Here’s the first in a short 3 day “mini-series” of 3 key ingredients to focus on “getting good at” in any area of business or life you want to progress in — Enjoy!
Author: Dr. Ben
Creating White Space In Your Day
Here’s a quick “video” tip we created during a ride on Rachelle’s Dutch bike this morning (Saturday). Have fun riding down the hill with us, then enjoy the brief thoughts on creating more “white space”, margin, and unscheduled time in your day and your week. Would love to hear your own experience with this — or your intentions for the coming week — in the comments below. Enjoy!
What’s your Kryptonite? (Guest post from Rachelle)
So we all know the story of Superman and how kryptonite made him ineffective. His experience gives an intriguing perspective on our own.
We all wrestle with things that take us out from reaching our potential, or thriving in our relationships.
One of the benefits of being in free enterprise with Ben for over a decade now is that I have learned much about myself. I know more about what my fears are. I know that sometimes I will get stuck and depressed. I know what makes me ineffective.
Here is a very recent story: I struggled for several months about where I should focus my efforts, and I felt overwhelmed by the “daily feeding” and what felt like a burden of supporting our kids’ schooling and needs. It really took me out.
Thankfully, I made a little trip to Michigan and got recharged by girlfriends and remembered what abundance and support felt like. It was a sweet tipping point. Once home, I got into a groove with my food and the ideas for writing and marketing came flooding in. I was also excited to add my enthusiasm to Ben’s efforts.
And then, I got back on Facebook; my sweet Kryptonite.
On our Mac I seemed to be able to handle it: I focused on our international team and sending out value on my Biz pages. But once I put it on my phone, my brain flow and imagination disappeared. I kept checking the notifications and, embarrassingly found myself reacting internally to political stances. I got so distracted, I quit exercising and writing. It seemed like I lost weeks of momentum in only a day. I lost this “Super Entrepreneur in self-mastery, creating ideas in the sauna, powerful woman”.
The difference this time around is that I have a new sense of kindness to myself. I have a knowledge that even though I am stuck or feel like a failure, I can change. I can find my sweet spot and vision again. It helps to choose that All is Well in this moment. It also helps to eventually laugh and celebrate that you have more material for writing, and for coaching others.
Whatever your Kryptonite, you can get to a better place. You can keep making your vision a reality. It isn’t just starting over, but rather keeping on with new clarity and strength.
It is so worth it.
Rachelle Lo is a “mom-preneur” running a household of 7 kids plus Ben 🙂 She loves English breakfast tea, her dutch bike, and sharing food ideas with friends, and now writes as a columnist for the New Buffalo Times. Connect with her on Facebook at Rachelle Lo
Is Your Glass Half Full, Half Empty, or…?
So we’re all familiar with the glass half full/half empty idea. Recently while on a team video conference, though, I discovered a whole new perspective when an astute partner piped in with a third option that surprised me.
Now we’ve all probably viewed our “glass” from both perspectives. Whether we’re looking at ourselves, our abilities, our relationships, our finances, or some other aspect of our circumstances, we’ve probably had moments where we’ve seen what’s there – the “half full” part – and others where we’ve bemoaned what isn’t there – the “half empty” part.
So we’re all capable of either perspective in different situations and depending on how we’re feeling at the moment.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Some of us may have practiced cultivating the habit of seeing the glass half full, and even admonishing others, particularly our kids, to do so. 🙂
But here’s what – for me – was an entirely new perspective shared by the partner I mentioned above:
*The glass is refillable.*
Wow. Who would have thought?
Rather than bemoaning or settling for just what’s there now – even if we’re seeing the “half full” part – let’s remember that our glass is refillable.
Today’s a new day.
Whether it’s learning a new skill, growing our network or income, developing a new relationship – what’s in our glass isn’t static – it’s refillable.
How does that feel?
How does this impact your approach to your day, your week, your month?
Would love to hear your own response in the comments below.
Your glass is refillable.
Embracing The Power of Uncertainty
I was just listening to an interview of Iyanla Vanzant by Jerry Clark while dropping our son at basketball practice, and had the impulse to write a post on the Power of Uncertainty.
Iyanla and Jerry were talking about how we’re all control freaks – we like to know how everything’s going to turn out before we do anything — and I realized that if we hold to this desire for control too tightly, we’ll never allow ourselves to create or experience anything new.
How’s this apply to business and life?
Imagine I had demanded that I knew how things would turn out with Rachelle before I dated her – we never would have been here today with 7 kids and 23 years of marriage, challenges, and rewarding adventures!
Or in business – if I had demanded that I knew whether a customer or potential business partner was going to say “yes” before I spoke with them – I never would have allowed the amazing relationships, discoveries, skill development, and business results that have unfolded in our lives.
And we’re still discovering and experiencing new things – in fact, that’s what makes life interesting.
Now I realize that a total feeling of not being in control could be frightening – so here are three things I’ve found particularly helpful in allowing and even embracing this power of uncertainty in my business and life that I believe will assist you, too:
1. Courage to embrace – regardless of your belief in a Higher Power or the Universe being for you, having the courage to embrace the uncertainty and adventure of life makes things a lot more interesting. Iyanla spoke with Jerry about the difference between “choice” and “decision” – decision weighs facts and figures and is based on what you can see and know. Choice opens the door to possibility, even though you may not know what all those possibilities are or don’t know how everything’s going to turn out. Choosing to embrace the uncertainty, challenges, and possibilities of life is one of those choices, and is a powerful strategy for allowing more into your life.
2. Trust – for those of us who do believe in God, a Higher Power, or even simply that the Universe is working for our good – trusting this power and process even though we can’t always see how things will work out ourselves is a key process that can open us to the uncertainty – and the possibilities – of life that we otherwise may shy away from, and allows us to go forward without fear.
3. Others’ stories – the third factor I’ve found richly empowering that essentially makes it easier to practice #1 and #2 above is to listen to, read, and continually enjoy the stories of others who’ve experienced the richness and worthwhileness of embracing uncertainty and stepping into possibility in their own lives. In essence, you can build up an “internal library” of these stories that becomes a well from which to draw as you navigate your own moments of challenge, uncertainty, and new doors of possibility opening before you.
Now think back on your own life for a moment. What’s one of the most rewarding experiences you’ve had? I bet at some point along the way, there was a door of possibility you were willing to walk through, without fully knowing or being “in control” of what was on the other side.
Have one of these examples you’re willing to share? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!
May we all continue to have the courage and trust to embrace the uncertainties — and the possibilities — before us in the years ahead.
Here’s to creating a life you love!
P.S. Want daily tips to energize and equip you in business and in life? Catch live “Quantum Moments” with me on my Facebook page Mon – Saturday mornings at 9am Eastern time. See you there!