Just received a copy of The Aging Myth by Joseph Chang, PhD, an exciting book for all of us
who want to “live better longer”. You can get your own copy at major booksellers, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Enjoy!
Dr. Ben
How to Thrive in Business & In Life
Just received a copy of The Aging Myth by Joseph Chang, PhD, an exciting book for all of us
who want to “live better longer”. You can get your own copy at major booksellers, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Enjoy!
Dr. Ben
I recently returned from visiting my business team in Paris & Lyon (for the first time!),
where I experienced the privilege and the power of a business based on developing people
and relationships. Below is a “montage” of the people and experience which I put together
for myself and my family, and for my partners and friends in Europe.
(For more on partnering together, visit An Invitation To Partner )
Enjoy the quick video tip below, and may it contribute to creating
lasting and purposeful change for you on your path of personal transformation.
Dr. Ben
Reading a fun little book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
that gives a powerful, potentially life-changing perspective
on something we probably all have experienced, even if we’re
already thriving and living an abundant life.
What is it?
It’s the tendency — when we’re feeling really good or things
are going really well — the tendency at some point to experience
something -– either a thought or apparent circumstance…or
something we ourselves do -– that suddenly “pinches off” the
good feelings and essentially sabotages us from moving beyond a
certain internal and unconscious pre-programmed “thermostat” that
won’t allow more than a certain amount of good…or of good feelings…
…into our life.
Sound bizarre?
Well think about it for a moment.
How many times have you had a moment when you’re feeling really good,
and then remember something that suddenly deflates your balloon?
Or how many times do you find yourself circling around a certain weight,
health problem, level of income, or arguments with a loved one, no matter
how good your intentions to change?
In shining a light on this phenomon and making us aware of it, Gay
empowers us to no longer be unconscious victims of our own patterns.
Gay calls this the “Upper Limit Problem” and he goes on to give many
examples and later in the book gives some specific ways to
change it –- but already by simply shining a light on this phenomenon,
he’s triggered a whole other level of awareness in me as I watch my own
patterns –- and catch myself about to “pinch off” my good — and therefore
I’m now able to make a different choice…sometimes simply by chuckling
at myself and taking a deep breath…or by saying “Yes!” before a knee-jerk
“no” –- that can now open up new vistas of possibility and experience…and
allow in more good…
How about you?
How much “good” can you handle?
Ever encounter the “Upper Limit Problem” in your own life, business, health,
or relationships?
Perhaps this moment of reflection will trigger a chain reaction that can blow
the lid off for you as it has for me, and you can begin increasing your
capacity for allowing and receiving good.
Look forward to hearing your own experiences, feedback, and questions in the
comments below!
Dr. Ben
I recently saw a video (I’ll give you the link below) that speaks profoundly to
how our mind works – and how much influence it has on what we experience
– in our health, our money, and virtually all areas of our lives – and in particular,
why it’s so hard to change our results
with positive thinking or affirmations alone.
The video was part of an educational series leading up to a virtual “summit”
on a specific mind-body technique called “EFT”. I’m mentioning it here
because this particular talk from
cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton is so impactful in its own right.
(just fast-forward through the intro if that becomes distracting. The actual discussion with Dr. Lipton is fascinating.)
Whether the idea that your health and your life may be being
run by subconscious programs you’re generally not aware of is
a new one for you, or you have long experience with this idea,
Dr. Lipton’s particular discussion, insights, and analogies create
particularly powerful connections that will get your mind going
and potentially open new doors of possibility for you.
Because the video is so provocative, I’m going to briefly list
several steps you can take right away to “change the programming”
or “tape” that Dr. Lipton discussess. You’ll realize you already
know or have access to most or all of these, but may not be
practicing them at the level you could be.
But before I give you the list, take a moment now to mark on
your calendar a specific time to view the 30 minute video –
ideally within the next 24 hours. If you at least write down
a specific time to watch it, you’re more likely to actually do
it. I’ve
already watched it twice – the second time with my wife & two
oldest kids, and we still talk about it.
OK. Here’s the list.
5 ways to “change the tape” or the “programs” your subconscious
is running:
1) The first step is Awareness. The video of Dr. Bruce Lipton will
definitely heighten your awareness of the unconscious programs,
or patterns, that may be running your health and your life – and
the fact that you can change them. The power of no longer feeling
a victim to what “happens” to you…and to what others say and do,
or don’t do, is a BIG first step.
2) Practice different thoughts. What does this mean? We all
have patterns, habitual ways, of thinking about and reacting to
people, situations, and even ourselves, and many of these may no
longer be serving us and the results we now desire to create in
our health, our money, our relationships, or some other area
of our lives.
How do you pick more empowering thoughts? (ones that serve you
better now)?
The first step here is to pay attention to how you feel when
you’re on a particular train of thought – if you’re feeling
constricted, depressed, angry, or powerless – in other words,
feeling “bad” – pick a different “train”!
How do you do that?
One of the best ways is to ask yourself a question – what I
call a “door-opening” question.
Even one as simple as “what’s a thought that feels better?”
“How could I look at this in a more empowered way?”
In other words, you’re asking yourself a question that you
may not yet have an answer to, but it opens a door for you,
rather than closing a door with a question such as “why do
I always do that?”
Feel the difference?
Asking yourself a door-opening question puts your mind
to work looking for new answers and connections, and is
a powerful technique.
3) Meditation – some may call this meditative or listening “prayer”.
Sitting quietly even for just 15 min’s/day is enough for most people
to “pause” the “busy-ness” of their lives and their recurring,
automatic thought-patterns — to begin to “listen” inwardly and
to become more aware, conscious, and purposeful about the thoughts
they’re choosing and what they’re choosing to focus on in their
lives. This can even be a great way to get back in touch with
what’s really important to you and to make key decisions that
alter the course of your relationships and your life. But it
won’t happen if you’re constantly consumed with the “busy-ness”
of your day and the automatic habits that currently run your life.
Note: my wife reminded me this morning that she enters a very
creative state when playing the piano – and many have described
a meditative-like state while engaged in music, art, running, or
sports…which leads to the next step…
Get your body involved.
The next 2 steps include physical action on your part:
4) *Move daily* — get your body, your heart rate, and your breathing
going at a higher level at least 10 and ideally 20 min’s day,
preferably early in your day. This sets your physiology on a course
that can continue to benefit you throughout your day, and one
recent personal development program has wisely pointed out that this
practice can raise your “vibration” and enhance the effectiveness
of everything else you do! The general rate for this level of
aerobic exercise is to move at a pace that increases your heart rate
and breathing, but at which you could still hold a conversation. For
many a brisk walk, jumping on a rebounder, riding a bike, or even
marching vigorously around the house is sufficient.
5) EFT – or “Emotional Freedom Technique” – this is a technique that
involves both your mind and your body – with physical action on your
part that’s related to accupressure points – that can quickly
“rewrite” the “tapes”, or programs, that you’re currently running
unconsciously. I continue to use this technique to rapidly shift
how I feel and the direction of my own mind-body patterns, and this
is the technique that the Dr. Bruce Lipton video refers to and you can
get more info through that link.
So there you have it – 5 ways to “change the tape” or the “programs”
your subconscious is running.
And lastly, remember the power of compounding simple but effective
steps done daily over time.
Now if you haven’t seen the video, set a time to watch it here:
Dr. Bruce Lipton video.
Then choose one or more of the above steps to start practicing
this week.
And if you’ve already been using one or more – let me know what
you’ve personally found most effective and what results you’ve
experienced in the comments below.
Have another technique that’s worked for you?
I look forward to hearing from you!
Dr. Ben