Day #1 Why Most Programs Fail

Welcome to Day #1!

Over the next 7 days, we’re going to cover key components to
transforming the way you feel in just minutes a day.

And since you’re a multi-dimensional being (you have thoughts
and feelings that affect how you feel just as much as anything
you put into your mouth), we’re going to address all dimensions
in this series with the insights that follow.

So let’s get started with today’s lesson,

**Why Most Programs Fail**

Ever tried a “program” to change your health or something in
your life only to be disappointed it “didn’t work”?

Before we talk about some of the specific physical steps you can
take to change your health and how you feel, today I want to share
with you the top two reasons why most programs “fail”, and at
the same time equip you with a strategy so that you never “fail”

Here’s the first reason:

**The Law of Incremental Change and Compounding Results**

Think for a moment of growing a tomato plant (a wonderful
analogy in Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life).

When the first green shoots spring up from the dirt, you don’t
stomp on them and say, “But I wanted a tomato!”

But isn’t that what you’ve done when attempting to “grow” other
results in your life?

Whether it’s changing your physique, releasing some weight,
eating healthier, or even a change in an arena other than health–
how you relate to your spouse or kids, or the results you’re
wanting to see in your business–how many times have you been
frustrated with yourself or your apparent “lack” of results?

Maybe you “messed up” this weekend and repeated an old habit,
or maybe you’ve been “trying really hard” but still not seeing
the results you want…

Or maybe you’re overwhelmed by a diagnosis or set of
circumstances and don’t know where to begin…

Well, no matter where you are right now, here’s where you start:

One step at a time.

Now this may seem obvious, but stick with me for a moment.

You can’t be anywhere other than where you are right now–
because that’s where you are.

So start here.

Start taking steps in the direction you want to head.

And start to accept and understand The Law of Incremental
Change and Compounding Results.

You’ve heard of the “penny doubling every day” becoming over
10 million by the end of 30 days.

Well, in the first few weeks, the visible changes are
INCREMENTAL…but the continuation of these incremental
changes begins to compound, and that’s when the magic

It’s the same with your health, your relationships, or any
other area of your life.

You may be ready for a quantum shift…and we’ve probably
all heard of personal transformation that happens virtually

But what happens for most people is the willingness to
cooperate with taking these incremental steps consistently,
and then allowing the magic of compounding to happen.

And compounding doesn’t just happen with money…

It happens in your body, and in any area of your life where
you allow new steps to begin to add together and create a

**new pattern**


**new results.**

And the compounding can happen rapidly…just like with the

and create almost “overnight” transformation.

But when you’re “in the middle of it,” if you don’t understand
this principle, you can “stomp” on your tomato shoots…

…stop the steps you’re taking…

before the compounding starts to take off…

and that’s what most people do.

That’s why most programs “fail”…

It’s not really that the program doesn’t work, or even that it
takes too long to see results.

Rather, it’s just that most people don’t understand the Law of
Incremental Change and Compounding Results, and they “pull out”
before the magic starts to happen.

Take a few minutes to ponder this throughout today, and  leave your comments and questions on today’s lesson below.

I look forward to hearing  from you!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Want to share this 7 Day Guide and ongoing email tips with someone you love?  You can invite them to join you here.

Tomorrow we’ll talk about the one key barrier you must release to heal.  See you there!

Copyright 2008-2024 Ben Lo, MD

Do What You Love

Yesterday I read an article online on “doing what you love” that stopped me in my tracks and led me to look up and exclaim out loud after the 2-3 minutes it took me to read it.

Even though it’s posted on a business site (and re-posted on my “business” blog), it’s so significant, and touches so poignantly on what’s significant and meaningful in life, that I wanted you to know about it here.

Whatever you’re doing now, STOP…take 3 minutes and read the article here.

Then post your own comments, feelings, reactions below.

Here’s to doing what you love, and living life to the fullest!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  I’m sitting at Caribou enjoying their wireless service and about to leave to take Rachelle and our kids to a family Christmas Eve service.  As I’m writing and thinking about the article you’re about to read, Caribou is playing some fun music that’s putting me in the feeling of the article…I just asked one of the servers what it is, and she said it’s “Greensleaves” by “Source” (a stirring synthesizer/instrumental rendition.)

Anyway, I’ll meet you over here…Enjoy!

