Natural Healing by Being Influenced “For Good”

A couple weeks ago I sent my  Road Map To Health readers a
link to a song “For Good” on YouTube that moved me, and it elicited
quite a response from some of them, too.

Shortly after that, while speaking to about 800 people at a
“business” conference, I ended my talk by saying how much I
had been changed “for good” by the people there that had come
into my life, and then I asked everyone to close their eyes…

…and I played a clip of my 8 year old daughter
Emmie singing that same song…

And in seconds, many that were there got in touch with something
deep inside themselves and were even moved to tears…

Now why I am sharing this here?

I’m realizing that whether it’s with our health, our business or
work, or our relationships, it’s our ability to get in touch with
something meaningful beyond the “noise” of our daily burdens
and tasks that feeds our spirit, inspires us, and moves us to
embrace a life of meaning, purpose, wholeness, and joy.

And it’s our ability to influence ourselves, by opening our hearts
and allowing ourselves to be moved, that can bring great
healing to ourselves and others.

And with that said, I wanted too give you a chance to hear the
same clip here…just click on the “play” button,
turn up your speakers, and close your eyes:


(my daughter Emmie & wife Rachelle singing an excerpt from “For Good”.
You may even hear my 18 month-old Benen pipe in at one point…)


Dr. Ben

P.S. If you missed the link on YouTube, here it is as well:

Embracing your imperfections…

Recently a close friend sent me this video, which is emotional and moving.

Then just this past week, I watched it again during a leadership training event with a good friend and mentor, Artemis Limpert, and she gave a particular perspective that made this video even more poignant, and moved me to share it with you here.

As you watch this, rather than just being a “spectator” and seeing this as something curious and unusual though impressive, try watching it with this thought in mind:

What if you could learn to embrace your own imperfections…making them part of your story, part of your “humanness”…

We all probably have things about ourselves we don’t like…whether physical or something less tangible and non-physical.

 What if we could learn to embrace even those parts of ourselves–or our “journey” through them–and make them part of our story so that no only do we find triumph and joy, but we bless others as well?

Embracing our imperfections…keep this in mind as you watch this video, then let me know your own impressions in the comments below!  (Be sure to have your sound on…the music is a key part!)

Dr. Ben

Curing Health “Excusitis”

Yesterday I was reading a wonderful book from the 50’s called The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz, and a particular section on “health excusitis” caught my eye.  Here’s an excerpt:

” ‘Bad’ health, in a thousand different forms, is used as an excuse for failing to do what a person wants to do, failing to accept greater responsibilities, failing to make more money, failing to achieve success.”

Dr. Schwartz goes on to give several examples of different responses to “bad” health, and then he gives “four things you can do to lick health excusitis” that I thought you’d want to read if you don’t want your health to keep you from doing what you want in life:

 “1)  Refuse to talk about your health.  The more you talk about an ailment, even the common cold, the worse it seems to get.  Talking about bad health is like putting fertilizer on weeds.  Besides, talking about your health is a bad habit.  It bores people.  It makes one appear self-centered and old-maidish.  Success-minded people defeat the natural tendency to talk about their “bad” health.  One may (and let me emphasize the word may) get a little sympathy, but one doesn’t get respect and loyalty by being a chronic complainer.

 2)  Refuse to worry about your health…

3)  Be genuinely grateful that your health is as good as it is…

 4)  Remind yourself often, “It’s better to wear out than rust out…”

Along that last line, I love his admonishment to “live until I die.”

How has your health kept you from moving forward in your life?

Are you ready to practice Dr. Schwartz’s recommendations above to create a new experience?

How about an experiment for the next 30 days?

Let me know your experiences in the comments below.  I look forward to hearing from you!

 Dr. Ben

P.S.  Want a strategy for maximizing your health in just minutes a day?  Begin with Your Road Map to Health

Already subscribed?  Go directly to Your Journey to Wellness with Dr. Ben

Do What You Love

Yesterday I read an article online on “doing what you love” that stopped me in my tracks and led me to look up and exclaim out loud after the 2-3 minutes it took me to read it.

Even though it’s posted on a business site (and re-posted on my “business” blog), it’s so significant, and touches so poignantly on what’s significant and meaningful in life, that I wanted you to know about it here.

Whatever you’re doing now, STOP…take 3 minutes and read the article here.

Then post your own comments, feelings, reactions below.

Here’s to doing what you love, and living life to the fullest!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  I’m sitting at Caribou enjoying their wireless service and about to leave to take Rachelle and our kids to a family Christmas Eve service.  As I’m writing and thinking about the article you’re about to read, Caribou is playing some fun music that’s putting me in the feeling of the article…I just asked one of the servers what it is, and she said it’s “Greensleaves” by “Source” (a stirring synthesizer/instrumental rendition.)

Anyway, I’ll meet you over here…Enjoy!

Never stop exploring, and thoughts on gratitude…

This morning my wife Rachelle shared with me an intriguing vignette: 

 Our 17 month old son is always looking for something to touch or get into–in many ways he’s the most “on the go” of all our 5 children. 

So this morning, Rachelle asked our daughter Emmie, “Emmie, what do you think Benen’s trying to teach me?”  And Emmie answered, “Never stop exploring.”

What a perspective!

