An Antidote For Regret So You Can Be Present Now

Was out with a couple of our boys earlier today and created this “Quantum Moment” on a quick “antidote” for regret – a simple yet powerful practice that can allow you to let go of the past so it no longer robs you and those around you of the present.

In the following 2 minutes I give quick examples of how you can apply this in business and in life.  Enjoy, and feel free to share your own insights, experiences, or questions in the comments below!

P.S.  For daily “Quantum Moments” like this you can catch me “live” Monday – Saturday mornings at 9am Eastern Time on my Facebook page.

Are Protein Shakes Good For You?

Ever wondered whether protein shakes were “good” for you? I imagine we’ve all tried them at one time or another.

In today’s video, my wife Rachelle gives what you might find is a slightly “different” way of looking at the answer, and she shares a bit more of what we do daily. Enjoy!

5 Quick Tips for Increasing Energy and Focus Throughout Your Day

Had a friend recently ask me for tips to improve focus, and here are five I sent her via Facebook messenger:

5 Quick Tips for Increasing Energy and Focus Throughout Your Day

1) Keep your blood sugar “balanced” — in other words, eat consistently, especially protein and veggies while avoiding the ups and downs of sugar and processed food (or too much caffeine, especially later in the day)

2) Get your rest. So much brain and body renewal occurs with our daily cycle of sleep, yet it’s one of the first things we skimp on when we’re “busy”. Try turning off your “screens” and “unwinding” a bit before bed, and even shifting your “stop time” earlier — I read once that the Taoists say every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after midnight! (The Tao of Abundance by Laurence G. Boldt)

3) Stay hydrated — pure water is best (try adding a slice of lemon, lime, grapefruit, cucumber, or a mint or bay leaf for variety)

4) Time block — block off shorter segments in your day to totally focus on a specific project, task, or intention. Then re-assess at the end of that block  to set your intention for the next “segment” of your day.

5) Pattern interrupt — avoid zoning out on email, facebook, internet searches, etc.  Periodically step away from the computer/phone — stand up, get a drink of water, go for a short walk — or even a bike ride — to re-energize, refresh, and re-focus.  You’ll find yourself more “on purpose” and more productive than if you never took the break.

There you go! Which one can you act on today? In the next hour?

What’s one of your favorite tips for increasing energy and focus throughout your day? Feel free to share in the comments below!

Dr. Ben

P.S. Want a free 7-day guide by email for feeling your best in just minutes a day?  Get yours here.

This Stress Solution Leads to Better Focus, Sleep, & Energy

Ever feel stressed? Trouble focusing, trouble sleeping, or lack of energy?

Here’s a natural solution that’s made a big difference for me and for many others — you’ll feel better, and it’s good for you, too!

Watch the video below to learn more, then you can try it for yourself here.  Enjoy!

Ready to try this natural stress relief yourself? You can do so here:  natural stress solution.