Who Are You?

I’m in Dallas and just had a quick moment to write a note on a fascinating way of looking at an intriguing question that I heard yesterday.

The question is this:

 Who are you?

Pause a moment…

What comes to mind when you first “hear” that question?

Well, here’s a new answer I heard from Jerry Clark yesterday:

Possibility manifested.

Consider this a moment.

 What if your health, your current condition, your diagnosis, or whatever you’re experiencing now, is just one “possibility manifested”?

What if you could learn to manifest a different possibility, instead of continually re-inforcing and re-living the one you’re experiencing now?


More to come…

Dr. Ben

P.S.   Want to explore this further?  Discover the secrets to manifesting new possibilities in your health, beginning with “Why Most Programs Fail.” 

What Is “Wellness”?

Not long ago I gave a talk at our local library.  On the left
side of a white board, I wrote the following words:


I then drew a vertical line, and on the right side of the
board, I wrote the words:


I then asked the group how they felt as they read each set
of words, and which side of the board they wanted to be on.

How do you feel when you read these words? 

Driving home from an early morning on the beach this week,
I heard Lynn Grabhorn say on a tape of her book Excuse Me
Your Life Is Waiting,

“…it’s fashionable to talk about
what’s wrong with everything instead of what’s right…”,
and I stopped to write this statement down. 

Focusing on what’s wrong is exactly what we’re trained to
do in medicine, which is where most of us turn when we’re
concerned about our health. 

For just a moment, pull up a chair and join me as we explore
new ways to think about your health.

For a moment, forget your diagnosis, your abnormal lab test,
your medications and questions, and your fears.

If you are reading this, you are living and breathing,
and there is an aliveness about you that can be fanned
in to vitality and health.

Let’s begin by shifting your focus…

What are you thankful for?

What’s going well with your body,
your health,
your life?

What did you do well today?

Did you get out of bed–celebrate that!

Did you eat or drink something nourishing–celebrate that.

Did you walk, work out, or exercise in some fashion–celebrate that!

You may be saying, “Yeah, but I still feel lousy” or “My doctor
still says my cholesterol’s too high”–or maybe it’s your
blood pressure or your blood sugar.

That’s okay–that’s where you are today.  That’s your
starting point–but it doesn’t have to be your endpoint
unless you do nothing to change.

However, if you’re with me this far, you’re reading because
you want to change–you want an answer other than what
you’ve gotten so far.  You want to stop focusing on what’s
wrong, and begin to take note of what’s right,
and build on that.

So let’s begin.

Pick one thing you did that was healthy
today, even if it was simply that you took a breath.
Celebrate that, commend yourself, and then choose one thing
that you will do tomorrow for your health.  Will you go
outside for a walk, will you eat an apple, will you do
something else you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t done

Take that first step.

As we journey together, we will discuss concrete steps
you can take, and I will direct you to some terrific resources.

For today, begin by shifting your focus.

Begin to take note of what’s going well,
and choose something life-giving to do tomorrow.

Your friend and partner in health,

Dr. Ben

Discover the secrets to creating your own Road Map To Health in just minutes a day.

For a wonderful way to shift your focus and
start feeling better within minutes, download the
movie at:

The Secret To You


Day #7 What About Supplements?

Welcome to Day #7!

Today we’ll switch gears further from thoughts and beliefs to
something else concrete–supplementation, particularly
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and Omega 3 fatty acids, all
of which are key for optimal health.

But first, why supplement?

Don’t we get enough from our food?

Well, how well do you eat?

Be honest with yourself.

Do you get plenty of color, plenty of raw, organic fruits and
vegetables and raw, whole, or unprocessed food throughout the

Most people don’t, and for those of you that do, how’s your
health and how do you feel?

In this day and age, with the multiple environmental and social
stresses on us we often need something extra to keep us healthy,
even when we’re eating well, and to support us when we’re not.

For many people, their bodies are like checking accounts for
which they’re writing more checks than deposits every month.

For awhile, they get away with this until the reserves are
used up and checks start to bounce.

This is when you notice you’re stiff the day after playing ball,
or your knees are starting to ache, or your eyes don’t see as
well–things we normally attribute to aging and assume we just
have to live with.

But what if you could start depositing more than you’re taking

What if you could start giving your body concentrations of high
quality nutrients that your body could use as raw ingredients
to function better and heal itself?

This is what quality supplementation provides–a concentrated
extract of desired nutrients.

A simple example of this is juicing raw fruits and vegetables
to extract and concentrate the nutritious juices.

A further step is to take a quality vitamin and mineral supplement,
antioxidants, and Omega 3 fatty acids, and a third step is to take
a “superfood” product.

With healthy boosting of essential nutrients, I have seen many
people suffering from “age-related” ailments actually


and in many cases, decrease or wean off their medications

Now you may be asking,

“How do I choose a quality supplement or superfood?”

Well, here’s a quick tip–find out what’s actually made a
difference for someone else.

That’s a great place to start.

Or reach out to me for a guide to what I personally use and recommend.

Now here’s a heart-to-heart question for you.

Have you taken one or more steps you learned in the past 7 days?

Or just read the lessons?

If you want to see real change in your health and how you feel,
take a step.

You can take one right now by “anchoring” a thought or step
you intend to take today by writing it in the comments below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  This completes your 7 day series.  You can continue to watch for Dr. Ben’s Health Insights in your email.  Be sure to leave your comments and questions below–what was most helpful?  What do you still have questions about?

What “spoke” to you the most from today’s lesson “What about Supplements?”

Are you intrigued by the concept of “reverse-aging” and getting off medications naturally?

Let me know your own experiences, comments, or questions below, and be sure to “anchor” the first step(s) you intend to take as a result of this course!

Copyright 2008-2024 Ben Lo, MD

Day #6 Sugar or Fat–What’s the Real Culprit?

Welcome to Day #6!

Today we’re going to switch gears and  talk about something

Sugar and Fat

Plus simple steps you can take to shift your energy and
metabolism starting today.

Much of our society has been conditioned to avoid fat and to
look for low-fat foods, but did you know there are actually
“good” fats–fats that are good for you?

Even cholesterol has its place.

In fact, cholesterol is  an essential component of
the membranes of every cell in your body, is a key factor in
normal hormone production, and too little cholesterol on
blood testing can be a marker for poor chance of survival.

Many low-fat foods are actually high in sugar or
carbohydrates, which get digested into sugar in your body.

Do you know what your body does with excess sugar?

It stores it.

First as sugar stores in the liver, and then as–guess


Now here’s a shocking fact:

Despite low-fat marketing for a number of years
which has made everyone fat-conscious…

diabetes, obesity, and heart-disease as ailments
of Western society are more common than ever.

So what do you do?

First, begin to shift your thinking from paying so much
attention to fat.

Rather, focus on eating more real food.

As long as you’re avoiding deep fried foods and french
fries (both of which heat fats to high temperatures and
make them toxic) and artificial fats such as margarine and
partially hydrogenated oils, I would rather you become less
“fat conscious”.

Begin today instead to eliminate, or at least decrease, two
other items from your diet:

Processed (added) sugar and corn syrup (often listed as
“high fructose corn syrup”)

You will actually find your taste buds awakening to a whole
palette of tastes when they’re not overwhelmed with sugar,
and you will experience a beneficial impact on your weight,
your metabolism, and your energy.

Additionally, shifting your thinking about fat will allow
you to feel more comfortable receiving the benefits of good
fats, which you’ll learn more about in the ongoing series
Dr.Ben’s Health Insights that continues after this initial 7 days.

Now, here are 3 steps you can take to shift your energy and
how you feel starting today:

1) Color–Eat smaller amounts of food more often, and get as
much color–particularly from fruits and vegetables–as you

Looking for more natural color as you eat is a simple
way to increase your antioxidants, your nutrition, your fiber,
and your health without getting a headache reading labels
and reports!

2) Move–be sure to move at least 10 minutes every day.

Go for a walk, do some jumping jacks, dance to some music,
or play tag with your kids. Once you master this, begin
increasing the time or adding multiple times throughout the

3) Supplement — Get on a quality multivitamin, mineral, and antioxidant supplement and an omega three fish oil supplement to replenish your “nutritional bank account”, fill any gaps in your diet, and optimize your nutrition.  (More on this tomorrow)

There you have it.

Key steps you can learn and implement in minutes that can
make a profound difference in your health and how you feel

Avoid deep fried food, partially hydrogenated oils, processed
sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Eat with color and in small amounts more often throughout
the day.

Move for at least 10 minutes a day.

Get on quality supplementation.

Now is this “enough”?

Remember our discussions of the past few days?

Health and healing are really multi-dimensional.

They involve all parts of our being…the physical steps are
just one part.

I’ve found that a few simple principles that are easy to learn
and practice on the physical side, when combined with addressing
the thinking, beliefs, focus, and feelings of a person–the
“non-physical” side–make a more profound difference, and a
simpler, easier, and happier life–than exhaustive amounts of
information and rules.

You’ll learn more about “Good Fats”  in the insights that follow this 7 day series.

Today’s lesson “Sugar or Fat–What’s the Real Culprit?” also gave you 3 key steps to shift your energy and how you feel today.

Share your own experiences, ask a question, or leave a comment for others below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Tomorrow we address nutritional supplementation beginning with the question, why supplement at all?  See you there!

Copyright 2008-2024 Ben Lo, MD

Day #5 Turning a downward cycle around

Welcome to Day #5!

(Not already subscribed to this 7 day series?  You can do so here:  Your Road Map to Health In Just Minutes A Day with Dr. Ben)

Now ever feel lousy and just don’t know how to change it, even
though you want to?

Well, today you’ll learn simple techniques that can change how you
feel in minutes.

Once you realize how easy this is, you won’t have to stay in
a “funk” any longer than you choose to ever again!

Here we go:


First, how we feel about ourselves affects how we treat ourselves.

Whether it’s our eating habits, exercising, smoking, or
overworking, how we feel about ourselves affects what we choose
to do and is ultimately reflected in our health.

When do you tend to overeat?

When do you binge on sugar or junk food?

When do you smoke?

How do you feel afterward?

Are you ready to break the cycle?

As we’ve already discussed, changing your thoughts and what
you say to yourself is key.

The amazing thing, however, is that we can also reverse the
process–treat ourselves well to start shifting how we feel!

When you’re feeling low, take a hot bath or shower, go for
a brisk walk, listen to an inspiring song, eat an apple or
something that makes you feel healthy.

Changing the “signals” or “messages” you give your mind and
body in this way will put you on the path to life and health,
and as you reinforce these signals with healthy affirmations

“Wow–this feels good!  I feel healthy!  I’m glad I did that!”

you can turn a downward cycle around.

Lastly, experiment this week with looking at yourself in the
mirror and saying, “…you are wonderful, and I love you!”

Whether you feel it or not, say it with enthusiasm, and you
will again give your brain and body, even at the cellular level,
new and healthy signals that will create **new patterns** in
your thinking, your feeling, and your health.


Okay, let me know your own experiences with shifting how you
feel, and leave your comments and questions below!

Tomorrow we’ll shift gears to something very concrete:

fat & sugar

and 3 key steps you can take to shift your energy and how you
feel today.

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Now that you’ve begun your journey, want to accelerate your results further?  Take a peak at Dr. Ben’s Complete Guide here.

Copyright 2008-2016 Ben Lo, MD