Start Where You Are & Use What You Have

Ever feel frustrated at what’s not yet there?

What’s not yet there in your bank account, your technology, your skillset, or maybe the support that’s not yet there from a loved one?

Here’s an approach that can assist you — Enjoy!

Day 3 — The Final “Ingredient” to Sow in “Getting Good At” Something New

Here’s Day 3 — the final “ingredient” to enhance your sowing and progress in anything you want to “get good at” in business and in life.

Can you guess what this one is?


Day 2 – What Do You Want to “Get Good At” This Week? The 2nd “Ingredient”

Today is Day 2 — the 2nd “Ingredient” in What do you want to get “good at” this week? Plus a “hidden” ingredient for making real progress in business and in life.

Tomorrow we’ll conclude with “Day 3” — can you guess what the 3rd and final “ingredient” will be?
