Ever have something you know you want to do, but you’re feeling resistance to taking that first step?
Or maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by too many steps and not knowing where to start?
Here’s a tip:
Make that first step smaller.
Keep “slicing” it until it’s small enough you can see yourself easily doing it without resistance.
Remember the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
The key is to “break the ice” and take a step, no matter how small.
Then take another, and another – and you’ll build momentum.
By making the step “small” enough you’ll actually take it, you “outsmart” your resistance and old patterns and are already creating a new one.
Ready to try it?
Where can you apply this today and what’s an initial “small step” you could easily take to move forward in that area?
Take a step and share below – I’d love to hear your next step!
P.S. Want more tips & ideas to maximize your health and create a life you love? Hop on over to: Journey with Dr. Ben