Here’s a quick “video” tip we created during a ride on Rachelle’s Dutch bike this morning (Saturday). Have fun riding down the hill with us, then enjoy the brief thoughts on creating more “white space”, margin, and unscheduled time in your day and your week. Would love to hear your own experience with this — or your intentions for the coming week — in the comments below. Enjoy!
Today I have two questions for you that can significantly impact your effectiveness and enjoyment of today as you create a life you love:
1) What’s on your “intention list” today?
By “intention list”, I’m actually referring to something different from your “to do list”. Your “to do list” may include all kinds of tasks, major and minor, that you have on your list to get done, but your “intention list” refers to the “big things”, the most important things that you want to sow in your business, your health, your relationships, your life today to have a fulfilling day and move your life forward.
Perhaps it’s a blog post or video you want to create, 3 new connections or appointments you want to set, or a key meeting or presentation you have today.
On a personal note, it may be a walk or connection time with a loved one — your spouse, partner, son, or daughter; dinner together as a family; or reading to your kids before bed.
What are the few “big things” that you really want to sow today to create a fulfilling day?
Put these on your “intention list” — and ideally set a time or at least a segment of your day when you plan to carry out each intention.
You can always adjust as you go through your day, but it will make a big difference to be clear on your intentions and have an initial plan for when you’ll accomplish them.
Otherwise you have more of a “wish list” than an “intention list”. 🙂
Next to assist you with choosing what to put on your “intention list”, here’s the second question:
2) What would be “enough”?
See yourself at the end of today — looking back on today, what key actions, accomplishments, or experiences — what key sowing — would actually be “enough” and feel good when you reach the end of your day?
This is key from two perspectives: first, it helps you clarify what really is important to you today and second, it helps you decide ahead of time what would be “enough” so you can actually feel good as you navigate your day and particularly when you wrap up your day tonight.
Otherwise we have a tendency to just keep going from task to taskt to task, always having more to do, and never feeling at peace.
So practice these two questions today:
1) What’s on your “intention list” today?
2) What would be “enough” so you could feel happy and fulfilled at the end of your day?
Feel free to share one or more of your answers in the comments below, and here’s to creating today as the next step in creating a life you love!
Ever feel like your time just got “hijacked” and all of a sudden you don’t know
where it went? When that happens do you feel frustrated and “off-track”?
Here’s a quick video tip to get back “on track” — eliminate that frustration and
overwhelm — and feel good at the end of your day. Enjoy, and feel free
to leave your own questions, insights, and feedback in the comments below!
Just posted this quick video tip on a practice that’s been a powerful way for me to begin and end the day, and wanted to share it with you – let me know your own tips & experiences in the comments below. Enjoy!