A Powerful Practice to Begin & End Your Day

Just posted this quick video tip on a practice that’s been a powerful way for me to begin and end the day, and wanted to share it with you – let me know your own tips & experiences in the comments below. Enjoy!

Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

One thought on “A Powerful Practice to Begin & End Your Day”

  1. I enjoyed your video as it explained that it is so what you think before you fall asleep and short after you wake up, because in those moments you are in a state of consciousness which is the theta state of mind. In state you can send commands to your subconscious mind and if repeated, you change the subconscious programming.
    But it is not easy to think about what you really want in life. Ater going to bed, I, for example, think about what I have to do the following day. I am now exercising to think of my goals being reached. But still my to-do list jumpfs in. And in the morning, if I stay in bed and start to think of something nice, I fall asleep again. So, I rather get up. But whatever one is thinking after being up, doesn’t have the same impact as when you stay in bed.

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