What if you could get more return on your action?

Here’s a “different” perspective on “action” I learned a few years ago on my entrepreneurial journey, plus a couple tips on how to turn this into results with greater and greater ease.

For daily Quantum Moments like this, you can follow me at http://facebook.com/drbenlo



The Practice of Forgiveness

Here are a couple practical thoughts on the practice of forgiveness that can be applied to our interactions with people every day. Would love to hear your own experiences or a quick thought on what this triggers in you in the comments below. And feel free to share with someone who could benefit.

Thank you for being YOU, and Enjoy!

An Antidote For Regret So You Can Be Present Now

Was out with a couple of our boys earlier today and created this “Quantum Moment” on a quick “antidote” for regret – a simple yet powerful practice that can allow you to let go of the past so it no longer robs you and those around you of the present.

In the following 2 minutes I give quick examples of how you can apply this in business and in life.  Enjoy, and feel free to share your own insights, experiences, or questions in the comments below!

P.S.  For daily “Quantum Moments” like this you can catch me “live” Monday – Saturday mornings at 9am Eastern Time on my Facebook page.

Redefining Failure to Tap Into the “Juice” of Life

For all of you in network marketing, running your own business, or engaged in any kind of entrepreneurial or creative endeavor, here are a couple key thoughts on “redefining failure” that can totally change your experience — and your effectiveness — just as they’ve done for me.

Enjoy, and if this impacts you in some way, feel free to share your own experiences, perspectives, and insights in the comments below. I look forward to hearing from you!


What Story Are You Telling?

Quick question – What Story are you Creating & Telling Today? Enjoy!

Here’s a special gift from our 12 year old daughter. She wrote this when she was 11 and just recently, with the help of musician and producer friends coming around her, recorded this music video – Blessings & Enjoy!
(Note: This song is also available on iTunes here.)