Feeling Good–Now or Later?

I have lived much of my life rather compulsively—feeling that
if I just got such and such done, then I could relax and feel

How about you?  Are you waiting until your house is clean,
your taxes are done, your weight is just right, or you’ve
finally made it financially—are you waiting until then to
feel good?

Most of us tend to do this by default—it’s how we’ve been

But what I’ve discovered is that choosing to feel good now
not only is more enjoyable, but also opens the door for all
these other things, at least the ones that are truly important,
to get done in their own good time as well.

How can you feel good before everything’s the way you want it?
Ah…that’s an art and a discipline we all are learning. 

First of all, recognize that it’s a choice—what you choose to
say to yourself, how you choose to view a situation, what
attitude you choose to have, and what influences you surround
yourself with.  A great first step is simply choosing to be
grateful—give thanks for everything good in your life right
now, and even step out and give thanks for the good that’s
coming as if it’s already yours.

To a blessed and wonderful week!

Dr. Ben

Can you reverse aging through mindfulness?

Just saw this really cool study on Eric Berger the “SciGuy” s blog on the effects that our surroundings and the “signals” we give ourselves can have on our very biology and how we age.

Take the 30 seconds to read the article here, and remember that there’s always “more than meets” the eye that affects your healing and health!

If you have some personal experiences with this, let us know in the comments below.


Dr. Ben

For your weekend listening…

Just learned about this interview between Bob Proctor & John
Assaraf (2 of the spkrs on The Secret DVD), where John talks
about the personal strategies behind his success, and the key
role Bob played.

I’ve had the privilege of meeting John Assaraf a few years
ago, and am looking forward to listening to this interview
myself this weekend!

You can access it here.


Dr. Ben

Shifts your perspective powerfully in a moment…

I’ve been wanting to share with you a way of looking at things
that has powerfully impacted me (and therefore my family *smile*)
in the last 4-6 weeks, and I finally took a few moments now to
jot this down.

Ever encounter circumstances—in your money, health, or
relationships—where you suddenly feel, “Oh no…what am I
going to do?”

Well, the next time that happens, how about saying to yourself,
“I’m looking forward to seeing how this will unfold.”

What does that do for you?

Well, it immediately shifts your focus from only what you can
“see” right now—which might be a glaring lack of health, a
lack of money, or something troubling that’s just come up in
your circumstances or your relationships…

And this phrase,”Hmm…I’m looking forward to seeing how this
will unfold” immediately shifts your view to an “unseen” trust
and assumption that “all is well” even though you can’t see it
right now…and implies that things WILL unfold beyond what you
can see now…

unfold for good…

maybe even something much better than what you’ve been thinking
about so far…

and simply opening that door with the phrase, “I’m looking forward
to seeing how this will unfold” immediately shifts your emotional
energy state…

and that not only helps you feel better in the moment…

it also keeps you open to possibilities you might have missed had
you stayed in the “shut down” state of “Oh, no!”

Practice this with yourself this week, and let me know your own
experiences below!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  I received the above idea from a wonderful woman, Sue Anne
Macgregor, who does a unique process (by phone or in person) called
holographic repatterning that has greatly blessed me at key
junctures in my business and family life over the past several
years.  You can reach Sue Ann on her business line at 972-898-8833.

Let me  know your own experiences with “powerful shifts in perspective” below.

If you’ve been thinking about your finances lately…

Just read this “Special Wealth Report” from one of Bob Proctor’s proteges…very creatively done, only takes minutes to read, and makes a powerful point.

If you’ve been thinking about your finances at all these days, take a few moment’s break and read this report, then let me know how it impacts your own thinking in the comments below,
