The “missing link” to the “Think & Grow Rich” Formula

Just came across Robert Anthony’s new “Secret of Deliberate
course – a more advanced and “updated” version of
his excellent “Know How To Be Rich Course” which I’ve listened
to multiple times, and which greatly aided me in my transition
into free enterprise…and the principles are applicable to
any deliberate change you want to create in your life–whether
it’s your health, finances, or some other aspect…even though
the examples given largely have to do with getting over lack
and into an experience of abundance with money.

The free report is excellent and presents a core question &
thinking that I haven’t seen presented this clearly or
succinctly before, and which directly addresses what many
leave out when applying the “Law of Attraction”…

…and the first email you’ll receive on certainty has already shifted
my thinking another level as I apply it to my own business and
cash flow.

If you’re interested in the full program, I’ve secured a
special discounted link for you…though even if not, the free
report is definitely worth a look this weekend and will only
take a few minutes:

Robert Anthony’s Secret Of Deliberate Creation & free report

Enjoy, and be sure to leave a comment on your own shifts in
thinking and results below!

Dr. Ben

The Applause Of Heaven

This message was re-brought to my attention by a couple
of subscribers who received this by email this week, &
re-experiencing how powerful this is myself, I decided to
re-post it here…Enjoy!


Let’s do a quick experiment.

In a moment, I’m going to send you to watch a quick 3 minute video.

As you watch, though, and you see everyone clapping and cheering,
I want you to imagine for a moment that they’re all cheering for you.

A few years ago I read excerpts from a book by Max Lucado with
a wonderful title:

The Applause of Heaven

Today as I watched the video of Paul Potts singing below, I imagined the
feeling of people clapping and cheering for me, and I realized
how deeply the desire to be loved, accepted, and approved runs
in all of us.

For a moment I want you to experience the feeling of being
cheered, of being loved.

Whatever your circumstances, whatever your failures, whatever
you feel you’re lacking or wish were different, take a moment
now, watch the video, and enjoy the feeling of being cheered,
loved, and celebrated just for being you.

Then leave a comment about what you experience below.

To a blessed and wonderful week!

Dr. Ben

The Parable of the Trapeze

Heard this interesting “parable” from a business leader named
Dan Conlon at a talk in the Chicago suburbs this weekend, and
felt it had such a broad and powerful application to any key
transition in life that I wanted to share it with you here.

Dan called it, the “Parable of the Trapeze”

Imagine swinging on a trapeze…and as you reach the end of
your swing, another trapeze bar is swinging towards you.

You know that bar is for you.

Now you’ve got to let go of the bar you have in order to grasp
that next bar…

similarly in our life, relationships, health, or business, when
called to a new level, we have to let go of what’s comfortable
and familiar, and we’ve got to grab hold of the next “bar” so
we can travel the distance we’re meant to go.

If you let go consciously it looks really cool; if you let go
hesitantly – it looks really bad.

In between is where you’re the most alive — where you’ve
let go of one bar and not yet grabbed the next one — there’s
something new, and there’s risk. 

Now here’s a key:

If you focus on the doubt, gravity begins to take over.

On the other hand, if you let go of the bar consciously and
grab the next one, you can build momentum in your life.

So next time you’re faced with something new, remember the
“Parable of the Trapeze.”

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Just heard from Dan that the Parable of the Trapeze originally comes from Danaan Parry – “Hurtling through the void, we just may learn how to fly.”

Simple Way to Dissolve “Overwhelm”

Had a coaching call with a woman on my business team recently
who was feeling overwhelmed with all the things she wanted to
address in her life–her health & fitness, her business, her
personal growth & spirituality, and ongoing demands at work.

She wanted to give everything “100%” and felt like there wasn’t
enough of her to go around.

Here’s a couple thoughts that helped her, and have also been
key for me and for others I’ve coached, and I thought I’d
share them with you here (as my daughter’s playing by my chair
and 2 of my boys are attacking each other 🙂 ).

The first is, lay “tracks” for your brain & body to run on.

If you have several areas in your life or business you’re
wanting to address, rather than trying to completely “overhaul”
them all at the same time, start by creating a “space” or
“category”, or “track” for your brain & body to run on.

What does that mean?

Let’s say you realize you want to have some time for personal
reflection or prayer or meditation each day.  

And let’s say your goal is 20-30 minutes, but right now with
all the demands on you, that seems out of reach.

How about starting with 3-5 minutes?

Think that’s too little to “do anything”?

Here’s the key:

Even a little bit in each area you’re wanting to address begins
to create a space, or lay a track & open a channel, for that
area to grow in your life.

Taking that 3-5 minutes begins to tell your brain, “We’re doing
this now.”  And “we’re now creating a space in our life for this
to be significant.”

The neat thing is as you do this consistently, a new track, or
pattern, gets laid in your brain and in your body that makes it
easier and easier to do the next time.

Plus, there’s two more key things to realize about this process…
whether you’re starting with a few minutes of personal time like
above, writing one line in a journal, or taking a few minutes to
stand up and move or go for a quick walk:

The effect of any little bit you do can be magnified & multiplied…
in other words, 100 x 0 is still 0…but as long as there’s more
than zero, it can be multiplied…

Second, what you do in those few minutes can become a catalyst
that continues beyond the actual time you spent on the activity,
and has an impact on you the rest of your day, because the track
has been laid.

And if you choose to, at some point you can expand the time you
give to that activity, but realize there’s already value even in
the few minutes you’ve started with, because you’re laying a new
track that continues to have an effect even when you’re doing
other things.

So how about it?

How about picking an area you want to lay a new track for—-
whether it’s eating a piece of fruit or vegetable for a snack,
taking 10 minutes to walk, bike, or move today, or a few minutes
to journal at the end of your day—-and celebrating the new channel
you’re opening up for good to come to you.

Enjoy!  And let me know your own experiences in the comments below…

Dr. Ben