A Moment of Appreciation Plus 4 Questions to Move You Forward This Month!

As we begin a new month, here’s a moment of appreciation plus 4 questions you can use to move yourself forward powerfully in business and in life. Great for coaching or working with others, too. Enjoy!

“Choose Not To Be Offended”

Here’s a “big one” that’s had a huge impact on my life and can make a big difference in your own experience. I first heard it years ago from a fellow entrepreneur who was making very deliberate choices that led to rapid, exponential growth in her results, and the idea has impacted me to this day.

Let me know what this sparks in you.

Is this a choice you’ve made as well?


The Practice of Forgiveness

Here are a couple practical thoughts on the practice of forgiveness that can be applied to our interactions with people every day. Would love to hear your own experiences or a quick thought on what this triggers in you in the comments below. And feel free to share with someone who could benefit.

Thank you for being YOU, and Enjoy!