What station are you “tuned” into?

What if there are “realities” and things you want to experience that you cannot see, you cannot tap into, because of the “station” you’re tuned into?

I was just reflecting on this as I drove one of our sons to drop a car at the local Meineke this morning, then shared it in our morning coffee chat with a fellow dad, and finally created a little video about it.

Now I thought you might enjoy reflecting on this, too!

In short, we’re all “tuned into” certain beliefs and patterns of thinking and self-talk — often unconsciously — that create a kind of filter that only allow us to “see” things that reinforce our beliefs or match our pattern.

Hence, in a sense, what we believe — what we’re constantly thinking, talking about, and saying to ourselves — becomes our “reality”, and nothing else “exists” for us.

I had a mini experience of this recently when Rachelle drove off unknowingly with my sunglasses and I wanted to take a bike ride.  As my eyes were still feeling sensitive to the pollen in the air, I was bummed at first, wondering what to do.

Then I just “accepted” the situation and decided I was going to bike anyway and enjoy the ride.

As soon as I relaxed, an idea came to me — why not use one of the clear “glasses” that we have for protecting our eyes when using power tools?

Now just a moment before, those glasses didn’t “exist” for me — they didn’t exist in my reality, and I couldn’t “access” them.

But as soon as I relaxed my own reaction to the situation, all of a sudden I was able to “tune into” another channel, and get another idea — and in a sense, “manifest” something out of thin air!

Now you may be saying those glasses were already there — but for me they weren’t, until that moment that I became aware of them.

How about for you?

What might be “already there” around you that you can’t yet “see”, because of certain beliefs, reactions, or self-talk — and what if you were to relax a moment — release your current thinking, beliefs, or patterns — and make room for something new, for a new idea, a new possibility, even a new way of being?

What might you discover?

Have fun pausing and playing with this idea.

Yours in wellbeing,


P.S. Ready to get more tips to thrive by email? Join me here.

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

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