No wonder our kids often seem to have so much energy and enthusiasm for life…and what a perspective to be reminded of–never stop exploring!

Recently I’ve also been reminded in several arenas of the power of appreciation and gratitude.

Rebecca Fine in a recent interview pointed out that Wallace Wattles has a whole chapter on gratitude in The Science of Getting Rich, and I just read that Oprah has said the most impactful thing she’s done was to keep a gratitude journal.

Sometimes we want to hear about something more dramatic, a technique that’s more complex or more “secret”.

Nevertheless, the simple practice of finding things to be grateful for–especially at the beginning and end of your day to “tune in” to a spirit of appreciation–can have a powerful effect on your mood, your hormones, your cells, and your experience!

So how about making this really practical?

How about grabbing a spiral-bound notebook (you can get one for less than a buck at most stores), and writing 5 things you’re grateful for at the beginning or end of your day…or both…

How about doing this for the next 7 days…

How about for the next 21 days…

You may just find yourself developing a life-long enriching habit–that will add both quality and quantity to your life!

To your prosperous well-being!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Get your own free weekly wellness insights and tips  at

Your life as a miracle…

“Do not be afraid.  Only believe.”  (Mark 5:36)

“There are two ways to look at life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is.” — Albert Einstein.


 Which way do you look at life?

 Which way have you looked at your life today?

I’ve been re-reading the The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and reminded of the power of our awareness, of observing ourselves and our thoughts and feelings rather than fully identifying with them.

 …of letting go of fear and the need to be right…

…trusting, and growing in awareness…

…and ultimately delighting in life…

 …delighting in Now, because Now is where I am, what I’m experiencing, and where I can choose and make different choices…

You may have noticed a variety of resources recommended on this blog, and I want to comment on that briefly today, so you can get the most out of what’s here.

First and foremost, I encourage you to look for what opens doors for you.

 What gives you a sense of “Aha…” and a feeling of moving into a larger space…

I encourage you to look beyond the words any given author or resource, or I myself, use.

Remember that our words are all merely pointers–pointing to something beyond the words, however imperfectly.

Thus, look to what the words point to, and if it’s something that expands your wonder and appreciation of “what is” and opens more doors of possibility for you, observe that and ponder it, rather than immediately reacting to the words or labels themselves…

It is not my purpose here to convert you to any particular world-view, but to merely open doors for you to expand your own awareness of principles that affect us daily just like gravity.

Sometimes you may agree with what you read.

 Sometimes you may strongly disagree.

If you allow yourself to explore, though, with an open mind, often the journey of thought and awareness that you walk will have great value for you.

In fact, in many ways it is not a book or what someone says or writes that alone is “right or wrong”, “valuable” or “not valuable”, it is the response in us, the journey in thought and awareness that we walk in response to what we read or hear, that often “creates something new” and is what has the greater value.

So enjoy exploring the resources and ideas on this site.

Better yet, add your own comments, and through dialog, we can each grow and embrace life more and more “abundantly” and wholeheartedly.

To your abundant and joyful well-being,

Dr. Ben

Greetings from Salt Lake City!


I’m traveling right now in Salt Lake City, Utah, with a number of entrepreneurs looking to transform their lives.

Just wanted to drop you a quick note…check out the “Dr. Ben Recommends” at right for resources that have been especially beneficial to me and to those I’ve coached. 

For a particularly valuable (and easy to afford) resource on transforming your thinking about money and supply, I highly recommend The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn This handy and easy to read resource is full of gems that have assisted me at key points in my life.  Today on the plane I was reminded of the moment to moment choice I have between choosing to rely merely on my own “intellect” and my own efforts…or to rely on intuition and “divine guidance” which operates on a much higher and broader plane than what I can see merely with my intellect.  I was also reminded of the key role that the words I speak and my own gratitude or lack thereof play in my experience and in whether I am “wide awake to my good” or so focused on my problems that I can’t see the answers and supply that’s all around me, though “invisible” to the material eye.

Florence’s book is full of inspiring stories & affirmations that can enable you to shift your thinking, your attitude, your vision, and your results within minutes.  Definitely check it out here: The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn

Feel free to also click the “comments” link below and let me know what Dr. Ben letter or topic has had the greatest impact on your thinking, your health, or your life.

What would you like to see more of?

What’s your biggest question right now?

Look forward to hearing from you as we explore this transformational journey together!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Are you getting your own Dr. Ben’s Health Insights by email?  You can do so here:

New Blog from Dr. Ben

Welcome to the new Dr. Ben Blog!  This is where I will post additional insights and resources, and where we can interact on what’s most important to you. Remember, at any time you can email me a question at [email protected] , and I’ll find a way to address it through my Dr. Ben’s Health Insights ezine or here on the Blog, or via teleseminar.

Today I’d love to know what’s on your mind about weight loss.  I just reviewed the program “Fat Loss 4 Idiots” (see post below).  Let me know your own impressions and experience with the program, and any questions you have about it or about healthy weight loss in general.  You can add your comments by clicking on “comments” above or below. 

I look forward to interacting with you in this new format, and contributing to your personal health and life transformation! 

Dr. Ben

P.S.   Have you signed up for your own copy of Dr. Ben’s Health Insights by email?

Get yours here: