A powerful (yet simple) way to shift your energy and results over the next 30 days

How’d you like to learn a simple process that takes about 5
min’s (or even less) but gives you 6-8 hours worth of results?

Imagine compounding that every day for the next 30 days…

Now this is so simple that you’ve probably heard it (or
something like it) before…but do you realize how powerful it
is…and are you deliberately practicing it on a daily basis?

Here it is:

Choose what you’re thinking about…and what thoughts, feelings,
and images are playing in your mind…just before you fall

Many people are letting the news or something distressing
they’ve just watched be the last thing that’s playing in their
mind before going to bed.

Others end the day with frustration or fears and burdens that
are weighing them down.

These thoughts and feelings in a way are continuing to “marinate”
and draw more of that feeling and energy to you throughout the

So instead, how about deliberately practicing thinking about
something that makes you feel good – something or someone you
appreciate…that you’re thankful for…that you love.

It could be a success or a smile or a hug from earlier that day
that’s now gotten pushed out of your mind by other “tasks” and
burdens that have come to you since…or it could be the things
you love – music, biking, a sunset, or something you’re looking
forward to.

Just taking a few moments to deliberately think about something
you love and appreciate – about things that make you feel good –
things you’re thankful for – can immediately shift how you feel.

And doing this right before you fall asleep sets the “path”, in
a way, for what your subconscious will be exploring…or “marinating”
in…while you sleep.

I had a powerful experience with this practice just this weekend.
My wife and I were both a little tired and cranky at the end of a
long day apart, and actually “snapped” at each other just before
going to bed.

So when my head hit the pillow – all of a sudden I felt miserable –
my shoulder ached, I was frustrated, and I didn’t feel like I
could fall asleep.

Then I remembered this practice, and started silently offering thanks
– particularly for my family…and ultimately my wonderful wife…
and within moments, my energy totally shifted…

I had a mini (or perhaps not so “mini”) reconciliation with my wife,
and a wonderful night’s sleep awakening with a “happy feeling” even
before I remembered what I was happy about.
(And my wife was very happy, too…)

And here’s the key – moments before giving thanks, I was on a totally
different “path” headed for a miserable night…and any other option
was not even “Visible” until I actually started giving thanks…

So here’s the trick – knowing this is not enough…what can you do
right now to set an intention…or a reminder…to do this tonight…
and every night for the next 30 days?

Look forward to hearing about your own practice and results in the
comments below!

Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

10 thoughts on “A powerful (yet simple) way to shift your energy and results over the next 30 days”

  1. Love it! Nice reminder to do this…
    I’m going to start again tonight!
    Thanks Dr. Ben

  2. Natalie, Kathy, and Cheri – glad you all connected with the message here and are ready to put it into action – enjoy! Would love to hear some of your experiences over the next week to month!

  3. Great example of the power to co-create our experience consciously and with intention. I did actually do this last night. I am in the process of intending to focus on joy even throughout the day. It is amazing how fast it is shifting my focus and mindset. Your question makes me think, what can do to remind myself to do this every night? I think I’ll put my mini teddy bear someone gave me by my bed to remind me for the next 30 days. Thanks for your post.

  4. Dr. Valencia, glad you’re benefitting from this as well as we all walk out and share our journeys – and thanks for the concrete example of a way to reminder yourself to turn this into a habit – I’m sure this will trigger ideas for others as well!

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