How perception and choice affect your day.

One of the things that I find powerful is what is triggered
in me when I read something or hear someone speak. Last
week I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Valencia Ray,
the “Confidence Doc”, speak in the Chicago area, and I’ve just
begun reading her book Empower Up & Play Big. One of the
neat things about hearing Dr. Ray speak and reading her book
has been the reminder of how much perception impacts us.

If I have the perception that I don’t have enough time — or
I never have enough time with my family — I could keep living
out that belief and that perception.

Or as I become aware that it’s just a perception, I can start
asking myself – and this is what her talk and book catalyzed
in me – I can start asking myself door-opening questions:

Ok. What could I shift?

If having more time is important to me, what could I shift right
now about my choices?

As I look back on my day and where I’m spending my time…

…and at what kind of habits I’ve created…

where could I start questioning and becoming more aware and not
taking for granted where my time goes…

and consciously choose?

So one of the neat things that Dr. Ray’s talk and her book have
done for me is remind me to become aware of my perceptions…or
my assumptions if you will…and to start being more conscious
and deliberate again about what I’m choosing rather than just
going through my day on autopilot.

So here’s a question for you:

What are you choosing today, and what could you become more aware
of and conscious about…and deliberate and intentional about…
in your day that’s important to you?

Hopefully this brief reflection on perception and choice will
trigger an empowering response in you.

Look forward to hearing your comments below.

To a blessed and wonderful week!

Dr. Ben

P.S. For further practical application on making deliberate
choice in your day, see  “The Power of 10 Minutes A Day”

“90% of what runs your life is out of your awareness.”

“Life is made up of a series of choices, not chances.”

                                                                    — Dr. Valencia Ray

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

12 thoughts on “How perception and choice affect your day.”

  1. Hi Ben, You are such a genuine, thoughtful and inspiring guy – not to mention visionary. Thanks for your post. Yes, perception is so very important. I use to think that life was “the way it is” yet as Anais Nin said a long time ago:
    “We don’t see things as they are; we see them as WE are”.
    Thanks much,

  2. Love the clarity and integration you bring to all you’ve walked through and discovered, Valencia – thanks for sharing and being a catalyst of vision and transformation!

  3. Time is such a valuable commodity and, yet, sometimes our day goes by and upon reflection, we realize we could have spent our time differently and more productively. This is something I definitely need to work on. Of course, our perception of our day can have a huge impact on how our day is played out. Thanks for the perspective.

  4. well…” if you think you are going to win or you think you are going to lose… you are probably right” … quote from henry ford… who was a bit of an eccentric lunatic …but nevertheless did well for himself…

    and… “if you don’t believe in yourself…. who the hell else will” ? no idea who came up with that little dittie… but true to form

    bob mornar

  5. Bob & Cheri – thanks for your comments! Enjoy being aware and intentional throughout your weekend!

  6. My perception of time is that it goes much slower when I am waiting for someone…. then when I am trying to rush to meet someone!

    How do we slow down and enjoy the journey without hiding the clocks?

  7. Hi J., a great example of how our own perception in two different types of situations affects our experience! Here’s a tho’t – the next time you’re feeling “rushed” – how about taking a few deep breaths and simply saying to yourself “Be here now” and get back into the present moment. Let me know how that feels, or what solutions you discover yourself!

  8. Dr Ben,
    I love this “awareness” idea on so many levels. We are such creatures of habit that we do many things in our day without any thought. Good things like fastening a seat belt but bad things too, like rummaging through the kitchen when we get home from work…hungry or not. Seems like “awareness” could make a difference.

  9. Yes, a powerful practice. Great to hear from you, Wendy, and thanks for the concrete examples!

  10. I agree 100%… the old saying “perception is reality” speaks to how we experience life. But we CAN change our reality, by changing our perceptions! We can change our perceptions by being aware of the thoughts we think and changing them! It’s all within us to do so, thank God!!

    I remember a time when you kindly challenged my perception about calling leads. I said it was “Distasteful.” You proposed I think of it differently, and change the word to “Uncomfortable.” Then you had me think of times when the uncomfortable became comfortable by reason of practice and attitude. It worked like a charm! I also asked that it become a fun activity since I tend to do that which is fun! After a while, calling leads became a joy! My perception changed by changing what I thought and what I said.
    I have always been grateful to you for that jewel!!

    Maryann Ehmann’s last blog post..Amazing new study on prayer!

  11. Maryann, thank you for the concrete example and reminder of how challenging ourselves to look at something differently, often by asking a different question, can shift our whole attitude and energy and lead to completely different actions, experiences, and results! And congratulations on the release of your book and what you’re sharing on your blog – many more people will be blessed to become more aware and deliberate in what they’re choosing and allowing through your leadership and example!

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