Helps you manifest with ease…

Today is the day you can get your Mind Movies
Creation Kit right here at 10 a.m. Pacific:

Mind Movies Creation Kit

This is the one “tool” that’s
had the single biggest impact on me since I started using it
last fall, and there’s a number of bonuses as well as a f.ree
upgrade to version 2.0 for the first people that get the kit

Also, it looks like they’re re-releasing it in digital format,
which is a much better price than I paid for it last fall! 🙂


Dr. Ben

Jill Bolte Taylor – Key 20 minute video perspective on how our brain works

Just shared this with my Dad…tho’t I had posted it on the blog, but can’t find it, so here it is again…worth seeing this weekend if you haven’t seen it before or even recently–Jill Bolte Taylor on how our brain works–from the perspective of a neuroanatomist who’s gone through the experience of a stroke herself, and recovered!


Dr. Ben

Maximizing energy, fat burn, and weight loss with Zna Trainer

Just recently had the chance to chat with Zna, a remarkable woman who teaches people “how to use their own bodies to optimize the delivery of oxygen to their cells.” She’s worked with a wide range of people from high-performance athletes to post-partum moms, and has powerful stories of shifting metabolism, maximizing energy and performance, & sculpting the body, all with unique processes that simply use your own body in just minutes a day. For more information, visit Zna’s “Fastest Fat Burn Weight Loss” site, and let me know your own experiences!

Oh, and don’t forget to visit the “Healthy Weight Loss” page here on the blog as well.

Dr. Ben

Connecting the Dots…Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address

Heard this thought-provoking address a couple years ago, and now just “re-discovered” it on YouTube, so am posting it here.  “You can’t connect the dots looking forward.  You can only connect them looking backwards.  So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.  You have to trust in something…”  Enjoy!

Dr. Ben

Creating different results, & the “Law of the Lid”

Wrote these thoughts a while ago and just received a comment
from one of my ezine readers today that reminded me this
message “hits home” for anyone who wants things to change.


This weekend I picked up a great book by John Maxwell called
The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leaders’ Day.  I love the
way the book is layed out—it’s easy to read and pick out key
points.  One of the big ones right off the bat is the Law of
the Lid.

What lids do you have in your life?  Many of us want
something different in our life and wish our circumstances
would change, and we’re tempted to be angry or resentful or
to feel sorry for ourselves.  But what if truly having your
circumstances change—whether it’s your finances, your health,
or your relationships—requires YOU to change?  Hmmm…
intriguing thought and not one most people are comfortable

I listened to an interview of John Assaraf last night, a
wealthy and successful businessman who specializes in the
neuroscience and physics of how we and the universe operate
and interact.  He pointed out that one of the two greatest
human needs is our need for our mental image to be “right”. 

Often what holds us back from creating different results in
our health, our finances, our life is our mental image of
ourselves–our perception, and our beliefs—our lids—and it’s
not until the pain gets great enough, or the desire for
something better becomes strong enough, that we’re willing
to acknowledge and release our limiting beliefs.

What beliefs are governing the way you operate and the
experiences you’re having in life?  Are you ready to accept
that perhaps some of these could change—some of these are
self-imposed lids that can be removed—and to allow yourself
and your self-perception to grow beyond them, or to ask for
the grace to let the lid be lifted?

Some profound questions to ponder…

To a wonderful week!

Your friend and partner in life & health,

Dr. Ben