Just posted this quick video tip on a practice that’s been a powerful way for me to begin and end the day, and wanted to share it with you – let me know your own tips & experiences in the comments below. Enjoy!
Dr. Ben
How to Thrive in Business & In Life
Just posted this quick video tip on a practice that’s been a powerful way for me to begin and end the day, and wanted to share it with you – let me know your own tips & experiences in the comments below. Enjoy!
Dr. Ben
I awoke Saturday morning with 3 more keys in my head that I wanted to share with you – so I ran out early to
the rooftop of the Marina Grand in New Buffalo where I enjoyed some herbal tea and recorded this quick video
for you, which ended up having 3 keys & 4 questions to transform your day…and your life. These
keys and questions have had a huge impact on my own life as I continue to practice them to this day.
Dr. Ben
Here’s three keys to creating new results in your health, business, and life
that I recorded for you while waiting for my wife in the car this weekend.
The laptop was on my knees, so the video moves a bit – if you’re sensitive
to motion, you can simply listen to the content, then ask yourself — what’s
the next step you can take to create new results? Enjoy!
Dr. Ben
Enjoy the quick video tip below, and may it contribute to creating
lasting and purposeful change for you on your path of personal transformation.
Dr. Ben
In discussion with a business colleague and fellow coach
yesterday, some key thoughts came to me that created a great
“Aha!” for her and are still percolating in me this morning,
so I wanted to share them with you.
Namely, in the midst of all your plans and activities for 2010…
…all the things calling for your attention…
…and all the “doing”…
are you creating space “to be”?
Whether it’s a few moments of sitting quietly, enjoying a warm
bath or shower, or walking or biking without your cell phone or
radio on, have you set aside 3-5 min’s…or even 10…per day to
just “be”…to connect to that sense of who you are that extends
beyond the doing…
That “being” that has value and is “there” regardless of what
you do…and regardless of what others think of what you do,
or whether what you’re doing is currently “successful” or not…
Allow yourself to connect to that sense of being…
…give yourself space to be…
Then as you return to your “doing”, you will come from a much more
powerful and centered place, and can approach your doing with a
sense of anticipation, excitement, and even joy…without feeling
that success or failure threatens who you are…
And now, as you return to the doing, here’s a couple questions
to ask yourself as we enter the second month of 2010:
Setting aside the “how to” for a moment, what would you most like
to be doing, if anything were possible?
Take a moment with this…
Perhaps even jot down what comes to you…
Next, with what you’re currently doing, what do you actually love?
What is it you love about it?
Perhaps there’s a way to carry forward aspects of what you love
in other forms or other arenas…while at the same time letting go
of other aspects that no longer serve you and the purposes you’re
choosing for yourself now.
Food for thought…and I look forward to hearing your own comments
Dr. Ben