What are you “affirming” today?


By now we’ve pretty much all heard about using “affirmations”
to attempt to change ourselves and our lives.

But how many of us realize we’re actually affirming things
to ourselves, to others, to God, to the universe all the time?

“I don’t feel good.”

“I never have enough money.”

“Something was bound to happen.”

“You’re going to drive your mother crazy.”

“I shouldn’t eat this.”

“This will make me fat.”

“You never listen to me.”

Are you starting to realize some things you may be “affirming”
daily without realizing it?

Here’s an intriguing thought from Carol Tuttle on money –

“Money obeys us in that whatever we believe about money is
what we will receive in our experience with money.”

Not the way most of us usually think about money.

But what if it’s true?

What if this were also true of your body and your health?

Of your relationships with others?

This doesn’t have to contradict your belief in God or your
particular religious faith, but rather points to the power
you have — the power God has given you — to allow or
disallow something to be true in your own experience.

So what are you affirming…what are you choosing…today?

Here’s to some door-opening “discoveries” & new, purposefully
chosen experiences for you in the coming year!

Dr. Ben

Want 2011 to be different than 2010?

Here’s a quick tho’t on changing your experience…

and your results…

This week and into 2011 and beyond.

Most of the time we react – in our thought patterns, words,
feelings, and actions – in a habitually conditioned way.

But here’s a key to change your experience:

Choose a different response. Open a new door of possibility.

Set yourself on a new path.

For example, as you read this brief post – before clicking on
to something else, take a moment to anchor a thought or idea
that may be coming to you.

Maybe it’s choosing and writing down an area you want to change
in your business or your life.

Write down what you want.

Write down what your usual experience – and better yet, your
usual “reaction” is to that thought, situation, person, or

Now ask yourself, what’s a different response you could begin
to practice?

Perhaps it’s simply writing down this question and asking
yourself this of yourself the next time you’re in a situation
that you want to change.

In fact, take a moment now to picture yourself in that
situation…and then pausing a moment to ask yourself this

It might be changing what you’re thinking and saying to
yourself as your head hits the pillow tonight…

or as you’re paying your bills…

or as you’re talking to a key person in your life.

And here’s a piece of encouragement for you –

You don’t have to change everything overnight.

Just start becoming aware of your usual response in an area
that’s important to you, and ask yourself how you could
respond differently this time…



And thereby open up a new path…a new pattern…a new
possibility of experience for you and those around you…

I look forward to hearing your own comments and feedback
below, and have a blessed and prosperous week, and a
wonderful New Year!

Dr. Ben

Epigenetics, Gene Expression, & Why Your DNA Is No Longer Your Destiny

Just returned a couple days ago from a trip out-of-state, and
one of the things I’m noticing with the solution I’ll share
below is a definite increase in alertness, focus, energy, and
flow even after the end of a trip, long days, and changing time

While away, I got to hear a biochemist speak on the emerging
field of “epigenetics”, and then I just picked up a U.S. News
& World Report special edition on “How To Live to 100” at Barnes
& Noble – and one of the feature articles is “Our DNA Is Not
Necessarily Our Destiny” with a subtitle on epigenetics. Time
Magazine had a very similar article earlier this year featured
on its cover.

So what’s all this about and what does it mean for you and me?

It’s about gene expression – every cell in your body has the
same DNA…but not every cell does the same thing or looks the
same way (just think of your brain, your liver, and your skin
for example).

So what creates this difference?  It’s differences in which
genes are “turned on” and “off” and how high a “signal”
they’re putting out – in other words, how your genes are
expressing themselves.

And you know what?

Your genes are changing expression all the time – based on
what you eat, stresses and changes in the environment, and

This means your gene expression can be influenced…

Now we’ve all generally known some healthy steps that can
have a beneficial effect on our health and how we feel – good
nutrition, more fruits and vegetables & antioxidants,
exercise and staying active, and a healthy attitude & mindset.

But what if you could see the expression of your genes
themselves and thereby screen for the best blend of what
nature has to offer to optimize your gene signals and maximize
the health and function of your cells?

Well that’s what years of research and collaboration between
leading scientists around the world has led us to – the ability
to identify, target, and reset specific clusters of genes to a
more youthful, vibrant pattern – in a natural and balanced way.

This approach is already available for the skin, and just
recently has been applied to brain, heart, and muscle function –
restoring youthful energy and vitality in 3 key areas – mental,
physical, and sexual.

Imagine looking and feeling the way you did years ago…
with the experience and wisdom you have today…

And setting yourself on a very different path of “aging” than
you were on before…

If you’re not already familiar with this approach and would
like to know more, you can click here:  a new approach to gene expression
or contact me at [email protected]

In the meantime, take a healthy step today – get up and move
and take some deep refreshing breaths, eat an apple or handful
of blueberries or some dark leafy greens, and remember to find
something you enjoy each day.

And finally, may you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a
blessed and vibrant holiday season!

