How Much “Good” Can You Handle?

Reading a fun little book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
that gives a powerful, potentially life-changing perspective
on something we probably all have experienced, even if we’re
already thriving and living an abundant life.

What is it?

It’s the tendency — when we’re feeling really good or things
are going really well — the tendency at some point to experience
something -– either a thought or apparent circumstance…or
something we ourselves do -– that suddenly “pinches off” the
good feelings and essentially sabotages us from moving beyond a
certain internal and unconscious pre-programmed “thermostat” that
won’t allow more than a certain amount of good…or of good feelings…
…into our life.

Sound bizarre? 

Well think about it for a moment.

How many times have you had a moment when you’re feeling really good,
and then remember something that suddenly deflates your balloon?

Or how many times do you find yourself circling around a certain weight,
health problem, level of income, or arguments with a loved one, no matter
how good your intentions to change?

In shining a light on this phenomon and making us aware of it, Gay
empowers us to no longer be unconscious victims of our own patterns.
Gay calls this the “Upper Limit Problem” and he goes on to give many
examples and later in the book gives some specific ways to
change it –- but already by simply shining a light on this phenomenon,
he’s triggered a whole other level of awareness in me as I watch my own
patterns –- and catch myself about to “pinch off” my good — and therefore
I’m now able to make a different choice…sometimes simply by chuckling
at myself and taking a deep breath…or by saying “Yes!” before a knee-jerk
“no” –- that can now open up new vistas of possibility and experience…and
allow in more good…

How about you?

How much “good” can you handle?

Ever encounter the “Upper Limit Problem” in your own life, business, health,
or relationships?

Perhaps this moment of reflection will trigger a chain reaction that can blow
the lid off for you as it has for me, and you can begin increasing your
capacity for allowing and receiving good.

Look forward to hearing your own experiences, feedback, and questions in the
comments below!

Dr. Ben

How to Magnify Your Good (no matter how your day is going…)

While taking an evening bike ride a little while ago, I was
reminded of a practice that has propelled me forward & created
significant anchors for me in the past year, regardless of how
my day was going.

I recorded a video tip on this back in January, and here’s
some further thoughts to ponder:

Every day, take note when you’re feeling especially good…

when you’re particularly enjoying something…

and celebrate that moment as a “highlight” of your day.

That way no matter what happens the rest of the day…no matter
what disappointments or frustrations…or how well you’re doing
in school or in your business or with your work goals…

…or with your family and relationships…

you can celebrate at least a moment of something “good” in your

something you enjoyed…

something you appreciate.

Someone once said a happy life is a series of happy moments
strung together…

But there’s something about the way we’re wired that if we
actually take note of them when they occur, we anchor them
further and can even “appreciate” or “magnify” them in a way
that brings them more and more into our experience.

About a week ago I enjoyed a conversation with a wonderful
businessman from Hawaii who has “re-invented” himself and
expanded into new arenas multiple times in his life, and he
shared with the few of us who were listening how key it is
to “appreciate” rather than “depreciate” each step of good
that comes to us in a new venture, regardless of how small
it may seem to us compared to something we’ve already
accomplished in the past.

He emphasized when creating something new, let go of “remember when…”
and focus on appreciating each step of progress now. 

This practice allows more to come to you and truly “appreciates”…

or magnifies and multiplies…

the good that you’re enjoying.

This practice of appreciating reminds me of the advice from
Louise Hay about tomato plants – when you plant some seeds,
and the first sprouts appear, you don’t stomp on them and say,
“but I wanted a tomato plant!”

Rather, you celebrate that your seeds are starting to sprout…

and you continue to nurture and cultivate them until they grow
into a full-grown plant that bears fruit.

Food for thought…

How about practicing finding, creating, and celebrating “highlights”
of your day each day this week, and appreciating…

rather than depreciating…

each sign of progress and each “sprout” of good that comes your way.

Would love to hear some of your own experiences and insights
in the comments below!

To a blessed and wonderful week!

Dr. Ben