30 Second Idea Keeps the Weight Off Over the Holidays

As we enter more Holidays and the New Year, I know you might
be thinking – at least for a moment — about your weight,
your energy, or your metabolism.

Well, I have a question for you.

What if you could still enjoy some of your favorite foods over
the holidays with one slight change, and not gain weight–
perhaps even lose some?

Here’s an idea that will take you 30 seconds to learn, is simple
to do, and can make a profound difference for you:

Your metabolism responds more to calories per meal than calories
per day.


Well, what this means is, even if you ate the same amount of
food in 24 hours, if you split it up into 4-6 different “snacks”
or “meals” during the day instead of 2-3 “big” ones, you’ll
trigger your metabolism to burn more rather than get stuck in
a “storage” mode.

So how do you do this without simply eating more?

How about dividing your meal into 2 portions and saving some
for later?

How about stopping just a little before you’re “full” knowing you
can still enjoy some more of that turkey or pie a couple hours

Simply spread the same amount of food you would normally eat
throughout the day instead of eating it all at once.

Try it, and see how your energy shifts…

…all without feeling you have to “deprive” yourself or grit
your teeth…

…and as you’re feeling better with more energy and your
metabolism revs up, you may find yourself choosing foods and
portions that further contribute to your feeling good.

Add some walking or movement each day, and you can actually
release weight over the holidays and feel great!

For more great tips and a complete 11 day program to really
get things going, hop on over to:

Keeping the Holiday Weight Off

As a special holiday gift, for everyone who gets the program
and emails me their receipt or confirmation by January 1st, 2008, I’ll email you
my Foundational Wellness Program ebook free and give you 10
minutes of one-on-one coaching by phone where you can ask me
any question you want.

So give yourself this gift–simple ways to change your energy,
metabolism, and physique–get my Foundational Wellness Program
as my free gift to you to complete your journey to wellness,
and ask me any question you want by phone:

Hop on over to:

Keeping the Holiday Weight Off

Order your program, then email me your receipt or confirmation
and your phone number.

To a blessed and prosperous New Year,

Dr. Ben

P.S.  If you recently purchased the above program via
Dr. Ben’s Health Insights or here on the blog,
email me your receipt, confirmation, or log in, and I’ll send
you my Foundational Wellness Program and give you 10 min’s of
phone coaching as well! 

(If you can’t find your confirmation, email me anyway and I can
look you up!)

Never stop exploring, and thoughts on gratitude…

This morning my wife Rachelle shared with me an intriguing vignette: 

 Our 17 month old son is always looking for something to touch or get into–in many ways he’s the most “on the go” of all our 5 children. 

So this morning, Rachelle asked our daughter Emmie, “Emmie, what do you think Benen’s trying to teach me?”  And Emmie answered, “Never stop exploring.”

What a perspective!

No wonder our kids often seem to have so much energy and enthusiasm for life…and what a perspective to be reminded of–never stop exploring!

Recently I’ve also been reminded in several arenas of the power of appreciation and gratitude.

Rebecca Fine in a recent interview pointed out that Wallace Wattles has a whole chapter on gratitude in The Science of Getting Rich, and I just read that Oprah has said the most impactful thing she’s done was to keep a gratitude journal.

Sometimes we want to hear about something more dramatic, a technique that’s more complex or more “secret”.

Nevertheless, the simple practice of finding things to be grateful for–especially at the beginning and end of your day to “tune in” to a spirit of appreciation–can have a powerful effect on your mood, your hormones, your cells, and your experience!

So how about making this really practical?

How about grabbing a spiral-bound notebook (you can get one for less than a buck at most stores), and writing 5 things you’re grateful for at the beginning or end of your day…or both…

How about doing this for the next 7 days…

How about for the next 21 days…

You may just find yourself developing a life-long enriching habit–that will add both quality and quantity to your life!

To your prosperous well-being!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Get your own free weekly wellness insights and tips  at

True Wealth, Beatrix Potter, Coming Alive, Bucky Fuller, and the Science of Getting Rich

Just a quick note to let you know that I recently posted some thoughts on the above themes on my other blog that may interest many of you here.

You can hop on over to read this article on True Wealth here.


Dr. Ben

Get your own weekly health insights and tips with Dr. Ben’s Health Insights.