3 Quick Tips for Creating A Magnificent Year

Here are three quick tips for creating a magnificent year:

1.  Pull forward the good from the past year

Whatever your disappointments may be from the year before – shake them off and pull forward what you’ve learned and what you appreciate –- highlights from your year.

Drawing a blank?

How about asking yourself, if you did know, what would they be?

In fact, take a moment and write 2 or 3 of the “learnings” or “highlights” down right now as they come to you.


2.  Sow daily toward what you want.

Here’s a key question for you:

Are you sowing daily toward what’s important to you, even if it’s only a few minutes a day?

Maybe it’s spending more time with your husband or wife…or your kids…or learning something new.

Rather than getting stuck in “all-or-nothing” land, start asking yourself what steps you could take a few minutes a day to sow in this area that’s important to you.

For me and my family a few years back, I made a decision to start sowing a few minutes a day toward growing a network and a business that was totally new to me, and at a time when I had no “extra” time…so that I wouldn’t be in the same or worse situation (working more and more hours away from the family) a year later…5 years later…10 years later…and that decision, and consistent sowing over time, has totally transformed our lives and allowed me to be home with my family while growing an international business that’s now touching lives in multiple countries around the world.

How about for you?

What’s an area that you want to see changed in the months ahead?

What plan and daily steps can you put in place to start moving in that direction?

Remember, it’s the direction you’re heading that’s more important than where you are right now.

3. Live from possibility rather than from pressure.

As you look forward – rather than feeling pressure – whether it’s pressure because of your finances, your health, or some other area of your life – rather than focusing on what’s still “not there” or how far you have to go – start looking at what’s possible.

What’s possible today?

What’s the next step I could take (in this area) today?

Or as the team at Access Consciousness likes to ask, “What else is possible?”

Play in possibility.

It feels different, doesn’t it.

My wife has a wonderful phrase “we’ll be met”…referring to the mystery, wonder, and power of being met by something beyond what we can fully see and control ourselves.

As long as we take the steps we can take, and keep our heart open, it’s amazing what can come into our experience.

Be open to be amazed.

And keep taking the steps you can take right now toward what you want, trusting that “you’ll be met” and eventually enjoy the fruit – of something that grows beyond just what you can see from your vantage point right now.

Live…and sow…from possibility rather than pressure.

It’s both more enjoyable and more fun!

Here’s to a powerful and transformational year for us all!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  To further assist you with step #1 and anchor a state of appreciation and gratitude as we enter a the rest of the year, here’s a wonderful video that was just shared with me by a friend. Enjoy!

What Story Are You Telling?

Quick question – What Story are you Creating & Telling Today? Enjoy!

Here’s a special gift from our 12 year old daughter. She wrote this when she was 11 and just recently, with the help of musician and producer friends coming around her, recorded this music video – Blessings & Enjoy!
(Note: This song is also available on iTunes here.)

Quick Tip to Eliminate Frustration & Overwhelm…and Feel Good at the End of Your Day

Ever feel like your time just got “hijacked” and all of a sudden you don’t know
where it went? When that happens do you feel frustrated and “off-track”?
Here’s a quick video tip to get back “on track” — eliminate that frustration and
overwhelm — and feel good at the end of your day. Enjoy, and feel free
to leave your own questions, insights, and feedback in the comments below!

Dr. Ben

A Powerful Practice to Begin & End Your Day

Just posted this quick video tip on a practice that’s been a powerful way for me to begin and end the day, and wanted to share it with you – let me know your own tips & experiences in the comments below. Enjoy!

Dr. Ben

“The Aging Myth” – Video Review by Dr. Ben

Just finished reading The Aging Myth by Joseph Chang, PhD, (now available on
Amazon and Barnes & Noble) on the latest in what both science and nature reveal
about how we can influence the health of our cells – and ultimately our quality of life – as we age.

What I love about the book is that woven throughout is Dr. Joe’s love of life and his passion for
people to be able to live it fully.


Dr. Ben