this particular song
    became the only real voice for our party, expressing so beautifully the deep feelings inside everyone gathered towards one another that evening. What a thrill to be able to listen again and be reminded of the irresistible interconnection of all living beings. For me,I saw that night in the gathering of family and friends of 40 years and felt reflected in Emmie and Rachelle’s singing, the durability and forgiveness of relationships no matter how the story seemed to go at times. gratefully, Kathy

  3. Yes, that was a very special evening, Kathy, and what a wonderful expression of healing…thanks for sharing!

  4. There are few greater things than to have one’s spirit healed through the power of a friend.

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