Dr. Ben

P.S. You also may enjoy this simple yet powerful guide on
how to maximize your health in just minutes a day.

Four steps to refocus, re-energize, & move forward now

imageIn the midst of a busy week – ever had one of those? – I quickly jotted down four steps (as a reminder to myself and others) to refocus, re-energize, & move forward now, and here they are:

1)  Step back for a moment from what you’re doing – stand up, take a few deep breaths, go for a walk – often simply interrupting your pattern, particularly with movement, can bring fresh energy and a renewed perspective and re-alignment of priorities

2)  Focus on what you CAN do.  Often we get so overwhelmed by what we’re not doing that a part of us just shuts down…whereas if we simply take the next step we CAN take – the process of simply moving forward feels good and “unlocks” the feeling of being stuck, thus turning into feel-good, forward-moving momentum.

3)  Give thanks – find something to appreciate.  You’ll immediately feel better and have fresh energy for re-engaging with life.

4)  Re-focus with intentional questions – what do you really want? What are three things you can choose to put in place right now to move toward what you want?  If you’re feeling badly about something that’s not getting done – or perhaps a relationship or area of your life or business that’s not getting attention right now – rather than continuing to feel badly, simply ask yourself, “is this important to me?” and if so, “what’s a step I can take to start sowing in this area this week?
(For more on this, see The Power of 10 Minutes a Day)

Now to really anchor and apply what you just read, how about choosing one of the four and practicing it for a moment right now?

Here’s to a prosperous and wonderful week!

Dr. Ben

Is Your “Identity” Holding You Back?

IDENTITY One of the things I often encounter when interviewing someone who wants to create income in a new arena (such as network marketing), is a fear of moving beyond their current identity and status. This fear, or dilemma if you will, is one that anyone can encounter who’s being called beyond where they are now, especially if they’ve spent years developing skills, a reputation, and achievement in a certain arena, or even if they’ve simply gotten comfortable with what’s already familiar and what they already know how to do.

So today regardless of your background – whether you’re an at-home mom or dad; a student, a teacher, or an employee; an author speaker, or coach; an athlete or artist; or a business owner or professional; or something else – here’s my question for you:

Are you being called – do you have a desire – to create and contribute beyond the current professional or personal identity and role that you’re in?

And if so, do you have the courage to step beyond where you are now?

Whether or not it actually manifests as you doing something different,PURPOSE there is a new level of freedom when you’re no longer attached to being seen, appreciated, or needed in a certain way. (Or conversely, no longer limiting yourself with such statements as “I’m just a…” or “I’m not…” These are statements of identity that unconsciously put a lid on how you see yourself, who you could become, and what you could do.)

I remember when being a home-birthing doctor gave me a special relationship within my particular church community – drawing to me relationships, respect, and people seeking advice – and it was a very rich and fulfilling experience. I even remember the wonderful feeling of being appreciated as the “hero” at some difficult births.

Yet there came a point when to expand our practice and serve more people, we began stepping into a partnership with midwives, moving more into a supportive role rather than being the “primary practitioner” at a birth.

At first I felt like something was missing, but I eventually reached an internal place where serving the outcome – a wonderful birth experience for the couple and family – and serving people – was more important than my actual role and recognition in the process.

That became an incredibly freeing transition, and opened up new doors of exploration, creativity, and contribution in life that have eventually led to where I am today.

Some may wonder – what about their degree and years of schooling, or what they’ve invested in their current career or role – and what I’ve discovered for myself is that rather than that being “wasted” or tossed aside – that’s all part of the “ingredient mix” that have gone into who I am today, and that I bring to the table with every interaction in life and business.

Much like a mom or dad who may walk away from years of schooling or professional achievement to be at home for a time, or someone who may choose to go to the mission field or develop another part of themselves and the gifts they can bring to the world – nothing’s ever wasted…it’s all still part of who you are…you’re just no longer letting any of what you’ve already done or achieved define or limit who you are and what you can do.

“Forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to what is before…” (Philippians 3:13) — though given with a deeply spiritual context, this quote conveys a principle that has broad application to all areas of our human experience.

And realize, I’m not necessarily talking about doing something different than you’re doing now, but rather coming from a different place – a place of freedom from attachment to being seen in a certain role or identity – that may open up fresh perspective and possibilities — either within your current work and relationships — or it may indeed lead to new outward forms as well, just as it did for me.


So in closing, let me ask you again – is your identity holding you back, or is it something malleable that you can use as a springboard to greater and greater levels of exploration, development, and contribution?

If you’re willing to create beyond your current identity and step into the exciting “unknown,” it could become a deeply fulfilling – and freeing – journey.

So here’s to the freedom and exhilaration of creating beyond where you are now, and how you see yourself today.

Enjoy the journey!

Dr. Ben

P.S. Are you currently in transition or looking to expand your income or your impact beyond what you’re doing now?
Explore further at Work with Dr. Ben.