Natural Health & Healing Audio #3–Your treatment as “tools” & 3 key emotions to release to heal naturally.

Good morning!

I’ve just uploaded a 3rd audio for you, one that I recorded
last night while my son Benen slept on my shoulder.

In just 9 minutes we’ll discuss another key perspective on the
“treatments” and steps you take for your healing, and 3 key
emotions you probably encounter daily that can have a profound
effect on how you feel…and in case you’re wondering, each of
these particular ideas came up because I encountered them myself
in the last 72 hours…(smile)


Enjoy, and again, I welcome your questions and feedback in the comments below.

Oh, and remember to register for a Coaching Spot at noon EST today if that’s something you
want to do!  (In case you’re wondering, I’ve added an explanation of why I’m offering this just
below Laura’s story on the page. Just click on “Coaching Spot” above and enjoy!)

Dr. Ben

Natural Health Audio to Maximize Your Energy & Progress Today

Okay.  Here’s a second audio.

This one’s 10 minutes…

…to guide you with a step you can start today to maximize your focus, energy, and metabolism.

I’ll also cover a key to ensuring your progress…in your health or any area of your life…in 2008!

And again, I welcome your comments and questions below.


Dr. Ben


P.S. Have you begun Your Road Map To Health in just minutes a day?

Three keys to transforming your health today.

Today I want to share with you three keys to transforming your health today, and give you three key action steps you can take right away to maximize your health and energy.

 But first, let’s talk about what your health may be telling you…click the “play” button below, turn up your speakers, and enjoy…and I welcome your comments and questions below!

Dr. Ben


Embracing your imperfections…

Recently a close friend sent me this video, which is emotional and moving.

Then just this past week, I watched it again during a leadership training event with a good friend and mentor, Artemis Limpert, and she gave a particular perspective that made this video even more poignant, and moved me to share it with you here.

As you watch this, rather than just being a “spectator” and seeing this as something curious and unusual though impressive, try watching it with this thought in mind:

What if you could learn to embrace your own imperfections…making them part of your story, part of your “humanness”…

We all probably have things about ourselves we don’t like…whether physical or something less tangible and non-physical.

 What if we could learn to embrace even those parts of ourselves–or our “journey” through them–and make them part of our story so that no only do we find triumph and joy, but we bless others as well?

Embracing our imperfections…keep this in mind as you watch this video, then let me know your own impressions in the comments below!  (Be sure to have your sound on…the music is a key part!)

Dr. Ben

Curing Health “Excusitis”

Yesterday I was reading a wonderful book from the 50’s called The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz, and a particular section on “health excusitis” caught my eye.  Here’s an excerpt:

” ‘Bad’ health, in a thousand different forms, is used as an excuse for failing to do what a person wants to do, failing to accept greater responsibilities, failing to make more money, failing to achieve success.”

Dr. Schwartz goes on to give several examples of different responses to “bad” health, and then he gives “four things you can do to lick health excusitis” that I thought you’d want to read if you don’t want your health to keep you from doing what you want in life:

 “1)  Refuse to talk about your health.  The more you talk about an ailment, even the common cold, the worse it seems to get.  Talking about bad health is like putting fertilizer on weeds.  Besides, talking about your health is a bad habit.  It bores people.  It makes one appear self-centered and old-maidish.  Success-minded people defeat the natural tendency to talk about their “bad” health.  One may (and let me emphasize the word may) get a little sympathy, but one doesn’t get respect and loyalty by being a chronic complainer.

 2)  Refuse to worry about your health…

3)  Be genuinely grateful that your health is as good as it is…

 4)  Remind yourself often, “It’s better to wear out than rust out…”

Along that last line, I love his admonishment to “live until I die.”

How has your health kept you from moving forward in your life?

Are you ready to practice Dr. Schwartz’s recommendations above to create a new experience?

How about an experiment for the next 30 days?

Let me know your experiences in the comments below.  I look forward to hearing from you!

 Dr. Ben

P.S.  Want a strategy for maximizing your health in just minutes a day?  Begin with Your Road Map to Health

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